
Prof Danny Donaghy staff profile picture

Contact details +6469518112

Prof Danny Donaghy BAgrSc, PhD

Professor of Dairy Production Systems and joint Deputy Head of School/ Director of Strategy

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Agriculture and Environment


Contact details

  • Ph: 85112
    Location: 2.29, AgHort B
    Campus: Turitea


  • Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours) - La Trobe University (1994)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of New England (1999)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 麻豆视频

Research Expertise

Research Interests

pasture agronomy and physiology

grazing management

dairy farm systems

international dairy development


Future Food Systems

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences (070000): Agriculture, Land and Farm Management (070100): Agronomy (070302): Crop and Pasture Biochemistry and Physiology (070303): Crop and Pasture Nutrition (070306): Crop and Pasture Production (070300): Farming Systems Research (070107)






Research Outputs


Cartmill, AD., & Donaghy, DJ. (2024). Pasture Performance: Perspectives on Plant Persistence and Renewal in New Zealand Dairy Systems. Agronomy. 14(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cartmill, A., Donaghy, D.
Ordóñez, IP., López, IF., Kemp, PD., Donaghy, DJ., Dörner, J., García-Favre, J., . . . Zhang, Y. (2024). A short-term effect of multi-species pastures and the plant's physiological response on pasture growth. European Journal of Agronomy. 159
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Jayasinghe, JMP., Pembleton, KG., Donaghy, DJ., Ramilan, T., & Barber, DG. (2024). Long-term evaluation of pasture production, seasonality, and variability: An application of the DairyMod pasture model for three tropical species. European Journal of Agronomy. 156
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Ramilan, T.
Jayasinghe, JMP., Pembleton, KG., Barber, DG., Donaghy, DJ., & Ramilan, T. (2024). Modelling of tropical pasture growth using DairyMod: Model parameterisation and validation across multiple environments. European Journal of Agronomy. 156
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Ramilan, T.
Oliveira, BA., López, IF., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., Donaghy, DJ., Dörner, J., . . . Van Hale, R. (2024). <sup>18</sup>O isotopic labelling and soil water content fluctuations validate the hydraulic lift phenomena for C<inf>3</inf> grass species in drought conditions. Plant Stress. 11
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Nguyen, TT., Navarrete, S., Horne, D., Donaghy, D., & Kemp, P. (2024). Milk production and nitrogen excretion of grazed dairy cows in response to plantain (Plantago lanceolata) content and lactation season. Animal Bioscience. Accepted, Retrieved from https://www.animbiosci.org/journal/view.php?doi=10.5713/ab.23.0400
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Bosher, T., Della Rosa, MM., Khan, MA., Sneddon, N., Donaghy, D., & Jonker, A. (2024). Methane emissions intensity in grazing dairy cows fed graded levels of concentrate pellets. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 67(3), 296-302
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Sneddon, N.Edited by: Sneddon, N.
Looney, C., Wingler, A., Donaghy, D., & Egan, M. (2024). The Impact of Accumulating Herbage Masses in Autumn on Perennial Ryegrass Sward Characteristics. Agronomy. 14(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Dalton, JI., Hendriks, SJ., Roche, JR., Donaghy, DJ., Dela Rue, B., Kuhn-Sherlock, B., . . . Phyn, CVC. (2024). The effect of prepartum synthetic zeolite supplementation on the eating, lying and activity behaviours of grazing dairy cows. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 67(3), 336-347
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Wilson, SS., Donaghy, DJ., Horne, DJ., Navarrete, S., & Kemp, PD. (2023). Plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) content within plantain/ perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) pastures may be temporarily reduced by livestock treading damage. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. 85, 175-184
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Wilson, S.
Oliviera, BA., Lopez, IF., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., & Donaghy, DJ. (2023). Using leaf regrowth stage to define defoliation interval for diverse pastures of complementary species (Lolium perenne L., Bromus valdivianus Phil., Dactylis glomerata L. and Trifolium repens L.). Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. 85, 309-320
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
García-Favre, J., Cranston, LM., López, IF., Poli, CHEC., Donaghy, DJ., Caram, N., . . . Kemp, PD. (2023). Pasture brome and perennial ryegrass characteristics that influence ewe lamb dietary preference during different seasons and periods of the day. Animal. 17(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Nguyen, TT., Navarrete, S., Horne, D., Donaghy, D., Bryant, RH., & Kemp, P. (2023). Dairy Cows Grazing Plantain-Based Pastures Have Increased Urine Patches and Reduced Urine N Concentration That Potentially Decreases N Leaching from a Pastoral System. Animals. 13(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
García-Favre, J., López, IF., Cranston, LM., Donaghy, DJ., Kemp, PD., & Ordóñez, IP. (2023). Functional contribution of two perennial grasses to enhance pasture production and drought resistance under a leaf regrowth stage defoliation criterion. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 209(1), 144-160
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Nguyen, TT., Navarrete, S., Horne, DJ., Donaghy, DJ., & Kemp, PD. (2022). Incorporating Plantain with Perennial Ryegrass-White Clover in a Dairy Grazing System: Dry Matter Yield, Botanical Composition, and Nutritive Value Response to Sowing Rate, Plantain Content and Season. Agronomy. 12(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Jayasinghe, P., Donaghy, DJ., Barber, DG., Pembleton, KG., & Ramilan, T. (2022). Suitability Evaluation of Three Tropical Pasture Species (Mulato II, Gatton Panic, and Rhodes Grass) for Cultivation under a Subtropical Climate of Australia. Agronomy. 12(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Ramilan, T.
Kumara, SN., Parkinson, TJ., Laven, RA., Waghorn, GC., Pushpakumara, A., & Donaghy, DJ. (2022). A Nutritional Investigation of Major Feed Types and Feed Rations Used in Medium-Scale Dairy Production Systems in Sri Lanka. Animals. 12(18)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Laven, R.
