
Prof Nicola Shadbolt staff profile picture

Contact details +6469517793

Prof Nicola Shadbolt MAgSc, PGDipBusStud

Professor of Farm & AgriBusiness Management

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Agriculture and Environment

Delivering farm and agribusiness management research and education - risk, strategy, business analysis, cooperatives; Elected director of Fonterra Cooperative; Director of the International Food & Agribusiness Management Association and represents NZ in the International Farm Comparison Network (IFCN) in Dairying.  Editor of International Food and Agribusiness Management Review and International Journal of Agricultural Management. Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management and the Australian Institute of Company Directors. An in-depth understanding of global farming and agribusiness. Awarded Officer of NZ Order of Merit for services to agribusiness in 2018.


Contact details

  • Ph: +646 356 9099 ext 84793
    Location: 2.44, AgHort
    Campus: Manawatu


  • Master of Agricultural Science (Honours) - University of Canterbury (1983)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Business Studies - 麻豆视频 (2014)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 麻豆视频

Research Expertise

Research Interests

AgriBusiness Management

Farm Business Management:

  1.       Strategic Management
  2.       Farm Business Analysis
  3.       Risk and Resilience
  4.       Farming systems

Current research focus is to continue to develop business health metrics through both data mining and case study analysis, to further test strategy tools and explore the impact on resilience of alternative on and off-farm strategies with the aim being to better understand and encourage the adoption of improved strategic management by land owners.

Parallel research related to off-farm strategies has focused on collective action by land owners, in particular through the formation, management and governance of cooperatives. 


Resource Development and Management, Future Food Systems

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences (070000): Agricultural Land Management (070101): Agricultural Production Systems Simulation (070103): Agricultural Systems Analysis and Modelling (070105): Agriculture, Land and Farm Management (070100): Agriculture, Land and Farm Management not elsewhere classified (070199): Farm Management, Rural Management and Agribusiness (070106): Farming Systems Research (070107): Sustainable Agricultural Development (070108)

