
Sadia Sattar

Doctor of Philosophy, (Biochemistry)
Study Completed: 2014
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Filamentous phage-derived nano-rods for applications in diagnostics and vaccines

Read article at Massey Research Online:

Filamentous bacteriophage鈥檚 can be used as detector probes in diagnostic devices and as antigen carriers for vaccine development. However, their application in both fields is controversial due to their large length to diameter ratio (which impairs their diffusion) and due to their ability to replicate in gut E. coli and disseminate unwanted genetic material within the human gut and in the environment. To overcome these problems, Ms Sattar constructed Ff-nano particles (50 nm x 6 nm) that do not carry any viral or bacterial genes. She developed improved protocols for production and purification of functionalized Ff-nano particles. Her investigation indicated their superior resistance to ionic detergents at high temperatures in comparison to full-length phage particles. She successfully demonstrated the use of functionalized nanophage particles in lateral flow dipstick devices and as antigen carriers in a vaccine trial. Her results demonstrate that these nanoparticles have excellent potential for generating good immune response. 聽

Professor Jasna Rakonjac
Professor Kathryn Stowell