
Associate Professor Shamim Shakur staff profile picture

Contact details +6469517069

Associate Professor Shamim Shakur

Associate Professor

School of Economics and Finance


Contact details

  • Ph: 06 356 9099 ext. 84069
    Location: 4.22, Social Science Tower
    Campus: Turitea

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Agricultural trade and policy

International trade


Future Food Systems

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Agricultural Economics (140201): Applied Economics (140200): Economics (140000): Financial Economics (140207): International Economics and International Finance (140210)

Research Outputs


Shakur, S., Tang, M., Ngo, T., & Le, TDQ. (2023). Factors Affecting China’s Agri-food Imports: A Non-linear Gravity Analysis. The Empirical Economics Letters. 22(8), 31-40 Retrieved from http://www.eel.my100megs.com/volume-22-number-8.htm
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Mottaleb, KA., Rahut, DB., & Shakur, S. (2023). Exploring the role of pesticide traders in protecting farmers' benefit. Review of Development Economics. 27(4), 2248-2270
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Ha, TM., Hansson, H., Abu Hatab, A., Darr, D., & Shakur, S. (2022). A risk-benefit approach to the purchase and consumption of conventional vegetables in wet markets. Appetite. 176
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Hasan, S., Shakur, S., & Breunig, R. (2021). Exchange rates and expenditure of households with foreign-born members: Evidence from Australia. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 188, 977-997 Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167268121002523
[Journal article]Authored by: Hasan, S., Shakur, S.
Ha, TM., Shakur, S., & Pham Do, KH. (2021). Food risk in consumers' eye and their consumption responses: evidence from Hanoi survey. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies. 28(2), 86-100
[Journal article]Authored by: Pham Do, K., Shakur, S.
Ha, TM., Shakur, S., & Pham Do, KH. (2020). Risk perception and its impact on vegetable consumption: A case study from Hanoi, Vietnam. Journal of Cleaner Production. 271
[Journal article]Authored by: Pham Do, K., Shakur, S.Contributed to by: Pham Do, K.
Ha, TM., Shakur, S., & Pham Do, KH. (2020). Linkages among food safety risk perception, trust and information: Evidence from Hanoi consumers. Food Control. 110
[Journal article]Authored by: Pham Do, K., Shakur, S.
Ha, TM., Shakur, S., & Pham Do, KH. (2019). Rural-urban differences in willingness to pay for organic vegetables: Evidence from Vietnam. Appetite. 141
[Journal article]Authored by: Pham Do, K., Shakur, S.
Ha, TM., Shakur, S., & Pham Do, KH. (2019). Consumer concern about food safety in Hanoi,Vietnam. Food Control. 98, 238-244
[Journal article]Authored by: Pham Do, K., Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Hassan, GM. (2018). Are there significant externality effects of remittances in Asian economic growth?. Applied Economics Quarterly. 64(2), 127-135 Retrieved from https://elibrary.duncker-humblot.com/article/9981/are-there-significant-externality-effects-of-remittances-in-asian-economic-growth
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Fang, L., & Shakur, S. (2018). Impact of trade cost on China-EU agri-food trade. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. 16(3), 259-274
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Mai, TC., Shakur, S., & Cassells, S. (2018). Testing vertical price transmission for Vietnam's Robusta coffee. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 62(4), 563-575
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Humayun Kabir, M., & Shakur, S. (2018). Regime-dependent herding behavior in Asian and Latin American stock markets. Pacific Basin Finance Journal. 47, 60-78
[Journal article]Authored by: Kabir, M., Shakur, S.
Hassan, GM., & Shakur, S. (2017). Nonlinear effects of remittances on per capita GDP growth in Bangladesh. Economies. 5(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Hassan, GM., Chowdhury, M., & Shakur, S. (2017). Remittances human capital and poverty: A system approach. Journal Of Developing Areas. 51(1), 177-192
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Wang, Y. (2016). Determinants of pear farmers’ profits in China. Journal of Business and Policy Research. 11(2), 193-207 Retrieved from https://zantworldpress.com/journals/
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Hassan, G. (2016). Nonlinear growth effect of remittances in recipient countries: An econometric analysis of remittances-growth nexus in Bangladesh. Economies. (Special Issue "Long-Run Economic Impacts of International Migration"), 1-17
