
Dr Suze Wilson staff profile picture

Contact details +6469517908

Dr Suze Wilson BA, PhD

Senior Lecturer

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Management

My career experience includes the following:

  • Self employed consultant (2008-ongoing)
  • Director, HR, Ministry for Primary Industries (2010)
  • Tutor, Victoria University of Wellington Management School (2008-2009)
  • Deputy Commissioner, People Capability, State Services Commission (2005 -2007)
  • General Manager, HR, New Zealand Post (2002-2005)
  • HR Manager, Letters, and Employment Relations Manager, NZ Post (2000-2002)
  • Self employed consultant (1997-2000)
  • Senior Manager, Industrial Relations, Ministry of Education (1996-1997)
  • National Industrial Officer, NZ Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union (1993-1996)
  • Regional Organiser, NZ Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union (1991-1993)
  • President, NZ University Students Association (1990)
  • President, University of Canterbury Students Associatoin (1989)
  • Clerical worker, WINZ (1983-1985)
  • Sawmill hand (1982)

My research examines issues of power, identity, gender, ethics, discourse, practice/s, context, character, communication and crisis as they pertain to leadership and its development, as well as the history of leadership thought, informed principally by Foucauldian discourse analysis and historiographic methods of inquiry. I treat as problematic dominant or conventional understandings of leadership that focus exclusively on the leader, often lionize masculinized behavours and ignore the influence of context in shaping what kind of leadership  has value and is valued. 

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Contact details

  • Ph: 84908
    Campus: Auckland


  • Bachelor of Arts - University of Canterbury (1989)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Victoria University (2013)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 麻豆视频

Prizes and Awards

  • Marsden Fund 2023 award for "Misogyny, rhetorical violence and the invisibilised entwining of digital and embodied social worlds' - Marsden Fund Te Putea Rangahua a Marsden Royal Society (2024)
  • Jablin Dissertation Award, 2014 - International Leadership Association (2014)
  • Best Critical Management Studies Division Dissertation 2014 (joint winner) - CMS division of the Academy of Management (2014)
  • Deans Award for Doctoral Achievement for 2013 - Faculty of Commerce, Victoria University of Wellington (2013)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Leadership theory

History of leadership theory

Context and leadership 

Ethics and leadership

Gender and leadership

Crisis leadership

Leadership practice/s

Leadership communication

Leadership development

Business leadership

Political leadership

Sexism and misogyny

Michel Foucault

Discourse analysis

Feminist theory

Post-positivist research methodologies

Critical management studies


21st Century Citizenship, Resource Development and Management

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Business and Management (150300): Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services (150000): Human Resources Management (150305): Organisation and Management Theory (150310): Organisational Behaviour (150311)


Leadership coaching

Team development

HR strategy

Change management

Organisation design and devleopment

Research Projects

Current Projects

Project Title: Misogyny, rhetorical violence and the invisibilised entwining of digital and embodied social worlds

Online misogyny functions to silence women, it is pervasive and increasing in intensity. We urgently need new ways to understand and respond to this threat to civil society. Bringing feminist theories of misogyny, affect, and intersectionality into dialogue, we conceptualise online misogyny as patriarchally motivated policing, strategically targeting women exercising leadership who take up public space, enacted through a networked public, and felt in the body. Arguing that it is through these embodied, felt experiences that online misogyny enacts power, our research will centre the collective experience of these feelings in a transdisciplinary project employing creative research methods. The research will involve four integrated work packages that will advance theory; create new understandings of the embodied experience of online misogyny, including Indigenous experiences; and identify forms of resistance to its impacts. This work will employ novel collaborative inquiry methods, including paired interviews with women leaders (politicians, journalists, and academics); all-women arts-based explorations of how misogyny feels; and gender diverse group discussions that will use biofeedback and film to explore the affective power of misogyny. Combined, the project will significantly advance knowledge of online misogyny, shape public and academic discourse, and envision possibilities for future gender equity in public participation.
Read Project Description Hide Project Description