Kumara, SN., Parkinson, TJ., Laven, R., & Donaghy, DJ. (2022). The Influence of Rotational Length, along with Pre- and Post-Grazing Measures on Nutritional Composition of Pasture during Winter and Spring on New Zealand Dairy Farms. Animals. 12(15)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Laven, R.
Jayasinghe, P., Ramilan, T., Donaghy, DJ., Pembleton, KG., & Barber, DG. (2022). Comparison of Nutritive Values of Tropical Pasture Species Grown in Different Environments, and Implications for Livestock Methane Production: A Meta-Analysis. Animals. 12(14)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Ramilan, T.
Nguyen, TT., Navarrete, S., Horne, DJ., Donaghy, DJ., & Kemp, PD. (2022). Forage plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.): Meta-analysis quantifying the decrease in nitrogen excretion, the increase in milk production, and the changes in milk composition of dairy cows grazing pastures containing plantain. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 285
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Horne, D.
Hendriks, SJ., Phyn, CVC., Turner, SA., Mueller, KR., Kuhn-Sherlock, B., Donaghy, DJ., . . . Roche, JR. (2022). Associations between peripartum lying and activity behaviour and blood non-esterified fatty acids and 尾-hydroxybutyrate in grazing dairy cows. Animal. 16(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Mueller, K.
Ordóñez, IP., López, IF., Kemp, PD., Donaghy, DJ., Zhang, Y., & Herrmann, P. (2021). Response of Bromus valdivianus (pasture brome) growth and physiology to defoliation frequency based on leaf stage development. Agronomy. 11(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Correa-Luna, M., Donaghy, D., Kemp, P., Schutz, M., & López-Villalobos, N. (2021). Nitrogen use efficiency and excretion in grazing cows with high and low milk urea nitrogen breeding values. Sustainability (Switzerland). 13(17)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
García-Favre, J., Zhang, Y., López, IF., Donaghy, DJ., Cranston, LM., & Kemp, PD. (2021). Decreasing defoliation frequency enhances bromus valdivianus phil. Growth under low soil water levels and interspecific competition. Agronomy. 11(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Hendriks, SJ., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Sheahan, AJ., Donaghy, DJ., & Roche, JR. (2021). Supplementation of urea to a basal pasture diet fed to dairy cows to model N-partitioning relationships. JDS Communications. 2(1), 21-26
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Correa-Luna, M., Donaghy, D., Kemp, P., Shalloo, L., Ruelle, E., Hennessy, D., . . . López-Villalobos, N. (2021). Productivity, profitability and nitrogen utilisation efficiency of two pasture-based milk production systems differing in the milking frequency and feeding level. Sustainability (Switzerland). 13(4), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
García-Favre, J., López, IF., Cranston, LM., Donaghy, DJ., & Kemp, PD. (2021). The growth response of pasture brome (Bromus valdivianus phil.) to defoliation frequency under two soil-water restriction levels. Agronomy. 11(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Hendriks, SJ., Phyn, CVC., Huzzey, JM., Mueller, KR., Turner, SA., Donaghy, DJ., . . . Roche, JR. (2020). Graduate Student Literature Review: Evaluating the appropriate use of wearable accelerometers in research to monitor lying behaviors of dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 103(12), 12140-12157
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Mueller, K.
Hendriks, SJ., Huzzey, JM., Kuhn-Sherlock, B., Turner, SA., Mueller, KR., Phyn, CVC., . . . Roche, JR. (2020). Associations between lying behavior and activity and hypocalcemia in grazing dairy cows during the transition period. Journal of Dairy Science. 103(11), 10530-10546
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Mueller, K.
Correa-Luna, M., Donaghy, D., Kemp, P., Schutz, M., & López-Villalobos, N. (2020). Efficiency of crude protein utilisation in grazing dairy cows: A case study comparing two production systems differing in intensification level in new zealand. Animals. 10(6), 1-18
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Donaghy, D., & Pacheco, D. (2019). ADSS2018 special edition. Animal Production Science. 60(1), I
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Sneddon, NW., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Garrick, DJ., Rocha, JF., & Donaghy, DJ. (2019). Regression of traits-other-than-production phenotypes for cows milked once a day on estimated breeding values obtained from cows milked twice a day. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. 79, 140-143 Retrieved from https://www.nzsap.org/proceedings/regression-traits-other-production-phenotypes-cows-milked-once-day-estimated-breeding
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Sneddon, N.
Correa-Luna, M., Donaghy, DJ., Kemp, PD., Schutz, MM., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2019). Effect of genetic merit for milk urea on milk production and efficiency of crude protein utilization of grazing cows with contrasting supplement inclusion. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. 79, 112-117 Retrieved from https://www.nzsap.org/system/files/proceedings/effect-genetic-merit-milk-urea-milk-production-and-efficiency-crude-protein-utilization-grazing-cows.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Poole, C., Donaghy, DJ., White, RR., & Roche, JR. (2019). Association among pasture-level variables and dairy cow responses to supplements. Animal Production Science. 60(1), 118-120
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Hendriks, SJ., Phyn, CVC., Turner, SA., Mueller, KM., Kuhn-Sherlock, B., Donaghy, DJ., . . . Roche, JR. (2019). Lying behavior and activity during the transition period of clinically healthy grazing dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 102(8), 7371-7384
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Mueller, K.
Hendriks, SJ., Phyn, CVC., Turner, SA., Mueller, KR., Kuhn-Sherlock, B., Donaghy, DJ., . . . Roche, JR. (2019). Effect of weather on activity and lying behaviour in clinically healthy grazing dairy cows during the transition period. Animal Production Science. 60(1), 148-153
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Mueller, K.