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Hayat, Z., Balli, F., Obben, J., & Shakur, S. (2016). An empirical assessment of monetary discretion: The case of Pakistan. Journal of Policy Modeling. 38(5), 954-970
[Journal article]Authored by: Balli, F., Shakur, S.
Kabir, MH., & Shakur, S. (2014). Nonlinear decomposition analysis of risk aversion and stock-holding behaviour of US households. Applied Financial Economics. 24(7), 495-503
[Journal article]Authored by: Kabir, M., Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Rae, AN. (2013). Impact of Doha round and India’s trade reforms on Bangladesh. Journal of Society, Economy and Development. 1(1), 16-30
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2013). Impact of multilateral and unilateral trade reforms: Focus on Sri Lanka. Journal of Business and Policy Research. 8(3), 122-132 Retrieved from http://www.jbprpapers.com/abstract/151
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Niu, J. (2012). Strategic independent innovation policy and its application - A case study of international trade in hi-tech products in west China. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 3(2), 69-76 Retrieved from http://ijbssnet.com/journal/index/930
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Haque, AKE. (2012). An input-output anlaysis with an environmentally adjusted agricultural and forestry sector in Bangladesh. International Journal of Sustainable Development. 5(3), 84-94 Retrieved from http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/jsd/article/view/13602
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Rae, AN. (2012). The impact of comprehensive tariff reductions in multilateral trade: Further results from computable general equilibrium simulations. Economics Bulletin. 32(1), 182-189
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2012). Impact of global trade liberalization on regional trade balances. International Journal of Economics and Finance. 4(1), 48-55 Retrieved from http://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijef/index
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Nees, C. (2011). An application of the natural trading partner hypothesis to New Zealand-ASEAN trade. Economics Bulletin. 31(4), 3077-3088
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2011). Reforming global food and cotton trade: This time for Africa. The Empirical Economics Letters. 10(12), 1203-1210 Retrieved from http://www.eel.my100megs.com/volume-10-number-12.htm
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Niu, J. (2011). Strategic independent innovation policy and its application: A case study of international trade in hi-tech products in West China. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 3(2: Special Issue), 69-76 Retrieved from http://www.ijbssnet.com/update/archive/930.html
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Kabir, MH., Shakur, S., & Liu, J. (2011). Risk aversion and stockholding behavior of U.S. households. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics. 81, 116-126
[Journal article]Authored by: Kabir, M., Shakur, S.
Obben, J., Pech, A., & Shakur, S. (2006). Analysis of the relationship between the share market performance and exchange rates in New Zealand: A cointegrating var approach. New Zealand Economic Papers. 40(2), 147-180 Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00779954.2006.9558559
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2005). Nueva Zelanda: Politica commercial y patrones de comercio internacional. Mexico Y La Cuencadel Pacifico. 8(24), 8-18 Retrieved from http://www.mexicoylacuencadelpacifico.cucsh.udg.mx/sites/default/files/Nueva%20Zelanda%20-%20pol%C3%ADtica%20comercial%20y%20patrones%20de%20comercio%20internacional.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Obben, J., & Nugroho, AE. (2005). Financial sector reforms and currency crisis: The Indonesian experience. Review of Applied Economics. 1(2), 1-12 Retrieved from http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/50271/2/2-Shamim%20Shakur.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Rae, AN., Chatterjee, S., & Shakur, S. (2001). The sectoral approach to trade liberalization: Should we try to do better?. International Trade Journal. 15(3), 293-322
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2001). Asian financial crisis and Bangladesh. Jahangirnagar Economic Review. 12(1), 1-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2000). Book review: The environment and economic development in South Asia: An overview concentrating on Bangladesh by Alauddin, M. and Tisdell, C. (1998). International Journal of Social Economics. 27(2), 160-163 Retrieved from http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=1499867&show=html
[Journal article]Authored by: Shakur, S.


