
Contact details +6469517293

Jian Cui

Senior Food Technologist

Riddet Institute

Research Outputs


Ye, A., Cui, J., & Singh, H. (2011). Proteolysis of milk fat globule membrane proteins during in vitro gastric digestion of milk. Journal of Dairy Science. 94(6), 2762-2770
[Journal article]Authored by: Cui, J., Singh, H., Ye, A.
Ye, A., Cui, J., Taneja, A., Zhu, X., & Singh, H. (2009). Evaluation of processed cheese fortified with fish oil emulsion. Food Research International. 42(8), 1093-1098
[Journal article]Authored by: Cui, J., Singh, H., Ye, A., Zhu, X.
Cui, J., Goh, KKT., Archer, R., & Singh, H. (2007). Characterisation and bioactivity of protein-bound polysaccharides from submerged-culture fermentation of Coriolus versicolor Wr-74 and ATCC-20545 strains. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 34(5), 393-402
[Journal article]Authored by: Archer, R., Cui, J., Goh, K., Singh, H.
Cui, J., & Chisti, Y. (2003). Polysaccharopeptides of Coriolus versicolor: Physiological activity, uses, and production. Biotechnology Advances. 21(2), 109-122
[Journal article]Authored by: Cui, J.


Das, S., Singh, H., Moughan, PJ., Henare, SJ., Cui, J., Wilkinson, BHP., . . . Chong, R.. 591558: Use of an edible composition
[Patent]Authored by: Cui, J., Henare, S., Singh, H.
Singh, H., Moughan, PJ., Das, S., Henare, SJ., Cui, J., Wilkinson, BHP., . . . Chong, R.. 591557: New Zealand: Method of manufacture of an edible composition
[Patent]Authored by: Cui, J., Henare, S., Singh, H.


Henare, SJ., Awati, A., Cui, J., Rutherfurd, S., Mensink, M., Deglaire, A., . . . Moughan, P. (2016, October). True ileal amino acid digestibility of a lamb meat hydrolysate and its postprandial metabolic utilization in elderly subjects. Presented at Protein for Life Conference. Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Cui, J., Henare, S.
Cui, J., Ye, A., & Singh, H. (2012). Behaviour of iron-supplemented emulsions during digestion in an in vitro intestine model. Poster session presented at the meeting of Food Structures, Digestion & Health Conference. Palmerston North, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Cui, J., Singh, H., Ye, A.
Cui, J., Ye, A., & Singh, H. (2010). Behaviour of milk fat globules with different interfacial layers during lipase digestion in a simulated intestinal environment. Poster session presented at the meeting of Inspiration - Prosperity NZIFST Conference. Auckland, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Cui, J., Singh, H., Ye, A.
Ye, A., Cui, J., & Singh, H. (2010). In vitro digestion of milk fat with different fat globule membrane and surface layer. In Thirteenth Food Colloids - On the Road ... From intervaces to consumers(pp. 65 - 66). , 13th Food Colloids 2010: On the road... From interfaces to consumers Spaiin: University of Granada, Spain
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Cui, J., Singh, H., Ye, A.