Flay, HE., Kuhn-Sherlock, B., Macdonald, KA., Camara, M., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Donaghy, DJ., . . . Roche, JR. (2019). Hot topic: Selecting cattle for low residual feed intake did not affect daily methane production but increased methane yield. Journal of Dairy Science. 102(3), 2708-2713
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Cranston, LM., Pembleton, KG., Burkitt, LL., Curtis, A., Donaghy, DJ., Gourley, CJP., . . . Rawnsley, RP. (2019). The role of forage management in addressing challenges facing Australasian dairy farming. Animal Production Science. 60(1), 26-35
[Journal article]Authored by: Burkitt, L., Cranston, L., Donaghy, D.
Lopez-Villalobos, N., Correa-Luna, M., Burke, JL., Sneddon, NW., Schutz, MM., Donaghy, DJ., . . . Kemp, PD. (2018). Genetic parameters for milk urea concentration and milk traits in New Zealand grazing dairy cattle. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. 78, 56-61 Retrieved from https://www.nzsap.org/proceedings/genetic-parameters-milk-urea-concentration-and-milk-traits-new-zealand-grazing-dairy
[Journal article]Authored by: Burke, J., Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Sneddon, N.
Correa-Luna, M., López-Villalobos, N., Almeida Jr, GA., Donaghy, DJ., & Kemp, PD. (2018). Phenotypic correlations of milk urea and the efficiency of crude protein utilization with milk yield traits and cow performance in two contrasting dairy systems in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. 78, 76-81 Retrieved from https://www.nzsap.org/proceedings/phenotypic-correlations-milk-urea-and-efficiency-crude-protein-utilization-milk-yield
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Pembleton, KG., Rawnsley, RP., Turner, LR., Corkrey, R., & Donaghy, DJ. (2017). Quantifying the interactions between defoliation interval, defoliation intensity and nitrogen fertiliser application on the nutritive value of rainfed and irrigated perennial ryegrass. Crop and Pasture Science. 68(12), 1100-1111
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Lopez-Villalobos, N., Amorre, J., Rocha, J., Sneddon, N., Burke, J., & Donaghy, DJ. (2017). OAD milking - dairy 1 massey university. Jersey focus. (September 2017), 13-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Burke, J., Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Sneddon, N.
Rocha, JF., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Burke, JL., Sneddon, NW., & Donaghy, DJ. (2018). Factors that influence the survival of dairy cows milked once a day. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 61(1), 42-56
[Journal article]Authored by: Burke, J., Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Sneddon, N.
Roche, JR., Berry, DP., Bryant, AM., Burke, CR., Butler, ST., Dillon, PG., . . . Macmillan, KL. (2017). A 100-Year Review: A century of change in temperate grazing dairy systems. Journal of Dairy Science. 100(12), 10189-10233
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Rocha, JF., López-Villalobos, N., Burke, JL., & Donaghy, DJ. (2017). Traits other than production over lactations and production seasons in dairy cows milked once a day in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 60(4), 386-403
[Journal article]Authored by: Burke, J., Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Kaufononga, S., Donaghy, DJ., Hendriks, SJ., Matthew, C., Kemp, PD., & Cranston, LM. (2017). Comparative response of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass swards to variation in defoliation interval and height. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 60(4), 363-375
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D.
Hendriks, SJ., Donaghy, DJ., Cranston, LM., Edwards, GR., & Chapman, DF. (2017). Perennial ryegrass breeding and the scaling issue: A review of system experiments investigating milk production and profit differences among cultivars. Animal Production Science. 57(7), 1289-1296
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D.
Chobtang, J., McLaren, SJ., Ledgard, SF., & Donaghy, DJ. (2017). Environmental trade-offs associated with intensification methods in a pasture-based dairy system using prospective attributional Life Cycle Assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 143, 1302-1312
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., McLaren, S.
Chobtang, J., McLaren, SJ., Ledgard, SF., & Donaghy, DJ. (2017). Consequential Life Cycle Assessment of Pasture-based Milk Production: A Case Study in the Waikato Region, New Zealand. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 21(5), 1139-1152
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., McLaren, S.
Hendricks, S., Donaghy, D., Matthew, C., Bretherton, M., Sneddon, N., Cosgrove, G., . . . Hedley, M. (2016). Dry matter yield, nutritive value and tiller density of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass swards under grazing. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. 78, 149-156
[Journal article]Authored by: Christensen, C., Donaghy, D., Sneddon, N.
Phillips, HM., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., & Donaghy, DJ. (2016). Natural seedling recruitment of Plantago lanceolata cv. ‘Ceres Tonic’ in an established sward. Agro Sur. 44(2), 3-11
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Donaghy, D.
Chobtang, J., Ledgard, SF., McLaren, SJ., & Donaghy, DJ. (2017). Life cycle environmental impacts of high and low intensification pasture-based milk production systems: A case study of the Waikato region, New Zealand. Journal of Cleaner Production. 140, 664-674
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., McLaren, S.
Lembeye, F., López-Villalobos, N., Burke, JL., Davis, SR., Richardson, J., Sneddon, NW., . . . Donaghy, DJ. (2016). Comparative performance in Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and crossbred cows milked once daily under a pasture-based system in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 59(4), 351-362
[Journal article]Authored by: Burke, J., Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Sneddon, N.
Chobtang, J., Ledgard, SF., McLaren, SJ., Zonderland-Thomassen, M., & Donaghy, DJ. (2016). Appraisal of environmental profiles of pasture-based milk production: a case study of dairy farms in the Waikato region, New Zealand. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 21(3), 311-325
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D., McLaren, S.
Turner, LR., Donaghy, DJ., Pembleton, KG., & Rawnsley, RP. (2015). Longer defoliation interval ensures expression of the 'high sugar' trait in perennial ryegrass cultivars in cool temperate Tasmania, Australia. Journal of Agricultural Science. 153(6), 995-1005