Shakur, S., Ha, TM., & Pham Do, K.(2019). Consumers’ Perception of Food Safety Risk From Vegetables: A Rural - Urban Comparison.
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Pham Do, K., Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Ha, TM., & Pham Do, K.(2018). Regional differences in willingness to pay for organic vegetables.
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Pham Do, K., Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2016). Ports in a storm: The path to FTAs and the promise of India. In C. Massey (Ed.) The New Zealand Land & Food Annual: Why waste a good crisis?. (pp. 195 - 210). Auckland, New Zealand: 麻豆视频 Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Manning, R.(2011). Macroeconomic shock adjustment to small open economies: A structural VAR model of the New Zealand economy. 麻豆视频
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Rae, AN., & Chatterjee, S. (2008). Special and differential treatment in multilateral trade negotiations. In . Sarkar, . D, . M, . Mukherjee, & . I (Eds.) Global Exports: An overview. (pp. 24 - 53). India: The Icfai University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Obben, J., Pech, AR., & Shakur, S.(2006). Analysis of the relationship between the share market performance and exchange rates in New Zealand: A cointegrating VAR approach. 麻豆视频, Department of Applied and International Economics
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Rae, AN.(2005). Trade reforms in South Asia. 麻豆视频
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Rae, AN., & Chatterjee, S.(2005). Special and differential treatment in multilateral trade negotiations. 麻豆视频, Department of Applied and International Economics
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Rae, AN., & Chatterjee, S.(2004). A road ahead from Cancun?: Weighing up some give-and-take scenarios in a DDA spirit. 麻豆视频, Department of Applied and International Economics
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Rae, AN., & Chatterjee, S.(2002). How comprehensive will be the Doha round?: Experiments with agricultural and non-agricultural reforms. 麻豆视频, Department of Applied and International Economics
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Rae, AN., & Chatterjee, S.(2002). How comprehensive will be the Doha Round? experiments with agricultural and non-agricultural reforms. 麻豆视频, Department of Applied and International Economics
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2002). John Hicks (1904-1989): An architect of the famous IS-LM framework and a laureate of 1972. In ANMW. Ed (Ed.) Frontiers of economics: Nobel laureates of the twentieth century. (pp. 55 - 62). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2002). Kenneth Arrow (1921- ): The father of the Arrow's impossibility theorem and a laureate of 1972. In ANMW. Ed (Ed.) Frontiers of economics: Nobel laureates of the twentieth century. (pp. 45 - 54). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Chatterjee, S., Rae, AN., & Shakur, S.(2001). A bold millenium round: Some signposts for trade and welfare gains from comprehensive multisector reforms. 麻豆视频, Department of Applied and International Economics
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Rae, AN., Chatterjee, S., & Shakur, S.(2000). The sectoral approach to trade liberalisation: Should we try to do better?. 麻豆视频, Department of Applied and International Economics
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Holland, JD.(2000). Supply analysis of farm tourism: Results from a farmstay survey in New Zealand. Department of Applied and International Economics, 麻豆视频
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Nugroho, A., Obben, J., & Shakur, S.(2000). Aspects of the linkage between the banking and currency crises of Indonesia. 麻豆视频, Department of Applied and International Economics
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (1990). The Optimality of Mixed Policies in International Commodities Trade..
[Scholarly edition]Authored by: Shakur, S.