Date Range: 2024 - 2027

Funding Bodies: Marsden Fund - Standard; Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Newstead, T., Eager, B., & Wilson, S. (2023). How AI can perpetuate – Or help mitigate – Gender bias in leadership. Organizational Dynamics. 52(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). Leadership in a VUCA context: Some foundational considerations. Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies. 12(2), 169-183
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., & Newstead, T. (2022). The value of virtue - Seven reasons why Volodmyr Zelensky's crisis leadership has been so effective. New Zealand Management. (August), 10-12 Retrieved from https://management.co.nz/article/value-virtue-%E2%80%93-seven-reasons-why-volodymyr-zelenskyy%E2%80%99s-crisis-leadership-has-been-so-effective
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., & Newstead, T. (2022). The virtues of effective crisis leadership: What managers can learn from how women heads of state led in the first wave of COVID-19. Organizational Dynamics. 51(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., Lee, H., Ford, J., & Harding, N. (2022). If philosophers went on a leadership course: A (serious) farce in three Acts. Leadership. 18(4), 471-497
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., Harding, N., Ford, J., Lee, H., & Wilson, S. (2021). A widely used tool for 360-degree feedback can encourage unethical leadership. London School of Economics Business Review. Retrieved from https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/businessreview/2021/10/20/a-widely-used-tool-for-360-degree-feedback-can-encourage-unethical-leadership/
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., & Zorn, T. (2021). Lessons in leadership in the post-truth era. Gallerie. 23(2), 90-91 Retrieved from https://www.magzter.com/IN/Gallerie-Publishers/International-Gallerie/Art/612538
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S., Zorn, T.
Wilson, S. (2021). Lessons for leaders from New Zealand's COVID-19 response. HazNet: The Magazine of the Canadian Risk and Hazards Network. 15(1), 50-52 Retrieved from http://haznet.ca/lessons-leaders-new-zealands-covid-19-response/
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., Lee, H., Ford, J., & Harding, N. (2021). On the Ethics of Psychometric Instruments Used in Leadership Development Programmes. Journal of Business Ethics. 172(2), 211-227
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2020). Key leadership practices guiding NZ’S pandemic success are transferable. New Zealand Management. Retrieved from https://management.co.nz/news/study-key-leadership-practices-guiding-nz%E2%80%99s-pandemic-success-are-transferable
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2020). Pandemic leadership: Lessons from New Zealand’s approach to COVID-19. Leadership. 16(3), 279-293
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2019). ''Then and now" - A comparative review of Helena Liu's 'Redeeming Leadership' and Fred Feidler's 'A theory of leadership effectiveness': Celebrating 50 years of Management Learning. Management Learning. 51(1), 143-146Retreived from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1350507619887889
[Book Review]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2019). Leadership lessons from Christchurch. New Zealand Management. (May 2019), 4-4 Retrieved from https://management.co.nz/article/leadership-lessons-christchurch
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Spector, B., & Wilson, S. (2018). We made this bed … now look who’s lying in it. Organization. 25(6), 784-793
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Tretiakov, A., Hunter, I., Tootell, B., Wilson, S., & Toulson, P. (2018). Reality vs expectations: An exploratory study of New Zealand nurses' perceptions of HR measures. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management. 18(1), 25-46 Retrieved from http://www.nzjhrm.co.nz/Site/Articles/2018_folder/2018_issue.aspx
[Journal article]Authored by: Hunter, I., Tootell, B., Tretiakov, A., Wilson, S.
Ruth, D., Wilson, S., Alakavuklar, O., & Dickson, A. (2018). Anxious academics: talking back to the audit culture through collegial, critical and creative autoethnography. Culture and Organization. 24(2), 154-170
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Ruth, D., Wilson, S., & Alakavuklar, ON. (2016). The pursuit of excellence: Can academics join the dots. Organizational Aesthetics. 5(2), 96-102 Retrieved from http://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/oa/vol5/iss2/12?utm_source=digitalcommons.wpi.edu/oa/vol5/iss2/12&utm_medium=PDF&utm_campaign=PDFCoverPages
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2014). The Dark Side of Transformational Leadership: A Critical Perspective by Dennis Tourish, reviewed by Suze Wilson. Organization: the interdisciplinary journal of organization, theory and society.
[Book Review]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2013). Situated knowledge: A Foucauldian reading of ancient and modern classics of leadership thought. Leadership. 9(1), 43-61
[Journal article]Authored by: Wilson, S.


