
Senaratne Galkadowite Gametiralalage

Doctor of Philosophy, (Technology)
Study Completed: 2009
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Microwave Signal processing for Foreign Object Identification.

Mr Senaratne鈥檚 research produced a non-invasive microwave detection technique to identify and locate an internal object hidden inside a host material. His research focused on the development of a simple and cost-effective detecting system which may be practically suited for first level breast cancer detection. The research has solved the forward and inverse problems associated with microwave scattering from the object boundary. The significant differences in the dielectric properties of a malignant tumour and healthy breast tissue make it possible to estimate the size and the position of a tumour using microwave frequencies. The analytical results of the algorithms developed by Mr Senaratne agree with experimental results. It is hoped that the promising outcomes of this research may lead to further advances in the design of algorithms for the detection of embedded objects in the future.

Emeritus Professor Graeme Wake
Dr Ray Simpkin
Associate Professor Winston Sweatman
Dr Rb Keam