Meister, AD., & Shakur, S. (2003). The New Zealand agricultural sector: Policy approaches and initiatives used to help farmers adapt. 麻豆视频, Applied and International Economics.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shakur, S.


Shakur, S., Tang, M., & Ngo, T.Analysis of China’s Agri-food Imports In an Extended Gravity Model. . Washington, DC, USA
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Ha, TTM., Le, TTL., & Do, KHP. (2017). Coping with food safety risk: Hanoi consumer’s perception of food safety risk and risk reduction strategies. Poster session presented at the meeting of 3rd GlobalFood Symposium 2017, Gottingen, Germany (Poster Session, Cluster 6). Göttingen, Germany
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Pham Do, KH., & Ha, TTM.(2017). The Determinants of Food Safety Risk Perception in Vietnam. . Rotorua, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Pham Do, K., Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Tsang, CY.(2017). New Zealand’s Trade Prospects in an Uncertain Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Environment: Results from Gravity Model. . Rotorua, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Mai, TC., Shakur, S., & Cassells, SM. (2017). Price asymmetry of coffee beans: Evidence from Vietnam. Proceedings of the 2016 New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Conference (21 pages). AgEcon Search. (pp. 1 - 21). : 2016 New Zealand Agricultural & Research Economics Society Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Wang, Y. (2016, February). Profit Efficiency of Chinese Pear Farmers. Presented at 60th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society. Canberra, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Yan, W. (2015). Determinants of pear farmers profits in China. .. : World Business, Finance and Management Conference.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2013, October). New Zealand-India free trade agreement: A numerical analysis. Presented at World Business and Social Science Conference. Bangkok, Thailand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Rae, AN. (2013, December). Modelling Impacts of Trade Liberalizations by Computable General Equilibrium Models- An Application to South Asian Trade. Presented at International Conference on Globalization and Trade: Prospects and Challenges for South Asia. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Hassan, GM., & Bhuyan, M.(2012). Nonlinear growth effect of remittances in recipient countries: an econometric analysis of remittances-growth nexus in Bangladesh. . Palmerston North, New Zealand
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Manning, R. (2013). Impact of international financial shocks on New Zealand’s small open economy. World Finance and Banking Symposium. : World Finance and Banking Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Kabir, MH., & Shakur, S. (2011). Non-linear Decomposition Analysis of Risk Aversion and Stockholding Behavior of U.S. Households.. School of Economics and Finance Seminar Series. (pp. 1 - 15). : Economics and Finance staff at Manawatu Capus of 麻豆视频
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Wallace, M., & Shakur, S. (2011, August). Examination of New Zealand’s Agricultural sector in response to economic growth and changing trade relations with China. Presented at New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society 2011 Conference. Nelson, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Wallace, M., & Shakur, S. (2011). Examination of New Zealand’s agricultural sector in response to economic growth and changing trade relations with China. , New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society 2011 CONFERENCE
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Gow, H., Shakur, S., & Mahmood, MA. (2011, June). Impact of trade liberalization on agriculture in Pakistan. Presented at 2011 Annual World Symposium. Frankfurt, Germany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Gow, H., Shakur, S., & Mahmood, MA.(2011). Impact of trade liberalization on agriculture in Pakistan. . Frankfurt Marriott Hotel , Frankfurt, Germany
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2007, December). Impact of India’s Trade Reform on Bangladesh. Presented at 17th Annual Conference on Contemporary Issues in Development Economics. Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S.(2007). Impact of India's trade reform on Bangladesh. . Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Obben, J., Pech, A., & Shakur, S.(2006). Analysis of the relationship between the share market performance and exchange rates in New Zealand: A cointegrating var approach. Paper presented at the meeting of New Zealand Economic Papers
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Rae, AN. (2005). Regional and multilateral trade liberalization and its impact on Bangladesh. In S. As-Saber, & Q. Alum (Eds.) Business and Government in Bangladesh in the 21st Century. (pp. unpaged). Melbourne, VIC
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Rae, AN. (2005, November). Regional and multilateral trade liberalisation and their impacts on Bangladesh. Presented at Business and Government in Bangladesh in the 21st Century. Monash University Law Chambers, Melbourne, VIC.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Rae, AN., & Chatterjee, S. (2005, June). Special and differential treatment in multilateral trade negotiations. Presented at The New Zealand Association of Economists 46th Annual Conference. Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Rae, AN., Shakur, S., & Chatterjee, S. (2004, June). Agenda for tariff reduction: Experiments with agricultural and non-agricultural reforms at the Doha Round. Presented at 45th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Association of Economists. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Rae, AN., & Chatterjee, S. (2004, November). A road ahead from Cancun?: Weighing up some give-and-take scenarios in a DDA spirit. Presented at 9th Convention of the East Asian Economic Association. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2003, December). Asian economic crisis, Indonesia and lessons for other regional economics. Presented at 4th International Conference on Development. Sanur Bali, Indonesia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Rae, AN., & Chatterjee, S. (2002, November). How comprehensive will be the Doha round?: Experiments with agricultural and non-agricultural reforms. Presented at 8th Convention of the East Asian Economic Association. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2002). New Zealand's changing trade pattern and policies. 8th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society. (pp. 39 - 44). Canterbury, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Obben, J., & Nugroho, A. (2002, January). Financial sector reforms and currency crisis: The Indonesian experience. Presented at 3rd IIDS (Australia) International Conference on Development. Bhubaneswar, India.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Haque, A. (2001). Macroeconometric modelling with an environmentally adjusted agricultural sector. 7th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society. (pp. 124 - 128). Canterbury, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Chatterjee, S., Rae, AN., & Shakur, S. (2000, November). A bold Millennium Round: Some signposts for trade and welfare gains from comprehensive multisector reforms. Presented at 7th Convention of the East Asian Economic Association. Singapore.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Rae, AN., Chatterjee, S., & Shakur, S. (2000). The sectoral approach to trade liberalisation: Should we try to do better?. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Study Centre Consortium Conference 1999. Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shakur, S.