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Rawnsley, RP., Langworthy, AD., Pembleton, KG., Turner, LR., Corkrey, R., & Donaghy, DJ. (2014). Quantifying the interactions between grazing interval, grazing intensity, and nitrogen on the yield and growth rate of dryland and irrigated perennial ryegrass. Crop and Pasture Science. 65(8), 735-746
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Smith, RW., Statham, M., Norton, TW., Rawnsley, RP., Statham, HL., Gracie, AJ., . . . Donaghy, DJ. (2012). Effects of wildlife grazing on the production, ground cover and plant species composition of an established perennial pasture in the Midlands region, Tasmania. Wildlife Research. 39(2), 123-136
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Turner, LR., Holloway-Phillips, MM., Rawnsley, RP., Donaghy, DJ., & Pembleton, KG. (2012). The morphological and physiological responses of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.; syn. Schedonorus phoenix Scop.) to variable water availability. Grass and Forage Science. 67(4), 507-518
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Smith, RW., Statham, M., Norton, TW., Rawnsley, RP., Statham, HL., Gracie, AJ., . . . Donaghy, D. (2012). Effects of wildlife grazing on the production, ground cover and plant species composition of an established perennial pasture in the Midlands region, Tasmania. Wildlife Research. 39(2), 123-136 Retrieved from http://www.publish.csiro.au/?paper=WR11032
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Turner, LR., Holloway-Phillips, MM., Rawnsley, RP., Donaghy, D., & Pembleton, KG. (2012). The morphological and physiological responses of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.)and tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae Shreb.; syn. Schedonorus phoenix Scop.) to variable water availability. Grass and Forage Science. 67(4), 507-518 Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2494.2012.00866.x/abstract
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Adediran, SA., Ratkowsky, DA., Donaghy, DJ., & Malau-Aduli, AEO. (2012). Comparative evaluation of a new lactation curve model for pasture-based Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 95(9), 5344-5356
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Irvine, LD., Freeman, MJ., Donaghy, DJ., Yoon, I., Lee, G., & Roche, JR. (2011). Short communication: Responses to supplemental Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product and triticale grain in dairy cows grazing high-quality pasture in early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science. 94(6), 3119-3123
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Pembleton, KG., Rawnsley, RP., & Donaghy, DJ. (2011). Yield and water-use efficiency of contrasting lucerne genotypes grown in a cool temperate environment. Crop and Pasture Science. 62(7), 610-623
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Lee, JM., Sathish, P., Donaghy, DJ., & Roche, JR. (2011). Impact of defoliation severity on photosynthesis, carbon metabolism and transport gene expression in perennial ryegrass. Functional Plant Biology. 38(10), 808-817
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Pembleton, KG., Donaghy, DJ., Volenec, JJ., Smith, RS., & Rawnsley, RP. (2010). Yield, yield components and shoot morphology of four contrasting lucerne (Medicago sativa) cultivars grown in three cool temperate environments. Crop and Pasture Science. 61(6), 503-511
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Pembleton, KG., Volenec, JJ., Rawnsley, RP., & Donaghy, DJ. (2010). Partitioning of taproot constituents and crown bud development are affected by water deficit in regrowing alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Crop Science. 50(3), 989-999
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Lee, JM., Roche, JR., Donaghy, DJ., Thrush, A., & Sathish, P. (2010). Validation of reference genes for quantitative RT-PCR studies of gene expression in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). BMC Molecular Biology. 11
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Adediran, SA., Nish, P., Donaghy, DJ., Ratkowsky, DA., & Malau-Aduli, AEO. (2010). Genetic and environmental factors influencing milk, protein and fat yields of pasture-based dairy cows in Tasmania. Animal Production Science. 50(4), 265-275
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Pembleton, KG., Smith, RS., Rawnsley, RP., Donaghy, DJ., & Humphries, AW. (2010). Genotype by environment interactions of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) in a cool temperate climate. Crop and Pasture Science. 61(6), 493-502
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Lee, JM., Sathish, P., Donaghy, DJ., & Roche, JR. (2010). Plants modify biological processes to ensure survival following carbon depletion: A Lolium perenne model. PLoS ONE. 5(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Pembleton, KG., Rawnsley, RP., Donaghy, DJ., & Volenec, JJ. (2009). Water deficit alters canopy structure but not photosynthesis during the regrowth of alfalfa. Crop Science. 49(2), 722-731
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Lee, JM., Donaghy, DJ., Sathish, P., & Roche, JR. (2009). Interaction between water-soluble carbohydrate reserves and defoliation severity on the regrowth of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)-dominant swards. Grass and Forage Science. 64(3), 266-275
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Roche, JR., Turner, LR., Lee, JM., Edmeades, DC., Donaghy, DJ., Macdonald, KA., . . . Berry, DP. (2009). Weather, herbage quality and milk production in pastoral systems. 4. Effects on dairy cattle production. Animal Production Science. 49(3), 222-232
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Roche, JR., Turner, LR., Lee, JM., Edmeades, DC., Donaghy, DJ., Macdonald, KA., . . . Berry, DP. (2009). Weather, herbage quality and milk production in pastoral systems. 2. Temporal patterns and intra-relationships in herbage quality and mineral concentration parameters. Animal Production Science. 49(3), 200-210
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Roche, JR., Turner, LR., Lee, JM., Edmeades, DC., Donaghy, DJ., Macdonald, KA., . . . Berry, DP. (2009). Weather, herbage quality and milk production in pastoral systems. 3. Inter-relationships and associations between weather variables and herbage growth rate, quality and mineral concentration. Animal Production Science. 49(3), 211-221