Research Outputs


Liu, Y., Garnevska, E., & Shadbolt, N. (2024). Organizational structures of agriculture cooperatives in China: Evidence from the green vegetable sector. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management. 12(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.
Qi, Y., Han, J., Shadbolt, NM., & Zhang, Q. (2022). Can the use of digital technology improve the cow milk productivity in large dairy herds? Evidence from China's Shandong Province. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 6
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Duranovich, FN., Shadbolt, NM., Draganova, I., López-Villalobos, N., Yule, IJ., & Morris, ST. (2022). Variation of nutritive value, measured by proximal hyperspectral sensing, of herbage offered to grazing dairy cows. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(4-5), 395-414
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S., Shadbolt, N.
Duranovich, F., Shadbolt, N., Draganova, I., López-Villalobos, N., Yule, I., & Morris, S. (2021). The relative importance of herbage nutritive value and climate in determining daily performance per cow in a pasture-based dairy farm. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S., Shadbolt, N.
Tray, B., Garnevska, E., & Shadbolt, N. (2021). Linking smallholder producers to high-value markets through vegetable producer cooperatives in Cambodia. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 24(6), 905-920
[Journal article]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.Contributed to by: Garnevska, E.
Fernando, S., Garnevska, E., Ramilan, T., & Shadbolt, N. (2021). Organisational attributes of cooperatives and farmer companies. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management. 9(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Ramilan, T., Shadbolt, N.Contributed to by: Garnevska, E.
Duranovich, F., López-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N., Draganova, I., Yule, I., & Morris, S. (2021). The deviation between dairy cow metabolizable energy requirements and pasture supply on a dairy farm using proximal hyperspectral sensing. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(3), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2020). Competitive Strategy Analysis of NZ Pastoral Dairy Farming Systems. International Journal of Agricultural Management. 9, 107-115
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Apparao, MD., Shadbolt, NM., & Garnevska, E. (2020). Heterogeneity and Commitment to Collective Action: An empirical study of a New Zealand dairy co-operative. International Journal of Co-operative Accounting and Management (IJCAM). 3(3), 58-80 Retrieved from https://www.smu.ca/webfiles/10.36830-IJCAM.202016Apparao.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.Contributed to by: Garnevska, E.
Duranovich, FN., Yule, IJ., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, NM., Draganova, I., & Morris, ST. (2020). Using proximal hyperspectral sensing to predict herbage nutritive value for dairy farming. Agronomy. 10(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Draganova, I., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S., Shadbolt, N.
Chen, N., Yang, X., & Shadbolt, N. (2020). The balanced scorecard as a tool evaluating the sustainable performance of Chinese emerging family farms-Evidence from Jilin Province in China. Sustainability (Switzerland). 12(17)
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Apparao, D., Garnevska, E., & Shadbolt, N. (2019). Examining commitment, heterogeneity and social capital within the membership base of agricultural co-operatives—A conceptual framework. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management. 7(1), 42-50
[Journal article]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.
Dooley, AE., Apparao, MD., Mccarthy, IA., Parminter, T., & Shadbolt, NM. (2018). Envisaging future New Zealand dairy farm systems: A scenario analysis approach. International Journal of Agricultural Management. 7(1), 41-49
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Dooley, AE., Shadbolt, NM., Khatami, K., & Tauer, L. (2017). Application of the adjusted weak axiom of profit maximization to New Zealand dairy farming. Journal of Applied Farm Economics. 1(2), 49-61 Retrieved from https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/jafe/vol1/iss2/4
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Maspaitella, M., Garnevska, E., Siddique, MI., & Shadbolt, N. (2018). Towards high value markets: A case study of smallholder vegetable farmers in Indonesia. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 21(1), 73-88
[Journal article]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, N., Apparao, D., Hunter, S., Bicknell, K., & Dooley, A. (2017). Scenario analysis to determine possible, plausible futures for the New Zealand dairy industry. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 60(3), 349-361
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Schwendel, BH., Wester, TJ., Morel, PCH., Fong, B., Tavendale, MH., Deadman, C., . . . Otter, DE. (2017). Pasture feeding conventional cows removes differences between organic and conventionally produced milk. Food Chemistry. 229, 805-813
[Journal article]Authored by: Morel, P., Shadbolt, N., Wester, T.
Shadbolt, NM., Olubode-Awosola, F., & Rutsito, B. (2016). Resilience in dairy farm businesses: To bounce without breaking. Journal Of Advances In Agriculture. 6(2), 973-984
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Apparao, D. (2016). Factors influencing the dairy trade from New Zealand. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 19(B), 241-255
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & olubode-awasola, F. (2016). Resilience, risk and entrepreneurship. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 19(2), 33-52 Retrieved from https://www.ifama.org/Volume-19-Issue-2
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Bensemann, J., & Shadbolt, N. (2015). Farmers' choice of marketing strategy: A Study of New Zealand Lamb Producers. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 18(3), 211-243
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Schwendel, BH., Wester, TJ., Morel, PCH., Tavendale, MH., Deadman, C., Shadbolt, NM., . . . Otter, DE. (2015). Corrigendum to "Invited review: Organic and conventionally produced milk-An evaluation of influence factors on milk composition" [J. Dairy Sci. 98, (2015) 721-746]. Journal of Dairy Science. 98(4), 2831
[Journal article]Authored by: Morel, P., Shadbolt, N., Wester, T.
Shadbolt, NM. (2013). Strategic management. NZ Kiwifruit Journal. (219), 16-19
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Conforte, D., Jones, N., Shadbolt, NM., & Lucock, XS. (2013). ANZCO foods limited: Pursuing the chinese market. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 16(1), 85-112
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Mungandi, S., Conforte, D., & Shadbolt, N. (2012). Integration of smallholders in modern agri-food chains: Lessons from the KASCOL model in Zambia. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 15(3), 155-176 Retrieved from https://www.ifama.org/
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, N. (2012). Competitive strategy analysis of NZ pastoral dairy farming systems. International Journal of Agricultural Management. 1(3), 19-27
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Garnevska, E., Liu, G., & Shadbolt, NM. (2011). Factors for successful development of farmer cooperatives in Northwest China. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 14(4), 69-84
[Journal article]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Olubode-Awasola, F., Gray, D., & Dooley, E. (2010). Risk - an opportunity or threat for entrepreneurial farmers in the global food market?. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 13(4), 75-96
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, N., Kelly, T., Horne, D., Harrington, K., Kemp, P., Palmer, A., . . . Thatcher, A. (2009). Comparisons between organic & conventional pastoral dairy farming systems: Cost of production and profitability. Journal of Farm Management. 13(10), 31-45 Retrieved from http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/iagrm/jfm/2009/00000013/00000010/art00004
[Journal article]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, N. (2008). Strategic management of farm businesses: The role of strategy tools with particular reference to the balanced scorecard. Journal of Farm Management. 13(3), 205-218 Retrieved from http://www.onefarm.ac.nz/assets/Uploads/JFM-Shadbolt-2008.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2007). The balanced scorecard: A strategic management tool for ranchers. Rangelands. 29(2), 4-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, N. (2007). Review of agricultural course development at Massey. Primary Industry Management. 10(2), 8-11
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Schwendel, BH., Morel, PCH., Wester, TJ., Tavendale, MH., Deadman, C., Fong, B., . . . Otter, DE. (2014). Fatty acid profile differs between organic and conventionally produced cow milk independent of season or milking time. Journal of Dairy Science.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morel, P., Shadbolt, N., Wester, T.
Schwendel, BH., Wester, TJ., Morel, PCH., Tavendale, MH., Deadman, C., Shadbolt, NM., . . . Otter, DE. (2014). Invited review: Organic and conventionally produced milk-An evaluation of influence factors on milk composition. Journal of Dairy Science.
[Journal article]Authored by: Morel, P., Shadbolt, N., Wester, T.
Shadbolt, N., & Gardner, JW. (2006). Farm investments: Alternative ownership structures that address the liquidity versus profitability conundrum. Journal of International Farm Management. 3(3), 1-12 Retrieved from http://ifmaonline.org/pdf/journals/Vol3Ed3_Shadbolt_Gardner.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Schwendel, BH., Wester, TJ., Morel, PCH., Tavendale, MH., Deadman, C., Shadbolt, NM., . . . Otter, DE. (2015). Invited review: Organic and conventionally produced milk-An evaluation of factors influencing milk composition. Journal of Dairy Science. 98(2), 721-746
[Journal article]Authored by: Morel, P., Shadbolt, N., Wester, T.
Tocker, J., Shadbolt, N., & Gardner, JW. (2006). Management information systems in two New Zealand dairy farm businesses of different scale. Extension Farming Systems Journal. 2(1), 65-76 Retrieved from http://www.csu.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/109542/EFS_Journal_v02_n01_05_Tocker_et_al.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Boardman, M., & Shadbolt, NM. (2005). Economic mutuality: The cooperative difference. Primary Industry Management. 8(4), 37-39
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Barnes, R. (2005). Improved benchmarks for the dairy industry. Primary Industry Management. 8(3), 36-39
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, N., Kelly, TC., & Holmes, CW. (2005). Organic dairy farming: Cost of production and profitability. AFBM Journal: Farm Business and Farming Systems Management. 2(2), 136-145 Retrieved from http://www.csu.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/109403/AFBM_Journal_v02_n02_05_Nicola_Shadbolt_et_al.pdf
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Neto, VB., & Shadbolt, NM. (2003). Organic sheep and beef cattle farming: risks and returns. Primary Industry Management. 6(1), 34-39
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Donoso, I., Rudzki, RE., Shadbolt, NM., & Bailey, BC. (2003). The Internationalisation of agricultural co-operatives: Critical factors in development. Australasian Agribusiness Perspectives Papers. 61 Retrieved from http://www.agrifood.info/perspectives/2003/Donoso.html
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Gardner, JW. (2002). Investing in farming: Profitability, liquidity, depreciating and appreciating assets. Primary Industry Management. 5(2), 31-33
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Benson, S., Rhodes, T., & Shadbolt, NM. (2001). Organic meat oppotunities: A Massey study. Primary Industry Management. 4(3), 24-26
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Brier, B., & Shadbolt, NM. (2001). Benchmarking in New Zealand Agriculture. Primary Industry Management. 4(2), 21-25
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000). Redear's views. RM Update. (5), 3-3
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, N., & Rawlings, M. (2000). An exploration of the use of the balanced scorecard approach to achieve better farm business planning and control. Australasian Agribusiness Perspectives Paper. 32 Retrieved from http://www.agrifood.info/perspectives/2000/Shadbolt.html
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Stanley, RA., & Gardner, JW. (2000). Strategic planning on a family farm to identify the business growth required for success: A case study. Primary Industry Management. 3(1), 26-30
[Journal article]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.


