
Dr Raewyn Eden staff profile picture

Contact details +6469519252

Dr Raewyn Eden DipTchg, MEd, PhD

Lecturer in Mathematics Education

Doctoral Supervisor
Institute of Education

I am involved in several research projects that address national and international education priorities with a particular focus on mathematics education in primary contexts. Prevalent themes in my work include teachers’ professional learning through collaboration and co-teaching in particular; issues of equity of educational opportunity; place and identity within and beyond school; and the role of emotions in teaching and learning. I am currently working on completing my PhD which investigates how collaborative inquiry supports teachers to promote valued educational outcomes for students at risk of underachievement in mathematics.

At present I teach mathematics education in the Graduate Diploma of Teaching and Master of Teaching and Learning primary programmes. I have considerable recent classroom teaching experience, predominantly in primary school contexts but also across early childhood education, secondary, and tertiary contexts including in New Zealand and the Cook Islands.

I have a been lecturer in mathematics education (primary) in the Institute of Education since January 2016. Much of my professional life prior to this has involved teaching in diverse schools, particularly at the primary level, in New Zealand and the Cook Islands.

I am interested in the work of teachers and how we can be supported to engage in ambitious teaching that promotes rich learnng for diverse (all) students. My recent work particularly centres on how teachers' shared work can promote teacher learning, particularly in the context of mathematics teaching and learning.

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Contact details

  • Ph: 069519252
    Location: Level 5, Social Sciences Tower (SST)
    Campus: Manawatu


  • Diploma of Teaching (Primary) - Wellington College of Education (1990)
  • Master of Education (Distinction) - Victoria University (2006)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Victoria University (2020)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 麻豆视频

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Teacher learning

Mathematics education (primary)




21st Century Citizenship

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Curriculum and Pedagogy (130200): Education (130000): Mathematics and Numeracy Curriculum and Pedagogy (130208)

Research Outputs


Eden, R. (2019). Restructuring mathematics teaching | learning: Co-teaching as a designed approach to teachers' collaborative inquiry. (Doctoral Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington) Eden, R. (2019). Restructuring mathematics teaching | learning: Co-teaching as a designed approach to teachers' collaborative inquiry. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Eden, R.


Higgins, J., Moeed, A., & Eden, R. (2018). Video as a mediating artefact of science learning: Cogenerated views of what helps students learn from watching video. Asia-Pacific Science Education. 4(1), 1-19
[Journal article]Authored by: Eden, R.
Higgins, J., & Eden, R. (2015). Practice-based inservice teacher education: Generating local theory about the pedagogy of group work. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development. 17(2), 84-97
[Journal article]Authored by: Eden, R.
Higgins, J., & Eden, R. (2018). Emerging understandings of mindfulness through experiential awareness. Learning: Research and Practice. 4(1), 102-111
[Journal article]Authored by: Eden, R.
Higgins, J., & Eden, R. (2018). Cogenerated understandings of mindfulness-based breathing in elementary mathematics classrooms. Journal of Educational Research. 111(6), 678-689
[Journal article]Authored by: Eden, R.
Eden, RM. (2015). Keryn Davis, Jocelyn Wright, Margaret Carr and Sally Peters: Key Competencies, Assessment and Learning Stories: Talking with Teachers and Students. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies. 50(1), 165-167
[Book Review]Authored by: Eden, R.


Esteley, C., Huang, R., Mellone, M., Soto, G., Eden, R., & Coles, A. (2024). Contexts, Forms and Outcomes of Mathematics Teacher Collaboration. In New ICMI Study Series. (pp. 69 - 134).
[Chapter]Authored by: Eden, R.
Eden, R. (2022). Co-Teaching to Develop Reform-Based Practices in Mathematics: Classrooms as Shared Spaces for Teacher Learning. In O. Kartal, G. Popovic, & S. Morrissey (Eds.) Global Perspectives and Practices for Reform-Based Mathematics Teaching. (pp. 273 - 292). Hershey, United States of America: IGI Global
[Chapter]Authored by: Eden, R.
Anthony, G., & Eden, R. (2021). Mathematics Teacher Education in Aotearoa New Zealand. In DR. Thompson, MA. Huntley, & C. Suurtamm (Eds.) International Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education. (pp. 113 - 141). United States of America: Information Age Publishing Inc
[Chapter]Authored by: Eden, R.
Higgins, J., & Eden, R. (2016). Mindfulness interventions in classroom learning environments. In M. Powietrzynska, & K. Tobin (Eds.) Mindfulness and Educating Citizens for Everyday Life. (pp. 59 - 72). : Sense Publishers
[Chapter]Authored by: Eden, R.