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Roche, JR., Turner, LR., Lee, JM., Edmeades, DC., Donaghy, DJ., Macdonald, KA., . . . Berry, DP. (2009). Weather, herbage quality and milk production in pastoral systems. 1. Temporal patterns and intra-relationships in weather variables. Animal Production Science. 49(3), 192-199
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Rawnsley, RP., Cullen, BR., Turner, LR., Donaghy, DJ., Freeman, M., & Christie, KM. (2009). Potential of deficit irrigation to increase marginal irrigation response of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) on Tasmanian dairy farms. Crop and Pasture Science. 60(12), 1156-1164
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Lee, JM., Donaghy, DJ., & Roche, JR. (2008). Short communication: Effect of postgrazing residual pasture height on milk production. Journal of Dairy Science. 91(11), 4307-4311
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Lee, JM., Elborough, K., Whittaker, D., Donaghy, DJ., & Roche, JR. (2008). Effect of surface application of benzylaminopurine before and during water deficit on herbage production and quality. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(9), 1232-1236
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Lee, JM., Donaghy, DJ., & Roche, JR. (2008). Effect of defoliation severity on regrowth and nutritive value of perennial ryegrass dominant swards. Agronomy Journal. 100(2), 308-314
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Lee, JM., Elborough, K., Catto, WD., Donaghy, DJ., & Roche, JR. (2008). Effect of surface applied glycine betaine on herbage production and quality of perennial ryegrass-white clover pastures. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(5), 687-694
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Donaghy, DJ., Turner, LR., & Adamczewski, KA. (2008). Effect of defoliation management on water-soluble carbohydrate energy reserves, dry matter yields, and herbage quality of tall fescue. Agronomy Journal. 100(1), 122-127
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Turner, LR., Donaghy, DJ., Lane, PA., & Rawnsley, RP. (2007). A comparison of the establishment, productivity, and feed quality of four cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) and four brome (Bromus spp.) cultivars, under leaf stage based defoliation management. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(9), 900-906
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Lee, JM., Donaghy, DJ., & Roche, JR. (2007). The effect of grazing severity and fertiliser application during winter on herbage regrowth and quality of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 47(7), 825-832
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Turner, LR., Donaghy, DJ., Lane, PA., & Rawnsley, RP. (2007). Patterns of leaf and root regrowth, and allocation of water-soluble carbohydrate reserves following defoliation of plants of prairie grass (Bromus willdenowii Kunth.). Grass and Forage Science. 62(4), 497-506
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Turner, LR., Donaghy, DJ., Lane, PA., & Rawnsley, RP. (2006). Effect of defoliation interval on water-soluble carbohydrate and nitrogen energy reserves, regrowth of leaves and roots, and tiller number of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) plants. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 57(2), 243-249
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Turner, LR., Donaghy, DJ., Lane, PA., & Rawnsley, RP. (2006). Effect of defoliation management, based on leaf stage, on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), prairie grass (Bromus willdenowii Kunth.) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) under dryland conditions. 1. Regrowth, tillering and water-soluble carbohydrate concentration. Grass and Forage Science. 61(2), 164-174
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Turner, LR., Donaghy, DJ., Lane, PA., & Rawnsley, RP. (2006). Changes in the physiology and feed quality of prairie grass during regrowth. Agronomy Journal. 98(5), 1326-1332
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Turner, LR., Donaghy, DJ., Lane, PA., & Rawnsley, RP. (2006). Effect of defoliation management, based on leaf stage, on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), prairie grass (Bromus willdenowii Kunth.) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) under dryland conditions. 2. Nutritive value. Grass and Forage Science. 61(2), 175-181
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Callow, MN., Fulkerson, WJ., Donaghy, DJ., Morris, RJ., Sweeney, G., & Upjohn, B. (2005). Response of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) to renovation in Australian dairy pastures. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 45(12), 1559-1565
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Donaghy, DJ., & Fulkerson, WJ. (2002). The impact of defoliation frequency and nitrogen fertilizer application in spring on summer survival of perennial ryegrass under grazing in subtropical Australia. Grass and Forage Science. 57(4), 351-359
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Rawnsley, RP., Donaghy, DJ., Fulkerson, WJ., & Lane, PA. (2002). Changes in the physiology and feed quality of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) during regrowth. Grass and Forage Science. 57(3), 203-211
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Fulkerson, WJ., & Donaghy, DJ. (2001). Plant-soluble carbohydrate reserves and senescence - Key criteria for developing an effective grazing management system for ryegrass-based pastures: A review. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 41(2), 261-275
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Donaghy, DJ., & Fulkerson, WJ. (1998). Priority for allocation of water-soluble carbohydrate reserves during regrowth of Lolium perenne. Grass and Forage Science. 53(3), 211-218
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Donaghy, DJ., Scott, JM., & Fulkerson, WJ. (1997). Effect of defoliation frequency and summer irrigation on survival of perennial (Lolium perenne) and biennial (Lolium multiflorum) ryegrass in the subtropics. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 37(5), 537-545
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Donaghy, DJ., & Fulkerson, WJ. (1997). The importance of water-soluble carbohydrate reserves on regrowth and root growth of Lolium perenne (L.). Grass and Forage Science. 52(4), 401-407
[Journal article]Authored by: Donaghy, D.