Gray, D., & Shadbolt, NM. (2017). POM in agriculture: Pastoral farming in New Zealand. In The Routledge Companion to Production and Operations Management. (pp. 467 - 496).
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Duncan, A. (2016). Perspectives from the ground: Fonterra co-operative case study. In TS. Chieh, & CT. Weber (Eds.) The capital conundrum for co-operatives. (pp. 94 - 103). : International Co-operative Alliance
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2009). The balanced scorecard in food and farming. In . Lisa Jack (Ed.) Benchmarking in food and farming. creating sustainable change. (pp. 117 - 124). England: Gower
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2009). Dairy base: building a best practice benchmarking system. In . Lisa Jack (Ed.) Benchmarking in food and farming creating sustainable change. (pp. 39 - 48). England: Gower
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Martin, S., & Shadbolt, NM. (2005). Conclusion. In N. Shadbolt, & S. Martin (Eds.) Farm Management in New Zealand. (pp. 385 - 387). Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Martin, S., & Shadbolt, NM. (2005). Strategic management. In N. Shadbolt, & S. Martin (Eds.) Farm Management in New Zealand. (pp. 95 - 122). Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Bywater, T. (2005). The dimensions of management. In N. Shadbolt, & S. Martin (Eds.) Farm Management in New Zealand. (pp. 23 - 41). Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shabolt, N., & Eds, SM. (Eds.) (2005). Farm management in New Zealand. South Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press
[Edited Book]Edited by: Shadbolt, N.
Hodgson, J., Cameron, K., Clark, D., Condron, L., Fraser, T., Hedley, MJ., . . . Woodfield, DR. (2005). New Zealand's pastoral industries: Efficient use of grassland resources. In SG. Reynolds, & J. Frame (Eds.) Grasslands: Developments, Opportunities, Perspectives. (pp. 181 - 205). Enfield, NH: Science Publishers
[Chapter]Authored by: Morris, S., Shadbolt, N.
Gardner, JW., & Shadbolt, NM. (2005). Wealth creation. In N. Shadbolt, & S. Martin (Eds.) Farm Management in New Zealand. (pp. 267 - 304). South Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Gardner, JW., Nartea, G., & Shadbolt, NM. (2005). New opportunities: Investments in Farming. In N. Shadbolt, & S. Martin (Eds.) Farm Management in New Zealand. (pp. 221 - 266). South Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Gardner, JW. (2005). Financial management. In N. Shadbolt, & S. Martin (Eds.) Farm Management in New Zealand. (pp. 139 - 182). South Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2003). Measuring farm profitability. In Profitable Beef Production: A Guide to Beef Production in New Zealand. (pp. 195 - 210). Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Beef Council
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Martin, S., & Shadbolt, NM. (2000). Risk management strategies in the whole farm context: The New Zealand experience. (pp. 68 - 78). : ORGANIZATION ECONOMIC COOPERATION & DEVELOPMENT
[Chapter]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.