Hasan, SA., Shakur, S., & Ratna, N. (2019). Exchange rate, remittances and expenditure of foreign-born households: evidence from Australia. (pp. 1 - 80). In Palmerston North, New Zealand
[Working Paper]Authored by: Hasan, S., Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Ngo, T., & Tang, M. (2018, November). Analysis of China’s Agri-food Imports In an Extended Gravity Model. Presented at 麻豆视频, Palmerston North.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Hassan, G., & Shakur, S. (2015, June). Are there significant externality effects of remittances in Asian economic growth?. In School of Economics and Finance. Presented at 麻豆视频, Palmerston North.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Hassan, G. (2015). Are there significant externality effects of remittances in Asian economic growth?. In University of Waikato, Department of Economics, Working Paper in Economics(pp. 1 - 8). In Hamilton, New Zealand: Department of Economics, University of Waikato
[Working Paper]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Rae, AN. (2013, May). Welfare Impacts of Bangladesh-India Bilateral Trade Reforms: Results from CGE Analysis. In Distinguished panel of economists in Bangladesh. Presented at BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2013, June). Problems and Prospects of TICFA: The Case of Bangladesh. In Expert Panel on US-Bangladesh Relations. Presented at Presidency University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2011, November). New Zealand’s Free Trade Agreements with ASEAN and India: A Comparative Analysis. In Department of Economics Seminar Series, Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, Hamilton..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Kabir, MH., & Shakur, S. (2011, November). Non-linear decomposition analysis of risk aversion and U.S. stock market participation. In Departmental Seminar. Presented at Departmental Seminar.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kabir, M., Shakur, S.Edited by: Kabir, M.
Shakur, S. (2011, October). New Zealand - India free trade agreement.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2009, August). Trade policies analysis with CGE models. In Economics and Finance (Albany) Seminar Series.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2009). Trade strategy for South Asia. Presented at 麻豆视频, PN.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2008, October). My Research on Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modelling and Their Applications.. In Economics staff within 麻豆视频's three campuses. Presented at Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2008, October). My Research Projects. In Retreat of Economics Staff within 麻豆视频, Palmerston North.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2008, November). Whither the New Zealand dollar?. In Professional Development Programme for Economics Teachers, Palmerston North, New Zealand..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2008, June). Bangladesh's trade relations with South Asian Countries - A computable general equilibrium analysis. In National Denfence College. Presented at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2006, April). NZ's current account deficit and the New Zealand dollar. In Probus Club. Presented at Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., & Rae, AN. (2005, November). Trade reforms in south Asia. : 麻豆视频, Department of Applied and International Economics.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2004, October). Trade policy in New Zealand: Past and present. : 麻豆视频, Department of Applied and International Economics.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2004). Trade policy in New Zealand: Past and present. Professional Development Progamme for Economics Teachers
[Other]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S., Rae, AN., & Chatterjee, S. (2004). A road ahead from Cancun?: Weighing up some give-and-take scenarios in a DDA spirit. (pp. 1 - 26). 麻豆视频, Department of Applied and International Economics
[Other]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2003, December). Agenda for textile and leather sector reform in WTO. Presented at North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. : North South University, Department of Economics.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Shakur, S. (2002, February). Meeting environmental challenges in international trade. : Horizons.mw Regional Council.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.
Hassan, GM., & Shakur, S.Are there significant externality effects of remittances in Asian economic growth?.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shakur, S.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 1 1
Co-supervisor 2 1

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Nobinkhor Kundu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Challenges to agricultural productivity and trade: global and regional issues on environmental change, political regime, and uncertainties

Co-supervisor of:

  • Madiha Hussaini - Doctor of Philosophy
    Prevalence of educational mismatch and earnings: Evidence from Pakistan and New Zealand
  • Yujuan Li - Doctor of Philosophy
    Essays on Marine Economic Development in China

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2020 - Thi Thanh Mai Ha - Doctor of Philosophy
    Consumer perception and behavior toward food safety risk in Vietnam

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2014 - Zafar Hayat - Doctor of Philosophy
    An empirical assessment of Pakistan's discretionary monetary policy strategy using novel discretion and inflation bias indicators

Media and Links


  • 24 Jun 2013 - Newspaper, Television
    Problems and Prospects of TICFA: The Case of Bangl
    My Keynote Presentation at Presidency University, Dhaka, Bangladesh received a widespread media coverage on national TV as well as over half dozen daily and weekly newspapers.