Roche, JR., Washburn, SP., Berry, DP., Donaghy, D., & Horan, B. (2017). Seasonal pasture-based dairy production systems. In DK. Beede (Ed.) Large Dairy Herd Management. (pp. 99 - 114). Champaign, Illinois: American Dairy Science Association
[Chapter]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Birchall, S., Burkitt, L., Day, P., Donaghy, D., Goudy, A., Hall, D., . . . Ward, G. (2015). Nitrogen and nitrogen fertilisers. In DJ. Donaghy (Ed.) Dairy soils and fertiliser manual. (pp. 12-1 - 12-25). : Dairy Australia
[Chapter]Authored by: Burkitt, L., Donaghy, D.Edited by: Donaghy, D.

Creative Work

Lockhart, J., Donaghy, DJ., & Gow, H.AugustLockhart, J., Donaghy, DJ., & Gow, H.AugustLockhart, J., Donaghy, DJ., & Gow, H.Lockhart, J., Donaghy, DJ., & Gow, H.Lockhart, J., Donaghy, DJ., & Gow, H.
[Media]Authored by: Donaghy, D.


Donaghy, D. (1998). Improving the production and persistence of temperate pasture species in subtropical dairy regions of Australia. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Donaghy, D.


McCarthy, S., Wims, C., Lee, J., & Donaghy, DJ.(2015). perennial ryegrass grazing management in spring.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Donaghy, D.


Jayasinghe, JMP., Donaghy, DJ., Pembleton, KG., Barber, DG., & Ramilan, T.Preliminary results of parameterisation of DairyMod pasture model for tropical pasture; Brachiaria. Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM. (pp. 99 - 105).
[Conference]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Ramilan, T.
Hendriks, S., Phyn, CVC., Turner, S-A., Mueller, KR., Kuhn-Sherlock, B., Donaghy, D., . . . Roche, JR. (2020). Technical note: A comparison of editing criteria for lying-behaviour data derived from three-dimensional accelerometer devices on grazing dairy cows. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. Vol. 80 (pp. 8 - 13). : New Zealand Society of Animal Science and Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Mueller, K.
Sneddon, N., Donaghy, D., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2020). Genetic parameters, breed and heterosis effects for conformation scores in cows milked once a day. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. Vol. 80 (pp. 51 - 54). : New Zealand Society of Animal Science and Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Sneddon, N.
Jiang, H., Hickson, R., Woods, O., Morandeau, M., Burke, J., Correa-Luna, M., . . . Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2020). Persistency and lactation curves modelled using nonlinear random regression in dairy cows milked once a day. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. Vol. 80 (pp. 131 - 136). : New Zealand Society of Animal Science and Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burke, J., Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Lu, Y., Hickson, R., Gedye, K., Correa-Luna, M., Donaghy, D., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2020). Milk composition and productive and reproductive performance of cows from A1 and A2 尾-casein variants, milked once or twice a day. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. Vol. 80 (pp. 137 - 142). : New Zealand Society of Animal Science and Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Jarman, J., Kay, J., Neal, M., Donaghy, D., & Tozer, P. (2020). Implications of using an extended lactation to change from a spring-calving to an autumn-calving farm system in South Taranaki. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. Vol. 80 (pp. 143 - 149). : New Zealand Society of Animal Science and Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Tozer, P.
Lopez-Villalobos, N., Ariyarathne, HBPC., Gedye, K., Correa-Luna, M., & Donaghy, DJ.Association of a SNP in the DGAT1 gene with productive and reproductive performance and profitability in grazing cows milked once and twice a day.. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE. (pp. 74 - 74). 0022-0302.
[Conference]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Ordóñez, I., López, I., Kemp, P., Donaghy, D., Horne, D., & Dorner, J. (2019). Consequences of botanical composition and its changes over time on soil water dynamics. Proceedings of the XXII Latin American Soil Science Congress. : XXII Latin American Soil Science Congress
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Horne, D.
Hendriks, S., Phyn, C., Turner, S-A., Mueller, K., Kuhn-Sherlock, B., Donaghy, D., . . . Roche, J. (2019). The use of precision technologies to predict calving and ill-health in transition dairy cows. Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists Science Week 2019 Proceedings (Cattle). (pp. 21 - 22). : Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists Science Week
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Mueller, K.
Hendriks, S., Phyn, C., Turner, S-A., Mueller, K., Donaghy, D., Kuhn-Sherlock, B., . . . Roche, J. (2018). Profiling behavioral changes during the transition period in clinically healthy grazing dairy cows.. Journal of Animal Science. (pp. 72 - 72). : ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting and Trade Show
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Mueller, K.
Van Der Spek, P., Sneddon, NW., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Donaghy, DJ., Laven, RA., Mueller, KR., . . . Doohan, H. (2017). Comparison of health and reproductive treatments over three seasons for once-a-day and twice-a-day milking herds. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2017. Vol. 77 (pp. 211 - 215). : Annual Conference of the New Zealand Society for Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Laven, R., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Mueller, K., Sneddon, N.
Van Der Spek, P., Sneddon, NW., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Donaghy, DJ., Laven, RA., Mueller, KR., . . . Doohan, H. (2017). Comparison of health and reproductive treatments over three seasons for once-a-day and twice-a-day milking herds.. , Annual Conference of the New Zealand Society for Animal Production 2017
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Laven, R., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Mueller, K., Sneddon, N.
Lopez Campbell, IF., Ordoñez, IP., Kemp, PD., Donaghy, DJ., Herrmann, P., Hernández, F., . . . Bhatia, S. (2017). Pasture brome (Bromus valdivianus) leaf growth physiology: a six-leaf grass species. In SL. Woodward (Ed.) Agronomy New Zealand. Vol. 47 (pp. 13 - 22).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez Campbell, I.
Correa Luna, M., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Donaghy, DJ., Kemp, PD., & Almeida, GA. (2017). Brief communication: efficiency of crude protein utilzation and milk urea nitrogen content in friesian, jersey and crossbred cows milked once daily. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 77 (pp. 91 - 92). : New Zealand society of animal production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Lopez-Villalobos, N., Sneddon, NW., & Donaghy, DJ. (2017). Random regression curves for body condition score and live weight from cows in two different dairy systems over three seasons. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 77 (pp. 72 - 76). : New Zealand society of animal production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Sneddon, N.
Gow, H., Goldsack, B., Lockhart, J., Watters, A., & Donaghy, DJ. (2016, June). Prospering within new and volatile market dynamics. Presented at South Island Dairy Event conference. Invercargill, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Kay, J., Roche, J., Donaghy, DJ., & Hughes, T. (2016). FeedRight. Proceedings of the South Island Dairy Event conference. (pp. 1 - 18). : South Island Dairy Event Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Donaghy, DJ., & Clarke, B. (2016). The grass whisperers - making pastures perform for you. Proceedings of the South Island Dairy Event conference. : South Island Dairy Event conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Chobtang, J., Ledgard, SF., McLaren, SJ., & Donaghy, DJ. (2016). Life cycle environmental impacts of future dairy farming intensification scenarios: A comparison of intensified systems based on nitrogen fertiliser versus maize silage. In LD. Currie, & R. Singh (Eds.) Integrated nutient and water management for sustainable farming. (pp. 1 - 7). Palmerston North, New Zealand: 29th Annual Fertilizer & Lime Research Centre - Integrated nutrient and water management for sustainable farming
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Roche, J., Berry, D., Donaghy, DJ., Horan, B., & Washburn, S. (2016). Resilient pasture-based dairy production systems. In Proceedings of the Large Dairy Herd Management Conference, Large Dairy Herd Management Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Richardson, JM., López-Villalobos, N., & Donaghy, D. (2016). Project dairy 1: Interdisciplinary research contributing to sustainable dairy farming in New Zealand. Poster session presented at the meeting of Steps To Sustainable Livestock International Conference 2016. Bristol, United Kingdom
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Chobtang, J., Zonderland-Thomassen, M., Ledgard, S., McLaren, SJ., Brandao, M., & Donaghy, D. (2014). Environmental trade-offs of dairy-farming intensification in New Zealand: case study in the Waikato. In Conference Proceedings. "Life Cycle Thinking and Policy: Towards a Sustainable Society"(pp. 1 - 154). , 3rd New Zealand Life Cycle Assessment Conference Palmerston North: LCANZ and NZLCM Centre
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Donaghy, D., McLaren, S.
McCarthy, S., Hirst, C., Donaghy, D., Gray, D., & Wood, BA. (2014). Opportunities to improve grazing management. In . New Zealand Grasslands Association (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association. (pp. 75 - 79). : NZ Grassland Association 76th Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Turner, LR., Donaghy, DJ., Pembleton, KP., & Rawnsley, RP. (2013). Effect of nitrogen fertiliser applications on botanical composition. In DL. Michalk, GD. Millar, KM. Badgery, & KM. Broadfoot (Eds.) 2013 Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Congress. (pp. 1513 - 1514). : XXII International Grasslands Congress
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Turner, LR., Donaghy, DJ., Pembleton, KP., & Rawnsley, RP. (2013). Effect of defoliation management on expression of the ‘high sugar’ cultivar trait in Tasmania. ?. (pp. 676 - 677). : XXII International Grasslands Congress
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Donaghy, D.
Turner, LR., Donaghy, DJ., Lane, PA., & Rawnsley, RP.Distribution of water-soluble carbohydrate reserves in the stubble of prairie grass and orchardgrass plants. Agronomy Journal. 99 (2)(pp. 591 - 594). 0002-1962.
[Conference]Authored by: Donaghy, D.