Shadbolt, N., & Garnevska, E. (2019). Producer Group Study in Pursat Province, Cambodia. 麻豆视频.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.Contributed to by: Garnevska, E.
Garnevska, E., Apparao, DJ., Shadbolt, N., Callagher, L., & Siedlok, F. (2017). The New Zealand Co-operative Economy.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.
Siddique, MI., & Shadbolt, NM. (2016). Strategy implementation literature review. AgriOne.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Hunter, S., Apparao, D., Bicknell, K., Dooley, A., & Trafford, G. (2015). Dairy Industry Scenarios: Informing Dairy Farm Systems for the Future. Agrione.ac.nz.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Dake, CK., Dooley, A., & Shadbolt, NM. (2012). The use of a Markov transition model to explain the distribution of dairy herd size over time.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Olubode-Awosola, F. (2013). New Zealand Dairy Farmers and Risk: Perceptions of, Attitude to, Management of and Performance under Risk and Uncertainty.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Gray, DI., Walcroft, J., Shadbolt, N., & Turner, J. (2014). Dairy On-farm Financial Risk Project: Cross-case Report. OneFarm.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Olubode-Awosola, F., & Rutsito, B. (2013). Resilience of New Zealand dairy farm businesses.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Horne, D., Gray, DI., Reid, JI., Millner, I., Mackay, A., Rendel, JM., . . . Shadbolt, N. (2014). A Farmer's Guide: Creating a climate for success - Huatokitoki Landcare Community Project. 麻豆视频.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Horne, D., Reid, J., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2013). Assessing farmers' costs of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., Thatcher, AR., Kemp, PD., Harrington, KC., Palmer, AS., . . . Horne, DJ. (2010). 麻豆视频 Organic-Conventional Dairy Systems trial: Report after the seventh season of full certification.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Horne, D., Minor, M., Shadbolt, N.
Gray, DI., Dooley, AE., & Shadbolt, NM. (2009). Risk and dairy farm management in New Zealand.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., McDermott, A., Williams, CJ., Walters, DW., & Xu, Y. (2007). Venison: The key elements of success and failure in the NZ venison industry.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Saunders, C., Kaye Blake, W., Hayes, P., & Shadbolt, NM. (2007). Business models and performance indicators for agribusiness.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Payne, T., Dooley, E., Shadbolt, NM., & Smeaton, D. (2007). Dairy farm ownership and management: Final report. Appendix 2: Focus groups (executive summary).
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Gardner, J., & Reekers, L. (2007). Dairy farm ownership and management: Final report. Appendix 1: Literature review.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, T., Shadbolt, N., Holmes, C., Thatcher, A., Kemp, P., Harrington, K., . . . Chandler, D. (2006). 麻豆视频 organic-conventional dairy systems trial: Report after the second season of full certification. Dairy Insight.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Horne, D., Minor, M., Shadbolt, N.
Reekers, L., Shadbolt, NM., Dooley, E., & Bewsell, D. (2006). Equity partnership - Drivers of success.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Dooley, E., Payne, T., Smeaton, D., & Shadbolt, NM. (2006). A survey of dairy farm ownership and management. AgResearch NZ.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., Thatcher, AR., Kemp, PD., Harrington, KC., . . . Butcher, NR. (2005). 麻豆视频 organic-conventional dairy systems trial: Report after the second season of full certification. Institute of Natural Resources, 麻豆视频.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., Thatcher, AR., Kemp, PD., Harrington, KC., . . . Butcher, NR. (2004). 麻豆视频 organic-conventional dairy systems trial: Report after the first full year of certification. Institute of Natural Resources, 麻豆视频.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Shapland, K., Lambie, T., Mason, S., Wright, D., Tipene, P., Watts, M., . . . Kissling, K.(2003). New Zealand standard: Organic production. Wellington, NZ: Standards New Zealand
[Technical Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., Thatcher, AR., Kemp, PD., Harrington, KC., . . . Horne, DJ. (2003). 麻豆视频 organic-conventional dairy systems trial: Report on the first two years of conversion. Institute of Natural Resouces, 麻豆视频.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Arnold, R., Brink, BT., Clearfield, F., Koroluk, R., Lloyd, J., Lubbe, E., . . . Pearce, R.(2001). Environmental indicators for agriculture: Methods and results. France: Organisation for economic co-operation and development
[Technical Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Rawlings, M., & Shadbolt, NM. (2001). Successful benchmarking by balanced planning and identifying key performance indicators for goal attainment in dairy farming. Dairy Research & Development Corporation (Australia).
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM."Risk Management in New Zealand’s agriculture". NZ Consultant Report to the OECD provided as input to the Working Party on Agricultural Policies and Markets and the OECD publication TAD/CA/APM/WP(2010)16/REV1.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.


