
Ali Ashher Zaidi

Doctor of Philosophy, (Mathematics)
Study Completed: 2015
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Mathematics of Cell Growth

Read article at Massey Research Online:

Stem cells have the ability to divide either symmetrically or asymmetrically. The balance between these two modes of division is regulated in accordance with the needs of the body. Any defect in the division mechanism of stem cells may lead to brain tumours. The study of cell population dynamics has therefore become increasingly significant. Mr Zaidi''sresearch focused on the cell growth and division process. He formulated a mathematical model to describe and analyse information about symmetric and asymmetric cell division and growth. This mathematical model involved unusual linear functional partial differential equations. He developed a novel technique whereby an initial boundary value problem involving a first order linear functional partial differential equation can be solved. The effect of incorporating variable cell-growth, which greatly changes the nature of the problem, was also analysed.

Emeritus Professor Graeme Wake
Associate Professor Bruce Van Brunt