Lockhart, J., Donaghy, DJ., & Gow, H. (2016). Murray Goulburn and Fonterra are playing chicken with dairy farmers.
[Internet publication]Authored by: Donaghy, D.

Consultancy and Languages


  • Sept-Oct 2005 - Best-fed Chile
    developed and ran workshops with consultants, presented at field days with Chilean farmers and agribusiness
  • Aug 2013 - Intelact Ltd
    presented at annual industry conference, developed and ran workshops with consultants, presented at field days with farmers and agribusiness

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 4 3
Co-supervisor 5 5

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Roselyne Aleyo - Doctor of Philosophy
    Plant and plant/microbiome traits impacting N2O emissions from soil
  • Varthani Susruthan - Doctor of Philosophy
    Dairy cow performance and pasture characteristics under conventional and regenerative management systems
  • Komahan Sivanandarajah - Doctor of Philosophy
    An evaluation of soil nitrogen losses and greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential of plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) in pastoral dairy production systems
  • Sam Wilson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Investigating the impact of abiotic stresses on the growth and persistence of plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) within grazed mixed pastures

Co-supervisor of:

  • Mui Nguyen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Studying root dynamics of simple and diverse pastures under grazing by sheep and dairy cows
  • Thomas Mutunga - Doctor of Philosophy
    Ewe and Lamb performance, sward productivity and quality under conventional and regenerative management systems
  • Yaliska Moreno Gonzalez - Doctor of Philosophy
    Impact of regenerative agriculture on animal performance and milk fatty acid composition in dairy cattle- a comparative study
  • Athanas Ngou - Doctor of Philosophy
    Evaluation of the Causes of Infertility in Dairy Cattle on Smallholder Farms in Tanzania
  • Bia Anchao Oliveira - Doctor of Philosophy
    Functional complementarity in diverse pastures: an agroecological approach for pasture-based dairy systems in temperate climates

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Priyanath Jayasinghe Mudiyanselage - Doctor of Philosophy
    Investigation of Tropical Pasture Species to Improve Dairying in the Tropics
  • 2022 - Sagara Yapa Hetti Pathirennehelage - Doctor of Philosophy
    Effects of nutrition on milk production and reproduction of dairy cows
  • 2020 - Stacey Hendriks - Doctor of Philosophy
    Behavior changes in grazing dairy cows during the transition period are associated with risk of disease

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Truong Thi Nguyen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Impact of plantain (Plantago lanceolata) based pasture on milk production of dairy cows and nitrate leaching from pastoral systems
  • 2022 - Javier Garcia Favre - Doctor of Philosophy
    Leaf regrowth stage as a morpho-physiological indicator of Bromus valdivianus and Lolium perenne mixed pasture defoliation in New Zealand grazing syst
  • 2020 - Martin Ladislao Correa Luna - Doctor of Philosophy
    Dietary crude protein and nitrogen utilisation in two contrasting dairy systems
  • 2020 - Iv谩n Ord贸帽ez V谩squez - Doctor of Philosophy
    Pursuing pasture tolerance and resilience through species with different functional traits and soil-plant-water interactions
  • 2016 - Jeerasak Chobtang - Doctor of Philosophy
    Appraisal of the environmental sustainability of milk production systems in New Zealand