Fernando, S., Garnevska, E., Ramilan, T., & Shadbolt, N. (2023). Vertical integration and member benefits of cooperatives in Sri Lanka. Review of International Cooperation. Vol. 108 (pp. 49 - 73).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.Contributed to by: Garnevska, E.
Tray, B., Garnevska, E., & Shadbolt, N. (2020, September). Linking producers to high-value markets through producer cooperatives: A case study of vegetable producer cooperatives in Cambodia. Presented at International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) conference
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.Contributed to by: Garnevska, E.
Fernando, S., Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N., & Thiagarajah, R. (2019, December). Vertical integration of cooperatives, its benefits to and performance of smallholder rice farmers in Sri Lanka.. Presented at International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Asia Pacific Research conference. Newcastle, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.Contributed to by: Garnevska, E.
Garnevska, E., Tray, B., & Shadbolt, N. (2019, December). Linking smallholder producers to high-value markets through producer cooperatives: A case study of vegetable producer cooperatives in Cambodia. Presented at International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Asia Pacific Research conference, 12-14 December 2019. Newcastle, Australia,.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.
Collins, HM., Gray, DI., Reid, JI., Shadbolt, NM., & Dooley, AE. (2017). Who do farmers talk to? How farmer to farmer social interactions shaped dairy farmers’ responses to water quality interventions.. .http://www.esee2017.gr/uploads/attachments/80/Collins_et_al..pdf. : Transformative learning: new directions in agricultural extension and education23rd European Seminar on Extension and Education (ESEE)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Reid, J., Shadbolt, N.Contributed to by: Reid, J.
Dooley, AE., Apparao, MD., McCarthy, IA., & Shadbolt, NS.(2017). Envisaging future dairy farm systems. Paper presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 21st International Farm Management Congress. Edinbugh, Scotland, United Kingdom
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2017). RESILIENT FARMER TYPES AND THEIR RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES. SA Large Herds. : South Africa Large Herds Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Siddique, MI., & Hammond, N. (2017). Pastoral dairy farming in systems and intensification, challenges in interpretation. 21st International Farm Management Congress Proceedings Papers. Vol. 1 (pp. 1 - 16). : International Farm Management Congress
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & siddique, MI.Production is vanity, profit is sanity. . Parma, Italy
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Schwendel, BH., Wester, TJ., Morel, PCH., Fong, B., Tavendale, MH., Deadman, C., . . . Otter, DE.Differences Between Organic and Conventionally Produced Milk Reduce When Both Systems Use Pasture-feeding. FASEB JOURNAL. 0892-6638.
[Conference]Authored by: Morel, P., Shadbolt, N., Wester, T.
Collins, HM., Gray, DI., Reid, JI., Shadbolt, N., & Dooley, AE. (2017, July). Who do farmers talk to? How farmer to farmer social interactions shaped dairy farmers’ responses to water quality interventions. Presented at 23rd European Seminar on Extension (and) Education (ESEE). Chania, Greece.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Reid, J., Shadbolt, N.Contributed to by: Reid, J.
Collins, HM., Gray, DI., Reid, JI., Shadbolt, N., & Dooley, AE. (2018). Accessing and building social capital: How a farmer-driven initiative influenced policy implementation. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal. Vol. 14: APEN 2017 International Conference of the Australasia-Pacific Extension Network
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Reid, J., Shadbolt, N.
Apparao, DJ., Garnevska, E., & Shadbolt, N. (2017). A framework for examining non-economic factors within the membership base of agricultural co-operatives in New Zealand. (pp. 48 - 50). , International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Research Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.Contributed to by: Garnevska, E.
Garnevska, E., Callagher, L., Apparao, DJ., Shadbolt, N., & Siedlok, F. (2017). Agrii-food Co-operatives in New Zealand: importance and sustainability. (pp. 25 - 25). , International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Research Conference: International Co-operative Alliance
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.
Chilala, B., Shadbolt, NM., & Dooley, A.(2016). Risk management and market participation among traditional cattle farmers in Monze District of Southern Province, Zambia. . Aarhus, Denmark
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Maspaitella, M., Garnevska, E., & Shadbolt, N.(2016). Determinants of market participation of smallholder vegetable farmers in Indonesia: a case of Manokwari region. . Aarhus, Denmark,
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.Contributed to by: Garnevska, E.
Kelly, P., Macken-Walsh, A., Shadbolt, NM., Dooley, A., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shalloo, L., . . . Wallace, M. (2015). Transitioning from one farm business model to another – Insights into collaborative farming on New Zealand dairy farms. Poster session presented at the meeting of 20th International Farm Management Congress
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N.
Beux-Garcia, LM., Shadbolt, NM., & Dooley, AE.Dairy farm systems - What drives efficiency?. Paper presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 20th International Farm Management Congress. Quebec, Canada
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Duranovich, F., Shadbolt, N., Dooley, AE., & Gray, D. (2015). Dairy Farm Owners, their resilience attributes, and how they relate to their perception and management of risk. Online proceedings of International Food & Agribusiness Association Symposium. (pp. 1 - 23). : International Food & Agribusiness Association Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Duncan, A. (2014). Fonterra as a case study of co-operative capital structure innovation. Quebec 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives. (pp. 432 - 448). Canada: International Research Symposium of Cooperatives:The Cooperatives’ Power of Innovation
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Chilala, B., Maumbe, BM., & Shadbolt, NM. (2014). Building Competitive Sustainable Advantage in the Beef Industry in Sub Saharan Africa - Case Study of Zambeef Private Limited Corporation. International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 2014 Symposium Proceedings. : IFAMA CCA Agribusiness & Food World Forum
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Olubode-Awosola, F., & Rutsito, B. (2013). Resilience to 'Bounce without breaking' in New Zealand dairy farm businesses. IFMA 19 Transforming Agriculture. Vol. Volume 2 (pp. 1 - 14). Warsaw, Poland: IFMA 19th Congress 2013, Tranforming Agriculture - between policy, science and the consummer
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Olubode-Awosola, F., & Lawn, J.Resilience, Risk & Entrepreneurship.. . Sala Ipogea - Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, Naples, Italy
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Gray, D., & Olubode-Awasola, F.Risk: An opportunity or a threat for entrepreneurial farmers in the global food market?. www.ifama.org: 20th Annual International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Symposium and Forum
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Schwendel, BH., Morel, P., Wester, T., Tavendale, MH., Deadman, C., Fong, B., . . . Otter, DE. (2012). Differentiation of organic from conventionally produced milk. In J. Jacobs (Ed.) Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium. (pp. 159 - 161). Australia: 5th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N., Wester, T.
