
Kate Hill

Doctor of Philosophy, (Veterinary Science)
Study Completed: 2016
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Methimazole administration to cats: in vivo and in vitro studies of transdermal absorption

Read article at Massey Research Online:

Hyperthyroidism, also known as overactive thyroid, is a very common condition in cats older than ten years of age. The most frequent treatment option for affected cats is methimazole pills administered by mouth. Ms Hill developed a revolutionary new way to deliver methimazole to cats by rubbing the drug in a suitable formulation into the inside of cats'' ears once a day. A series of studies proved that the methimazole is effectively absorbed through the skin after applying it to the inner ear. The technology behind this novel formulation of methimazole has been patented worldwide and licensed to Bayer Animal Health. The novel formulation provides a means to deliver the drug in a stress-free way that benefits the cat, its owner and veterinary practice personnel.

Associate Professor Paul Chambers
Professor Boyd Jones
Associate Professor David Thomas