Wilson, S. (2025). Not a solo act: What Jacinda Ardern's leadership teaches us about collaboration. In GR. Goethals (Ed.) Case studies in political leadership. USA: Edward Elgar
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Knights, D., Liu, H., Smolovic-Jones, O., & Wilson, S. (2024). Introduction. In D. Knights, H. Liu, O. Smolovic-Jones, & S. Wilson (Eds.) The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies. : Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.Edited by: Wilson, S.
Knights, D., Liu, H., Smolovic-Jones, O., & Wilson, S. (Eds.) (2024). The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies. : Routledge
[Edited Book]Edited by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). Unintended consequences of leadership theories. In G. Goethals, ST. Allson, & GJ. Sorenson (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies. : Sage
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). Leadership through history: Rethinking the present and future of leadership via a critical appreciation of its past.. In B. Carroll, M. Larrson, D. Schedlitzki, & M. Bligh (Eds.) The Sage handbook of leadership.
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2022). An unconventional history of leadership studies. In B. Carroll, JM. Ford, & S. Taylor (Eds.) Leadership: Contemporary critical perspectives (3rd ed). : Sage
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2021). Doing discourse analysis in covid-19 conditions: A foucauldian approach. In Research Methodology in Strategy and Management. (pp. 37 - 52).
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2019). Prologue: an unconventional history of leadership studies. In B. Carroll, J. Ford, & S. Taylor (Eds.) Leadership: Contemporary critical perspectives. (pp. 10 - 23). London, United Kingdom: Sage
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Carroll, B., Firth, J., & Wilson, S. (2018). Introduction. In After Leadership. (pp. 1 - 16).
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Carroll, B., Firth, J., & Wilson, S. (2018). Conclusion. In After Leadership. (pp. 229 - 234).
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
(2018). After leadership.
[Edited Book]Authored by: Wilson, S.Edited by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2018). Imagining organisation with and without leadership. In After Leadership. (pp. 197 - 206).
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Carroll, B., Firth, J., & Wilson, S. (2018). Conclusion. In B. Carroll, J. Firth, & S. Wilson (Eds.) After leadership. (pp. 229 - 234). New York, United States of America: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.Edited by: Wilson, S.
Carroll, B., Firth, J., & Wilson, S. (2018). Introduction. In B. Carroll, J. Firth, & S. Wilson (Eds.) After leadership. (pp. 1 - 15). New York, United States of America: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.Edited by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2018). Imagining organisation with and without leadership. In B. Carroll, J. Firth, & S. Wilson (Eds.) After leadership. (pp. 197 - 205). New York, United States of America: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.Edited by: Wilson, S.
Carroll, B., Firth, J., & Wilson, S. (Eds.) (2018). After leadership. New York, United States of America: Routledge
[Edited Book]Edited by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., Cummings, S., Jackson, B., & Proctor-Thomson, S.(2017). Revitalising leadership: Putting theory and practice into context.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Prichard, GC., Alamgir, F., Alakavuklar, O., Dickson, A., & Wilson, S. (2017). Having an impact: Qualitative research traditions in the critical study of management and their modes of influence. In C. Cassell, A. Cunliffe,, & G. Grandy (Eds.) The Sage handbook of qualitative business and management research methods. (pp. 69 - 85). : Sage Publications Ltd
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., Cummings, S., Jackson, B., & Proctor-Thomson, SB.(2017). Revitalising leadership: Putting theory and practice into context. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group
[Authored Book]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S.(2016). Thinking differently about leadership: A critical history of leadership studies.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S.(2016). Thinking differently about leadership: A critical history of leadership studies. : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
[Authored Book]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., & Proctor-Thomson, S. (2014). Unleashed? Developing creativityfriendly leadership theory. In Handbook of Management and Creativity. (pp. 211 - 229).
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2013). Viewpoint: The authentic leader reconsidered: Integrating the marvellous, mundane and mendacious. In Authentic Leadership: Clashes, Convergences and Coalescences. (pp. 55 - 64).
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2013). Viewpoint: The authentic leader reconsidered: integrating the marvellous, mundane and mendacious. In D. Ladkin, & C. Spiller (Eds.) Authentic leadership: Clashes, convergences and coalescences. (pp. 55 - 64). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar
[Chapter]Authored by: Wilson, S.

Creative Work

Wilson, S. (2015) Review of "Who needs Bollywood?". [Exhibition] Organizational Aesthetics
[Artwork]Authored by: Wilson, S.


Wilson, S. (2013). Thinking differently about leadership: A critical history of the form and formation of leadership studies. (Doctoral Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Wilson, S.


