
Mr Chris Kendrick staff profile picture

Contact details +6469518155

Chris Kendrick

Senior Lecturer

School of Health Sciences

My career in science commenced as a Laboratory Technician in the dairy industry but after a year at this job I commenced training to become a Medical Laboratory Technologist in the Lab at Wanganui Hospital.  I specialised in Haematology/Immunohaematology and Microbiology with much of my professional career spent in the area of Blood Transfusion.  I moved from the of the Blood Bank at Wanganui Hospital to the Manawatu Regional Blood Service and in 1985.  In 1993 I took up a position as lecturer at 麻豆视频 to teach Haematology and Transfusion Science in the Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science degree.  I have an ongoing interest in the professional affairs of Medical Laboratory Scientists and have served on the Council of the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science retiring from the Presidency of this organisation after 16 years.  I have recently been awarded Life Membership of the NZIMLS.  I have been appointed to the Board of the Medical Sciences Council of NZ.  Since commencing at Massey I have completed a GradDipSci (Microbiology/Immunology) and an MSc for my thesis on “Transfusion related endotoxaemia caused by Yersinia enterocolitica in New Zealand”.  I am principal supervisor for student MSc projects that span my research interests in the subject areas of Haematology & Transfusion Science. 

Commencing my career as a Laboratory Technician in the dairy industry I commenced training as a Medical Laboratory Technologist to Wanganui Hospital.  In 1993 I joined the staff at Massey to teach Haematology and Transfusion Science in the newly established Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science degree.  My research interests are in the areas of diagnostic pathology, haematology, blood grouping and transfusion transmitted infections.   

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Contact details

  • Ph: 06 3569099 extn 85155
    Location: A2.65, Riddet
    Campus: Turitea

Prizes and Awards

  • Life Membership awarded by the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science, Hamilton 2013. Award in recognition of my contribution to the MLS Profession in New Zealand over fourty years. - New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science (2013)
  • Evaluation of Iron Stores after Red Blood Cell donation by Zinc Protoporphyrin Analysis. T Toffolo, R Gammon, C Kendrick, P Morel. Top poster prize awarded at the American Association of Blood Banks Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA October 2016. - American Association of Blood Banks (2016)
  • N Sibanda, H Blacklock, I Zeng & C Kendrick. Helicobacter pylori infection and the platelet count. NZ Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. Volume 70;(3) November 2016. Awarded the top article published in the NZ Journal of Medical Laboratory Science in 2016. - New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science (2017)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

The medical science related areas of Haematology and Transfusion Science.  I supervise student research that has involved a wide variety of subjects mainly in the application of new methodologies in diagnostic pathology.  


Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Biological Sciences (060000): Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified (069999):
Clinical Sciences (110300): Medical And Health Sciences (110000): Medical and Health Sciences not elsewhere classified (119999):
Other Biological Sciences (069900):
Other Medical and Health Sciences (119900)