Shadbolt, NM., Rutsito, B., & Gray, D. (2011). Resilience of New Zealand dairy farms in a turbulent environment: Definition and measurement.. , International Food & Agribusiness Management Association 21st Annual World Symposium US: International Food and Agribusiness Management Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Garnevska, E., Liu, G., & Shadbolt, NM. (2011). Factors for Successful Development of Farmer cooperatives in Northwest China. In INTERNATIONAL FOOD AND AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT REVIEW Vol. 14 (pp. 69 - 84). : INT FOOD & AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT REVIEW
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2011). Competitive strategy analysis of NZ pastoral farming systems. Vol. Vol.1 - Peer Review Papers (PR) (pp. 122 - 132). www.ifmaonline.org: 18th International Farm Management Congress
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Rutsito, B., & Gray, DI.Resilience of New Zealand dairy farms in a turbulent environment: Definition and measurement. www.ifama.org: 21st Annual International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2009). Farming as an investment and farmers as investors. SA Large Herds Conference - Proceedings.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2011, June). Evaluating alternative competitive strategies adopted by New Zealand dairy farmers. Presented at 21st Annual International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium. Frankfurt, Germany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Kataliem, I., & Conforte, DA. (2009). Entrepreneurship in agricultural micro enterprises in west pokot district, Kenya. In 19th Annual World Forum and Symposium - Global Challenges - Local Solutions(pp. 1 - 12). : IAMA, USA
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Schwendel, BH., Morel, PCH., Wester, TJ., Tavendale, MH., Deadman, C., Fong, B., . . . Otter, DE. (2015). Fatty acid profile differs between organic and conventionally produced cow milk independent of season or milking time. In Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 98 (pp. 1411 - 1425).
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Morel, P., Shadbolt, N., Wester, T.
Shadbolt, NM. (2014, May). How can farm accounts be meaningful & how can accountants use them to better connect with their clients?. Presented at NZICA Primary Sector Conference. Hamilton, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Rutsito, B., & Gray, DI. (2011, June). Defining and measuring resilience for New Zealand dairy farmers. Presented at 21st Annual International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium. Frankfurt, Germany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Olubode-Awasola, F., & Gray, D. (2010). Risk: An opportunity or threat for farmers in the global food market?. , 20th Annual International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Symposium and Forum www.ifama.org: International Food & Agribusiness Management Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2009, February). Farming as an investment and farmers as investors. Presented at SA Large Herds Conference. Drakensberg, Kwazulu-Natal.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2009, February). How risky is your farm business?. Presented at SA Large Herds Conference. Drakensberg,Kwazulu-Natal.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2013, August). On-Farm Impacts of environmental policy - a journey through time.. Presented at On-farm impacts of environmental policy. Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2009). How risky is your farm business?. SA Large Herds Conference. (pp. 155 - 166).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2012, September). Delivering to Cooperative Principles as Cooperatives Evolve.. Presented at 2012 NZ Cooperative Education Seminar. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Olubode-Awosola, F.Resilience, risk and entrepreneurship.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Olubode-Awosola, F., & Rutsito, B. (2013, July). Resilience to 'Bounce without breaking' in New Zealand dairy farm businesses. Presented at IFMA 19th Congress 2013, Tranforming Agriculture - between policy, science and the consummer. Poland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Bondesio, F., Bondesio, E., Shadbolt, NM., & Shalloo, L. (2009, February). Strategic planning in action. Presented at 6th SA Large Herds Conference. Drakensberg, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2009, July). Comparisons between organic and conventional dairy systems: cost of production and profitability. Presented at 17th International Farm Management Association Congress. Illinois, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Kelly, T., Horne, DJ., Harrington, KC., Kemp, PD., Palmer, AS., . . . Thatcher, AR. (2009). Comparisons between organic and conventional dairy systems: Cost of production and profitability. 17th International Farm management Association Congress. (pp. 96 - 117).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Kelly, T., Horne, DJ., Harrington, KC., Kemp, PD., Palmer, AS., . . . Thatcher, AR. (2009). Comparisons between organic and conventional dairy systems: cost of production and profitability. In 17th International Farm management Association Congress(pp. 96 - 96). : Illinois Society of Professional Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2009, July). Strategy recognition and implementation by New Zealand pastoral farming strategists. Presented at 17th International Farm Management Association Congress. Illinois, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Beijeman, A., Shadbolt, NM., & Gray, DI. (2009). Strategy recognition and implementation by New Zealand pastoral farmings strategists. 17th International Farm Management Congress. (pp. 2:03 - 2:23).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Beijeman, A., Shadbolt, NM., & Gray, DI. (2009). Strategy recognition and implementation by New Zealand pastoral farmings strategists. In 17th International Farm Management Congress(pp. 2:03 - 2:03). : Illinois Society of Professional Farm managers and Rural Appraisers
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2008). Ownership structures of New Zealand farms. Proceedings of the 6th Dairy 3 Conference. (pp. 179 - 187).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2008, April). Ownership structures of New Zealand farms. Presented at Proceedings of 6th Dairy 3 Conference. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2008). Dairy farm ownership, structures and their management: case study research. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of IFCN Dairy Conference. Kiel, Germany
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2008). Dairy Base - A new database to analyse compare farm business results. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of IFCN Dairy Conference. Kiel, Germany
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2008). Milk production fact sheet. Proceedings of IFCN Dairy Conference. (pp. 1 - 122).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2008, May). DairyBase. Presented at Network for Women in Dairying Conference. Hamilton, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Garnevska, E., Conforte, DA., & Shadbolt, NM. (2008). Evolution of cooperatives in Bulgaria, Uruguay and New Zealand factors of success and failure. IAMA 18th Annual World Symposium. (pp. 1 - 3). : IAMA 18th Annual World Symposium “Meeting Food System Challenges Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship”,
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Garnevska, E., Shadbolt, N.