Wilson, S. (2022, December). Grasping at the zeitgeist: What can an historical sensibility offer our understanding of the present and future of leadership?. Presented at International Studying Leadership Conference. Brighton, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., & Chace, S. (2022, December). January 6th and the dynamics of agency. Presented at International Studying Leadership Conference. Brighton, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., Learmonth, M., Ford, J., Harding, NH., Knights, D., Ladkin, D., . . . Taylor, S.Against or after leadership: Exploring possibilities for radical change. . Boston, MA
[Conference Other]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Harding, NH., Wilson, S., Lee, H., & Ford, J.A play for today: Philosophers go on a leadership development course. . Edinburgh, UK
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wilson, S.Contributed to by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., Ford, JM., Harding, NH., & Lee, H. (2018). If philosophers went on a leadership course. Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 2018: 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2017). Towards a model of turbulence leadership: Some proposals for debate. 19th International Global Conference papers. (pp. 1 - 14). : 19th International Global Conference: Leadership in Turbulent Times
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2017). From outside the laboratory: An alternative history of leadership studies. Online Proceedings of 19th Annual Global Conference of the International Leadership Association. (pp. 1 - 26). : 19th Annual Global Conference of the International Leadership Association
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., & Jackson, B. (2016, December). Creating leadership in leadership studies: From preaching to practice. Presented at International studying leadership conference. University of Edinburgh Business School.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2016, December). Embracing context in leadership theory-building: A framework. Presented at International studying leadership conference. University of Edinburgh Business School.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., & Jackson, B.Leadership in leadership studies: From preaching to practice. . Edinburgh, Scotland
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S.Embracing context in leadership theory-building: A framework. . Edinburgh, Scotland
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2015, August). Questionning progress and innocence: An inconvenient analysis of the field of leadership studies. Presented at 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, BC.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2015, December). A critical issue for critical leadership studies: Calling time on the search for the essence of leadership. Presented at 14th International Studying Leadership Conference. Lancaster University, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S.A critical issue for critical leadership studies: Calling time on the search for the essence of the leadership. . Lancaster University, UK
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Ruth, DW., Alakavuklar, O., Wilson, S., & Dickson, A. (2015, November). The Bridge at IROR. Presented at 6th Australasian Caucus of the Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (ACSCOS). Macquarie University Sydney.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wilson, S.Contributed to by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2015). Questioning progress and innocence: An inconvenient analysis of the field of leadership studies. Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 1 (pp. 1 - 41). : 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Harding, N., Ford, J., Palmer, F., Evans, M., Eyong, J., Gladstone, J., . . . Wilson, S. (2014). The linearity of worlds and oppressions of linearity: Mapping, dreaming and imagining of workplaces. In 74th annual Meeting of the Academy of Management(pp. 216 - 216). , Academy of Management
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Palmer, F., Wilson, S.Contributed to by: Palmer, F.
Wilson, S. (2014, August). The maintenance of leader-centricity via the discursive subjugation of the follower. Presented at 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Philadelphia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2014). The maintenance of leader-centricity via the discursive subjugation of the follower. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Proceedings. (pp. 1 - 36). : 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., Cummings, S., & Proctor-Thomson, SB. (2012, August). What lies behind the progress of 'transformational leadership'? Using Foucault to think critically about the development of leadership studies. Presented at 72nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., Cummings, S., & Proctor-Thomson, SB.(2012). What lies behind the progress of 'transformational leadership'? Using Foucault to think critically about the development of leadership studies. . Boston, United States of America
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2011, December). Interpreting and Operationalising Foucault: A case study. Presented at 25th Annual Australia New Zealand Academy of Management Conference.. Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2011). Interpreting and operationalizing Foucault: A case study. 25th Annual Australia New Zealand Academy of Management Conference.. : 25th Annual Australia New Zealand Academy of Management Conference.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2010, December). Change and continuity in leadership knowledge: A Foucauldian analysis of Classical Greek and Transformational Leadership theories. Presented at 9th International Studying Leadership Conference. Lund University, Sweden.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Wilson, S.


Wilson, S. (2024). Lessons in leadership from the Green Party's woes. : The Post/Stuff
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2024). Luxon's leadership test: What would it take to win back unimpressed NZ voters?. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2024). Leadership: A threat or solution to securing a better future?. : International Leadership Association
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). Jacinda Ardern and the challenges of leadership. : International Leadership Assocation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). Why the leadership industry should worry about mis- and dis-information. : International Leadership Association
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). Controlling the political narrative is key to winning the NZ election – no easy task for Chris Hipkins. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). Romantic heroes of ‘one of us’ – how we judge political leaders is rarely objective or rational.. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). What makes for a good political leader – and how can we tell before voting?. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). Neither iron lady nor selfless heroine.
[Other]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). When academic freedom is undermined from within. : Tertiary Education Union
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). Where's Mr Fix-IT when you need him?. : BusinessDesk
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). La démission de Jacinda Ardern : une histoire de genre, de leadership et de compassion. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). Jacinda Ardern’s resignation: gender and the toll of strong, compassionate leadership. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2023). Luxon’s dilemma: when politics and morals don’t match in response to the overturning of Roe v Wade. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S., & Newstead, T. (2022). The value of virtue: 7 reasons why Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s crisis leadership has been so effective. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2022). From ‘pretty communist’ to ‘Jabcinda’ – what’s behind the vitriol directed at Jacinda Ardern?. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2021). As it selects a new leader, National needs to remember one thing – confidence doesn’t always equal competence. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2021). Why Jacinda Ardern’s ‘clumsy’ leadership response to Delta could still be the right approach. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2021). Pandemic leadership: Lessons from New Zealand's approach to COVID-19. Australia New Zealand School of Government
[Other]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2020). The reward for good pandemic leadership: Lessons from Jacinda Ardern’s New Zealand reelection. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2020). NZ election 2020: why gender stereotypes still affect perceptions of Jacinda Ardern and Judith Collins as leaders. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2020). Tiga alasan mengapa respons PM Jacinda Ardern terhadap coronavirus adalah teladan kepemimpinan di tengah krisis. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2020). Coronavirus: las tres lecciones de liderazgo de la primera ministra de Nueva Zelanda. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2020). Three reasons why Jacinda Ardern's coronavirus response has been a masterclass in crisis leadership. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2020). A model for pandemic leadership: Lessons drawn from New Zealand's response to COVID-19. : International Leadership Association
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.
Wilson, S. (2015). Interrogating the truth: Michel Foucault's methods of inquiry. : international Leadership Association
[Internet publication]Authored by: Wilson, S.

Consultancy and Languages


  • since 1997 - Grace Consulting Limited
    GCL is my own company. My consulting assignments typically focus on leadership coaching, team development, HR strategy, change management or organisation design and development. Clients include: NZ Trade and Enterprise, Leadership Development Centre, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, NZ Customs Services, State Services Commission, NZ Police, Department of Corrections, NZ Qualifications Authority, ACC, Audit NZ, Education Review Office, Ministry for Social Development, Norske Skog, Careers Service, Inland Revenue, Department of Internal Affairs, Transpower, Land Information NZ.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

Post-and under-graduate teaching experince in mangement, project management and HR management.

Extensive experience in professional devleopment for senior and middle management. 

Graduate Supervision Statement

I have been involved in supervising 3 PhD to their successful completion and am currently involved in supervising 1 PhD and 2 120 credit masters theses. I am not currently avaiable to take on any additoinal supervisory work. 

Dr Suze Wilson is not currently available for Masters or Doctoral supervision.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Co-supervisor 1 3

Current Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Mathew Knowsley - Doctor of Philosophy
    Leadership-as-practice during organizational change: An ethnographic case study.

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Rhema Chatiya Nantham - Doctor of Philosophy
    The experiences of women of colour who were Third Culture Kids and their implications for global leadership development: an exploratory study
  • 2022 - Feng Yue - Doctor of Philosophy
    Unthought or a Contribution to Leadership Scholarship from a Chinese Perspective 鈥 Based on Fran莽ois Jullien鈥檚 work
  • 2019 - Vasudha Rao - Doctor of Philosophy
    Rethinking sponsoring: Evidencing and conceptualising sponsorship as a relational practice for women鈥檚 career development