Haematology & Transfusion Science

Research Outputs


Doughty, H., Chowdhury, F., Ameh, V., Batrick, N., Baxter, L., Bolton–Maggs, P., . . . Frith, L. (2020). Emergency preparedness, resilience and response guidance for UK hospital transfusion teams. Transfusion Medicine. 30(3), 177-185
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Ng, J., Blacklock, H., Christensen, P., & Kendrick, CJ. (2020). Vitamin B<inf>12</inf> and folate levels in the cord blood of the newborn at Middlemore hospital. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 74(1), 44-47
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Gammon, RR., Kozel, T., Morel, P., & Kendrick, C. (2018). Evaluation of iron stores by zinc protoporphyrin analysis in blood donors. Lab Medicine. 49(4), 311-315
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C., Morel, P.
Legner, J., Phillips, JK., & Kendrick, CJ. (2017). Evaluation of a single dimension gel electrophoresis with immunofixation, with and without heparin, for heparin binding site defect in antithrombin deficiency. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 71(1), 7-10
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Hill, M., O’Toole, R., & Kendrick, C. (2017). Stago start max analyser validation and early reaction errors (ERE) in haemostasis testing at wellington SCL. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 71(3), 129-135
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Poffenroth, C., Mabbett, C., & Kendrick, C. (2017). The reticulocyte haemoglobin equivalent (RET_He) and laboratory screening for iron deficiency. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 71(3), 120-123
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Sibanda, N., Blacklock, H., Zeng, I., & Kendrick, C. (2016). Helicobacter pylori infection and the platelet count. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 70(3), 96-100
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Dimitrova, G., Bunkall, C., Lim, D., & Kendrick, C. (2013). Comparison of two methods for the diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease - neutrophil oxidative burst measured by the nitroblue tetrazolium slide test versus the dihydrorhodamine 123 flow cytometric assay. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 67(2), 45-51
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, C., & Anderson, R. (2006). The NZIMLS &amp; the MLSB - Who does what?. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 60(2), 46-47
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Lock, G., & Kendrick, C. (2006). Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 60(1), 3-6
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, C. (2000). Registration, annual licensing/certification and ongoing competence: Editorial. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 54(2), 43
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Potluri, K., & Kendrick, C. (1999). Thrombocytopenia - A review. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 53(1), 5-7
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Hill, M., O'Toole, R., & Kendrick, CJ. (2017). Stago start max analyser validation and early reaction errors (ERE) in haemostasis testing at Wellington SCL. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 71(3), 129-135 Retrieved from http://www.nzimls.org.nz/
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Poffenroth, C., Mabbett, C., & Kendrick, CJ. (2017). The reticulocyte haemoglobin equivalent (RET_He) and laboratory screening for iron deficiency. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 71(3), 120-123 Retrieved from http://www.nzimls.org.nz/
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, CJ., Legner, J., & Phillips, JK. (2017). Evaluation of a single dimension gel electrophoresis with immunofixation, with and without heparin, for heparin binding site defect in antithrombin deficiency. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 71(1), 7-10 Retrieved from http://www.nzimls.org.nz/
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Sibanda, N., Blacklock, H., Zeng, I., & Kendrick, CJ. (2016). Helicobacter pylori infection and the platelet count. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 70(3), 96-100 Retrieved from http://www.nzimls.org.nz/
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, CJ., Dimitrova, G., Bunkall, C., Lim, D., & Kendrick, C. (2013). Comparison of two methods for the diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease - neutrophil oxidative burst measured by the nitroblue tetrazolium slide test versus the dihydrorhodamine 123 flow cytometric assay. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 67(2), 45-51
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Lu, J., & Kendrick, CJ. (2012). Reticulocyte counts in sports medicine. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 66(2), 36-38
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Penn, R., Signorini, H., & Kendrick, CJ. (2010). Comparison of the Siemens VWF:RCo and the Instrumentation Laboratory HaemosIL von Willebrand Factor activity assays for the diagnosis of von Willebrand disease. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 64(2), 40-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, C. (2009). TH Pullar memorial address: Back to the future - are we headed there?. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 63(3), 72-74
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Povall, A., & Kendrick, CJ. (2009). Estimated platelet and differential leucocyte counts by microscopy, Sysmex XE-2100 and CellaVision™ DM96. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 63(1), 3-10
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Lock, G., & Kendrick, C. (2006). Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 60(1), 3-6
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, CJ. (2005). NZIMLS President's Report. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 59(3), 72
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, CJ. (2004). NZIMLS President's address. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 58, 91
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, CJ. (2003). NZIMLS President's Address. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 57(3), 124
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, CJ. (2002). The NZIMLS continuing professional development programme. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 56, 66-67
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, CJ., Baker, B., Morris, AJ., & O'Toole, PW. (2001). Identification of Yersinia-infected blood donors by anti-Yop IgA immunoassay. Transfusion. 41(11), 1365-1372
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, CJ. (2000). Registration, annual licensing/certification and ongoing competence. NZ Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 54(2), 43
[Journal article]Authored by: Kendrick, C.


Kendrick, CJ. (2000). Novel screening methods for the detection of Yersinia enterocolitica in infected blood used for transfusion. (Doctoral Thesis, 麻豆视频)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Kendrick, C.


Kendrick, C.TH Pullar Memorial Address: Back to the future - Are we headed there?. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 63 (3)(pp. 72 - 74). 1171-0195.
[Conference]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, C.NZIMLS president's report - 2005. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 59 (3)(pp. 72). 1171-0195.
[Conference]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, C.NZIMLS president's address - 2004. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 58 (3)(pp. 91 - 92). 1171-0195.
[Conference]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Kendrick, C.NZIMLS President's address: Chateau on the Park, Christchurch 1 <sup>st</sup> August 2003. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. 57 (3)(pp. 124). 1171-0195.
[Conference]Authored by: Kendrick, C.
Bromhead, C., Young, S., Kennedy, J., Balm, M., Nulsen, M., & Kendrick, C. (2016). How many Chlamydia infections in New Zealand are really Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)?. , New Zealand Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Conference 2016
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Bromhead, C., Kendrick, C.
Jolly, R., Marshall, N., Kendrick, C., Norman, E., Crawley, A., Hemsley, K., . . . Walkley, S. (2008). The dynamics of accumulation and excretion of glycosaminoglycan and gangliosides in brains of mice and dogs with MPSlllA:- An interpretation of pathology. In First Asia-Pacific Lysosomal Diseases Conference and the 12th National Australian MPS Society Conference(pp. 22 - 22). , First Asia-Pacific Lysosomal Diseases Conference and the 12th National Australian MPS Society Conference: Australian Mucopolysaccharidoses Society and Lysosomal Diseases New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kendrick, C., Norman, E.
Anderson, R., Saxby, P., Ward, R., Kendrick, CJ., & Dunbar, D. (2004, August). CPD viewpoint: Medicolegal aspects risks & ethics. . Hamilton,NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kendrick, C.

Consultancy and Languages


  • 2006 onwards - NZIMLS


  • English
    Last used: Always
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent