
Susanne Bauer

Doctor of Philosophy, (Fine Arts)
Study Completed: 2019
College of Creative Arts


Thesis Title
The Quarry

Read article at Massey Research Online:

This creative practice research proposed a 'fictional archaeology' as a conceptually and methodologically distinct mode of inquiry into the traces of human engagement with the material world, and as an exploration of non-linear notions of temporality. Ms Bauer's research was situated within a contemporary context, characterised by a heavily mediated environment and associated shifting experiences of materiality, space and temporality, which linear, chronological narratives seemed increasingly inadequate to capture. Influenced by and interwoven with narratives, like the novel Man in the Holocene by Max Frisch, this inquiry unfolded in a fictional realm. It recognised narrative connectivity as a key to making meaning of the traces of the past. A final installation titled The Quarry presented a suite of art works referencing architectural remnants, artefacts, imprints and fossils, which articulated the research findings as a form of a spatial, non-linear relationality of time.

Professor Heather Galbraith
Distinguished Professor Anne Noble
Ms Cassandra Barnett