McLeod, KL., Holmes, CW., Morel, PC., Dowson, KR., Thatcher, AR., Shadbolt, NM., . . . Kelly, TC. (2008). Comparison of mastitis prevalence between an organic and a conventional dairy herd, 2004 to 2006. Proceedings of the 68th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. (pp. 8).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Morel, P., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., McDermott, A., & Walters, DW. (2007). A value chain management approach to exploring structure, conduct and performance in Venison Industry. 17th Annual World Forum and Symposium International Food and Agribusiness Association.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., McDermott, A., & Walters, DW. (2007). A value chain management approach to exploring structure, conduct and performance in venison Industry. In 17th Annual World Forum and Symposium International Food Agribusiness Association.: IAM
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2007). How can farm management indicators provide insight on the link between policies and agri-environmental outcomes. In OECD Workshop on indicators for developing, monitoring and analysing agri-environmental policies(pp. 11 - 13). : US Dept of Agriculture, Washington DC, USA
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2007). How can farm management indicators provide insight on the link between policies and agri-environmental outcomes?. OECD Workshop on Indicators for Developing, Monitoring and analysing Agri-Environmental Policies. (pp. 1 - 19).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2007). New Zealand - Milk production fact sheet. In THE. al (Ed.) IFCN Dairy Report 2007. 8th International Farm Comparison Network Dairy Conference. (pp. 116).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Payne, T., Shadbolt, NM., Dooley, E., Smeaton, D., & Gardner, JW. (2007). Dairy farm ownership and management structures: Focus group research. In 16th International Farm Management Association Congress(pp. 95 - 96). : International Farm Management Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., McDermott, A., & Walters, DW. (2007, June). A value chain management approach to exploring the role of strategy, structure and conduct on firm performance. Presented at 17th Annual World Food and Agribusiness Forum and Symposium. Parma, Italy.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2007, March). How can farm management indicators provide insight on the link between policies and agri-environmental outcomes?. Presented at Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Workshop on Indicators for Developing, Monitoring and Analysing Agri-Environmental Policies. Washington, DC.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2007). How can farm management indicators provide insight on the link between policies and agri-environmental outcomes?. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Workshop on Indicators for Developing, Monitoring and Analysing Agri-Environmental Policies. (pp. unpaged - 21).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Conforte, DA., Cameron, D., & Shadbolt, NM. (2007). La manera: Strategic farm management under uncertainty in Uruguay. In S. O'Reilly, M. Keane, & P. Enright (Eds.) Proceedings of the 16th International Farm Management Association Congress: Peer Revieweed Papers (vol. 2). (pp. 797 - 815).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Payne, T., Shadbolt, NM., Dooley, E., Smeaton, D., & Gardner, JW. (2007). Dairy farm ownership and management structures: Focus group research. In S. O'Reilly, M. Keane, & P. Enright (Eds.) Proceedings of the 16th International Farm Management Association Congress: Peer Revieweed Papers, Vol. II. (pp. 547 - 555).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2007). Strategic management of farm businesses: The role of strategy tools with particular reference to the balanced scorecard. In S. O'Reilly, M. Keane, & P. Enright (Eds.) Proceedings of the 16th International Farm Management Association Congress: Peer Revieweed Papers (vol. 2). (pp. 860 - 870).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2007, July). Strategic management of farm businesses: The role of strategy tools with particular reference to the balanced scorecard. Presented at 16th International Farm Management Association Congress. University College Cork, Ireland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Newman, M., & Lines, I. (2007, July). Dairy farm business analysis: Current approaches and a way forward. Presented at 16th International Farm Management Association Congress. University College Cork, Ireland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Newman, M., & Lines, I. (2007). Dairy farm business analysis: Current approaches and a way forward. In S. O'Reilly, M. Keane, & P. Enright (Eds.) Proceedings of the 16th International Farm Management Association Congress: Peer Revieweed Papers (vol. 1). (pp. 125 - 135).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Reekers, L., Shadbolt, NM., Dooley, E., & Bewsell, D. (2007). Dairy farm ownership structures and their management: Case study research. In S. O'Reilly, M. Keane, & P. Enright (Eds.) Proceedings of the 16th International Farm Management Association Congress: Peer Reviewed Papers (vol. 2). (pp. 565 - 577).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Reekers, L., Shadbolt, NM., Dooley, E., & Bewsell, D. (2007, July). Dairy farm ownership structures and their management: Case study research. Presented at 16th International Farm Management Association Congress. University College Cork, Ireland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2006). New Zealand - Dairy sector and chain profile. In T. Hemme, E. Deeken, & K. Seifert (Eds.) IFCN Dairy Report 2006: Proceedings of the International Farm Comparison Network Dairy Conference. (pp. 125).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Deeken, E., Hemme, T., & Shadbolt, NM. (2006). Time series analysis of a German and a New Zealand farm 1996-2005. In T. Hemme, E. Deeken, & K. Seifert (Eds.) IFCN Dairy Report 2006: Proceedings of the International Farm Comparison Network Dairy Conference. (pp. 134).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2006, June). Benchmarking. Presented at The Positive Side. Invercargill, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2006, June). Diversification from the core business: Analysing risks. Presented at The Positive Side. Invercargill, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2006). Farming as an investment and farmers as investors. In IM. Brookes (Ed.) Proceedings of the 4th Dairy3 Conference. (pp. 139 - 146).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2006, April). Farming as an investment. Presented at Dairy3 Conference. Hamilton, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Jauregui, M., Lockhart, JC., & Shadbolt, NM. (2006). An analysis of strategy in action: A case study of the subsidiary of a multinational agribusiness firm. 16th Annual International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Forum and Symposium. (pp. unpaged - 15).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Cardemil Katunaric, G., & Shadbolt, NM. (2006). The Balanced Scorecard as a spontaneous framework in a horticultural hybrid co-operative under strategic change: A case study in the New Zealand kiwifruit industry. 16th Annual International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Forum and Symposium. (pp. unpaged - 12).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2006, October). The balanced scorecard. Presented at 3rd HOLT CAT Symposium on Excellence in Ranch Management. Texas A&M University, Kingsville, TX.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Cardemil Katunaric, G. (2006, June). The Balanced Scorecard as a spontaneous framework in a horticultural hybrid co-operative under strategic change: A case study in the New Zealand kiwifruit industry. Presented at 16th Annual International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Forum and Symposium. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Hemme, T., Deeken, E., Helmerichs, H., & Shadbolt, NM. (2005). Do capital gains really matter in dairy farming?. In T. Hemme, E. Deeken, & IFCNDT. Eds (Eds.) IFCN Dairy Report 2005. (pp. 76). Global Farm GbR, Braunschweig, Germany: International Farm Comparison Network Conference: For a Better Understanding of Milk Production World-Wide