Media and Links


  • 30 Jun 2022 - Newspaper, Radio, Online
    Luxon's dilemma When politics and morals don't mat
    Article in The Converation; republished by NZ Herald, RNZ, Newshub
  • 29 Nov 2021 - Online
    As it selects a new leader National needs to remem
    Article for The Conversation about what National should consider in choosing its new leader
  • 28 Apr 2020 - Magazine
    Why New Zealand's COVID-19 elimination strategy...
    Interviewed by Time Magazine re NZ's covid response:
  • 22 Oct 2020 - Magazine
    New Zealand's debates shows what changes when two
    Interviewed for article in Forbes Magazine re gender leadership issues in the NZ election capmgain
  • 22 Apr 2020 - Television, Video, Online
    New Zealand to decide whether to end lockdown
    Interview with China Global Television Network regarding my analysis of Jacinda Ardern's leadership
  • 21 Mar 2022 - Radio, Online
    RNZ The Panel re sexism and misogny
  • 18 Oct 2020 - Online
    Jacinda Ardern, the global phenomenon sweeps home
    Interviewed by Anna Jover for her piece on Ardern's re-election for Spanish newsite El Pais
  • 17 Sep 2022 - Online
    Interviewed by Stuff re local govt election
    Interviewed and quoted by Stuff regarding my analysis of the discursive strategies used by a candidate for local govt elections
  • 17 Jul 2022 - Online
    ILA Podcast interview
    Interview for Phronesis, official podcast of the International Leadership Association about the implications of disinformation and conspiracism for leadership
  • 16 Mar 2022 - Online
    From 'pretty communist' to "Jabcinda' in TC
    Article in The Conversation analysing the vitriol directed at Jacinda Arddern
  • 16 Jun 2022 - Online
    Interview with BHN
  • 15 Oct 2021 - Online
    Why Jacinda Ardern's 'clumsy' leadership response
    Article in The Conversation
  • 14 Jun 2020 - Online, Radio
    New Zealand's masterclass in 'pandemic leadership'
    Interview with Newshub about my pandemic leadership model
  • 13 Apr 2020 - Newspaper, Online
    賰賷賮 "鬲爻丨賯" 賳賷賵夭賷賱賳丿丕 賮賷乇賵爻 賰賵乇賵賳丕責
    Story based on my analysis of Jacinda Ardern's coronavirus leadership published by Lebanese newspaper Al Annahar
  • 12 Mar 2019 - Radio
    Why we need to stop thinking of leaders as heroes
    Interview with Jesse Mulligan on Radio NZ
  • 12 Jun 2022 - Television, Online
    Interview with TV3 News/Newshub
  • 12 Jul 2022 - Online
    'No shared notion of reality'
    Podcast interview: Phronesis, the official podcast of the International Leadership Association re disinformation & its effects on leadership in NZ
  • 11 May 2020 - Online, Radio
    Women leaders eschew 鈥榤acho-man鈥 politics in....
    Interview with BBC World Service for analysis on Jacinda Ardern's leadership and gender issues in relation to COVID 19 leadership
  • 11 Jul 2020 - Magazine, Online
    Women leaders: We spoke with Jacinda Ardern
    Interviewed by Anna Jover, NZ correspondent for Spanish magazine Mujerhoy re Jacinda Ardern's leadership
  • 11 Jul 2016 - Radio
    Interview with John Peachey, Radio Rhema
    Interview with John Peachey, Radio Rhema, about my book
  • 11 Jul 2016 - Radio
    Interview with Laura Tupou, bFM, about my book
    Interview with Laura Tupou, bFM, about my book
  • 09 Apr 2022 - Online
    Quoted in Stuff re misogyny & women leaders
    Quoted in Stuff feature article discussing misogyny and sexism against women leaders
  • 05 Jul 2022 - Online
    Interview about Volodymr Zelensky's leadership
    Podcast interview with Dr Jessica Genauer, Lecturer in International Relations at Adelaide University, about my and Dr Toby Newstead's ( U Tas) analysis of Volodomyr Zelensky's leadership of the Ukra
  • 05 Jul 2016 - Radio, Online
    Time to move away from charismatic leaders
    Inteview with Ali Mau, Radio Live, about my book
  • 03 Jul 2016 - Newspaper, Online
    Visionary leaders: charismatic but problematic
    NZ Herald article about my book
  • 03 Jul 2016 - Newspaper, Online
    Business leaders need to ditch their hero complex
    Sunday Star Times/Stuff article about my book
  • 02 Nov 2018 - Newspaper
    Role of business 'changing'
    Mentioned in article about leadership promoting PWC-Herald Talks business breakfact
  • 01 Feb 2023 - Online
    'Silence from the centre'
    Podcast interview & associated story on bFM re my analysis of Mayor Wayne Brown's initial response to the Auckland floods
  • 01 Apr 2022 - Radio
    Invited to speak on RNZ The Panel
    Interviewed on RNZ The Panel re sexism and misogyny targeting women in politics
  • -
    Interview with John Peachey, leadership consultant
    Interview with John Peachey, leadership consultant