
Contact details +6492127315

Verne McManus MA

Research Coordinator

Whariki Research Centre



  • Master of Arts - University of Auckland (1998)

Research Outputs


McManus, V., Abel, S., McCreanor, T., & Tipene-Leach, D. (2010). Narratives of deprivation: Women's life stories around Maori sudden infant death syndrome. Social Science and Medicine. 71(3), 643-649
[Journal article]Authored by: McCreanor, T., McManus, V.
Edwards, S., McManus, V., & McCreanor, T. (2005). Collaborative research with Maori on sensitive issues: The application of tikanga and kaupapa in research on Maori Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand. (25), 88-104 Retrieved from http://www.msd.govt.nz/documents/about-msd-and-our-work/publications-resources/journals-and-magazines/social-policy-journal/spj25/25-pages88-104.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: McCreanor, T., McManus, V.


Barnes, HM., Henwood, W., Kerr, S., McManus, V., & McCreanor, T. (2011). Knowledge translation and indigenous research. In Knowledge Translation in Context: Indigenous, Policy, and Community Settings. (pp. 161 - 180).
[Chapter]Authored by: McCreanor, T., McManus, V., Moewaka Barnes, H.


Greenaway, SK., McManus, V., & Conway, KE.(2006). Alcohol harm minimisation amongst young people in two small towns in the midland region: Progress report three.
[Technical Report]Authored by: McManus, V.
Greenaway, SK., McManus, V., & Conway, KE.(2006). Alcohol harm minimisation amongst young people in two small towns in the midland region: FInal report.
[Technical Report]Authored by: McManus, V.
McManus, V., Abel, S., McCreanor, TN., Haretuku, R., & Tipene Leach, D.(2005). Experiences of Maori SIDS mothers, caregivers and whanau. Auckland, NZ: University of Auckland
[Technical Report]Authored by: McCreanor, T., McManus, V.
Conway, KE., Henwood, WA., Irwin, JJ., Stewart, HM., McManus, V., Jensen, V., . . . Moewaka Barnes, HE.(2005). Community action on youth and drugs project. Auckland, NZ: 麻豆视频, Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation & Te Ropu Whariki,
[Technical Report]Authored by: McManus, V., Moewaka Barnes, H.
Conway, KE., Henwood, WA., Irwin, JJ., Takinui, DR., Stewart, HM., Jensen, V., . . . Moewaka Barnes, HE.(2004). Community action on youth and drugs project: Annual formative evaluation report. Auckland, NZ: 麻豆视频
[Technical Report]Authored by: McManus, V., Moewaka Barnes, H.
Conway, KE., Henwood, WA., Irwin, JJ., Takinui, DR., Stewart, HM., Jensen, VG., . . . Moewaka Barnes, HE.(2004). Community action on youth and drugs project - annual formative evaluation report. Auckland, NZ: 麻豆视频, Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation and Te Ropu Whari
[Technical Report]Authored by: McManus, V., Moewaka Barnes, H.


Liggins, SA., McManus, V., Borell, BA., & Tibble, J. (2008, July). CAYAD - Ten years on - Celebrating whakapapa and success in systemic action to reduce drug related harm. Presented at Public Health Association of New Zealand Conference 2008. Waitangi, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borell, B., McManus, V.
Moewaka Barnes, HE., McManus, V., Kaiwai, HM., Borell, MS., Jensen, VG., Gregory, AJ., . . . Greenaway, SK. (2006). Is it the responsibility of evaluators to be agents for social change?. In Evaluation and Social Change - What are the links?: Aotearoa New Zealand National Evaluation Conference(pp. 8). : Auckland Evaluation Group
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: McManus, V., Moewaka Barnes, H.
Edwards, S., McManus, V., & McCreanor, T. (2006). Collaborative research with M膩ori on sensitive issues: The application of tikanga and kaupapa in research around M膩ori SIDS. In Public Health Association of New Zealand Conference 2006 Programme Handbook(pp. unpaginated). , Public Health Association of New Zealand Conference: Sustaining Public Health New Zealand: Public Health Association of New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: McCreanor, T., McManus, V.
Henwood, WA., McManus, V., & Borell, MS. (2006, October). Programme logic a tool to improve health promotion. Presented at Health Promotion Forum Conference. Ratana, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: McManus, V.