Butler, P., Denston, A., Eden, R., & Hodson, D. (2023). English and Mathematics & Statistics learning areas: Fast-test feedback on progression steps..
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Butler, P., Denston, A., Eden, R., Hodson, D.
Butler, P., Denston, A., Eden, R., & Hodson, D. (2023). Feedback on Te M膩taiaho | The Refreshed New Zealand Curriculum.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Butler, P., Denston, A., Eden, R., Hodson, D.
Eden, R.(2020). Powerful partnerships: Co-designing learning with 膩konga and wh膩nau.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Eden, R.
Eden, RM.(2017). Co-teaching to support pedagogical shifts to raise achievement in mathematics.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Eden, R.


Eden, R. (2020). Learning together through co-teaching mathematics: The role of noticing in teachers’ collaborative inquiry. In H. Borko, & D. Potari (Eds.) The 25th ICMI Study: Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups. (pp. 300 - 307). : ICMI Study 25: TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS WORKING AND LEARNING IN COLLABORATIVE GROUPS
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Eden, R.
Eden, R. (2018). Opening classroom practice to challenge: The role of trust in mathematics teachers' collaborative inquiry involving co-teaching.. In J. Hunter, L. Darragh, & P. Perger (Eds.) Making waves, opening spaces. Adelaide, SA: 41st Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Eden, R.
Eden, R. (2019, June). Co-generating teacher knowledge through co-teaching mathematics: The role of noticing. Presented at 42nd MERGA Conference 2019. Perth, Western Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Eden, R.
Eden, R., & Higgins, J. (2018). Collaboration and inquiry in teaching: Interdependent and intradependent processes. , New Zealand Association for Research in Education Conference 2018
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Eden, R.
Eden, RM., & Higgins, J.Affordances of co-teaching in collaborative teacher inquiry as an adaptive model of teacher learning. . Washington, D.C.
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Eden, R.
Eden, RM. (2015, November). Collaborative teacher inquiry using co-teaching: Opening space and catalysing change. Presented at New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE) Conference 2015. Whakatane, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Eden, R.
Eden, RM. (2015, November). Teachers’ collaborative inquiry featuring co-teaching: An adaptive professional learning design to support equitable mathematics achievement. Presented at AARE 2015 Conference. University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, Western Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Eden, R.
Eden, R. (2019, November). T膩taiako and co-teaching: “What’s good for M膩ori is good for teacher learning”. Presented at NZARE 2019 Conference. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Eden, R.
Higgins, J., & Eden, R. (2016). Mindfulness-based breathing as a negotiated practice in an elementary classroom. Poster session presented at the meeting of AERA Annual Meeting 2016. Washington D.C., United States of America
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Eden, R.
Higgins, J., & Eden, R.(2019). A New Zealand Bicultural Perspective on Holistic Well-being: A Mindfulness-Based Breathing Strategy in Elelmentary Classrooms. . Toronto, Canada
[Conference Other]Authored by: Eden, R.Contributed to by: Eden, R.
Higgins, J., Adams, JD., Bellino, ME., & Eden, R. (2019). Kaitiakitanga, as a Word or a Worldview? Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental School Programs. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2019 AERA Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Eden, R.Contributed to by: Eden, R.
Higgins, J., Adams, J., & Eden, R. (2018, November). Incorporating indigenous knowledge in a primary school environmental studies programme in Aotearoa New Zealand. Presented at New Zealand Association for Research in Education Conference 2018. AUT, Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Eden, R.


Amanda, D., Eden, R., Butler, P., & Hodson, D. (2023, November). Insights from Feedback on the Refreshed New Zealand Curriculum.. Presented at NZARE 2023, 麻豆视频, Palmerston North..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Butler, P., Eden, R., Hodson, D.Contributed to by: Hodson, D.

Media and Links


  • 29 Oct 2015 - Online
    Joining forces to improve maths education
  • 12 Aug 2015 - Newspaper, Online
    Three Wellington primary schools to teach together

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