
Khairul Kasim

Doctor of Philosophy, (Food Technology)
Study Completed: 2016
College of Health


Thesis Title
Phytochemical variation during blueberry juice processing

Read article at Massey Research Online:

Blueberries contain a wide range of beneficial phytochemicals that respond differently to the various steps involved in industrial juice processing. The industry would like to predict the impact on juice composition of modifications to the many unit operations that make up the juicing process. Miss Kasim investigated the impact of the physical and chemical processes that occur during these unit operations on three different classes of phytochemicals. From the data, she developed a mathematical model that predicts the proportion of different classes of phytochemicals that will be retained in the finished juice and demonstrated that blanching is an important step in preventing phytochemical losses. This model has the ability to help juice processors keep the health-promoting qualities of whole blueberries when producing juice.

Professor Julian Heyes
Dr Roger Hurst
Dr Alistair Carr