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM.(2005). Working group: What matters to dairy farmers most? - 2. South America, Oceania (AR, BR, CL, PE, NZ, AU).
[Conference Other]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Silva, KE., Quinn, AK., Morel, PC., Holmes, CW., Thatcher, AR., Shadbolt, NM., . . . Kelly, TC. (2005). A study of mastitis in two small experimental dairy herds managed either organically or conventionally, during one year. The Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 65 (pp. 148 - 152). Hamilton, NZ: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 65th Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Morel, P., Shadbolt, N.
Villacorta, DS., Holmes, CW., Shadbolt, NM., Lopez Villalobos, N., Prewer, W., Glassey, CB., . . . Blackwell, MB. (2005). The productivity of pasture-based dairy farms in New Zealand with different levels of extra feed input. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 65 (pp. 63 - 67). Hamilton, NZ: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 65th Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N.
Peluffo, M., & Shadbolt, NM. (2005). Adopting New Zealand dairy farm principles and practices in Argentina. In JG. Eds (Ed.) 15th International Farm Management Association Conference. Vol. 2 (pp. 339 - 348). Brazil
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Peluffo, M., Shadbolt, NM., & Ostrowski, B. (2005, May). Comparison of Argentinian and New Zealand pastoral farming systems. Presented at International Farm Comparison Network: For a Better Understanding of Milk Production World-Wide. Braunschweig, Germany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005, May). New Zealand: Milk production fact sheet. Presented at International Farm Comparison Network. Braunschweig, Germany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Pinochet Chateau, R., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., & Lopez Villalobos, N. (2005). How risky is your business?. Proceedings of the 3rd Dairy3 Conference. Vol. 3 (pp. 109 - 116). Palmerston North, NZ: 3rd Dairy3 Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N.
Silva, D., Holmes, CW., Shadbolt, NM., Lopez Villalobos, N., Prewer, W., Glassey, CB., . . . Blackwell, MB. (2005). Productivity and profitability of commercial dairy farms which import small or large quantities of extra feed. In IMB. Ed (Ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd Dairy3 Conference:Dairy3, triple the know how. Vol. 3 (pp. 79 - 80). Palmerston North, NZ: 3rd Dairy3 Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N.
Villacorta, DS., Holmes, CW., Shadbolt, N., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Prewer, W., Glassey, CB., . . . Blackwell, MB. (2005). The productivity of pasture-based dairy farms in New Zealand with different levels of extra feed input. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 65 (pp. 63 - 65). New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., de Machado, B., & Villacorta, DS. (2005, August). How best to compare low & high input pastoral systems. Presented at 15th International farm management conference: Developing entrepreneurship abilities to feed the world in a sustainable way. Campinas, Brazil.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., de Machado, B., & Villacorta, DS. (2005). How best to compare low & high input pastoral systems. In JG. ed (Ed.) 15th International Farm Management Conference: Developing Entrepreneurship Abilities to Feed the World in a Sustainable Way. Vol. 2 (pp. 367 - 376). Reading, UK
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Pinochet Chateau, R., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., & Lopez Villalobos, N. (2005, August). Drivers of risk in New Zealand dairy systems. Presented at 15th International Farm Management Conference: Developing entrepreneurship abilities to feed the world in a sustainble way. Campinas, Brazil.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N.
Pinochet Chateau, R., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., & Lopez Villalobos, N. (2005). Drivers of risk in New Zealand dairy systems. 15th International Farm Management Conference: Developing entrepreneurship abilities to feed the world in a sustainble way. (pp. 263 - 272). Campinas, Brazil
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N.
Pinochet Chateau, R., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., & Lopez Villalobos, N. (2005, October). Risk perception and risk management strategies on New Zealand dairy farms according to ownership structure and geographic location. Presented at New Zealand Grasslands Associaiton 67th Conference. New Plymouth, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Pinochet Chateau, R., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., & Lopez Villalobos, N. (2005). Risk perception and risk management strategies on New Zealand dairy farms according to ownership structure and geographic location. Proceedings New Zealand Grasslands Association. Vol. 67 (pp. 97 - 102). New Plymouth, NZ: New Zealand Grasslands Association 67th Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Pinochet Chateau, R., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., & Lopez Villalobos, N. (2005). Risk perception and risk management strategies on New Zealand dairy farms according to ownership structure and geographic location. Proceedings New Zealand Grasslands association. Vol. 67 (pp. 97 - 102). New Plymouth, NZ: New Zealand Grasslands Association 67th Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005, April). What makes a good dairy farm investment?. Presented at 3rd Dairy3 Conference. Arena Manawatu, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005). What makes a good dairy farm investment?. In IMB. ed (Ed.) 麻豆视频 Dairyfarming Annual Dexcel's Ruakura Dairyfarmers Conference. Vol. 56 (pp. 17 - 22). Palmerston North, NZ: Proceedings of the 3rd Dairy(3) Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Pinochet, R., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., & Lopez Villalobos, N. (2005, June). Changes in risk perception and risk management strategies in New Zealand dairy farming. Presented at 15th annual world forum symposium and case conference. Fairmont Hotel, Chicago, IL.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N.
Pinochet, R., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., & Lopez Villalobos, N. (2005). Changes in risk perception and risk management strategies in New Zealand dairy farming. 15th Annual World Food and Agribusiness Forum, Symposium and Case Conference. (pp. 1 - 13). Chicago, IL
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N.
Clare, B., Shadbolt, NM., & Reid, JI. (2005, June). Factors inhibiting closer relationships between processors and their suppliers in the New Zealand red meat industry. Presented at 15th Annual World Forum, Symposium and Case Conference. Fairmont Hotel, Chicago, IL.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Clare, B., Shadbolt, NM., & Reid, JI. (2005). Supply base relationships in the New Zealand red meat industry: A case study. 15th Annual World Food and Agribusiness Forum and Symposium and Case Conference. (pp. 1 - 16). Chicago, IL
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Peluffo, M., Shadbolt, NM., & Ostrowski, B. (2005). Comparison of Argentinian and New Zealand pastrol farming systems. In T. Hemme, E. Deeken, & IFCNDT. Eds (Eds.) IFCN Dairy Report 2005. (pp. 126). Braunschweig, Germany: For a better understanding of milk production world-wide
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005). New Zealand - Milk production fact sheet. In T. Hemme, . E, . Deeken, & IFCNDT. Eds (Eds.) IFCN Dairy Report 2005. (pp. 113). Braunschweig, Germany: IFCN Dairy Report: For a Better Understanding of Milk Production World-Wide
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005). New Zealand - Milk production fact sheet. In T. Hemme, & E. Deeken (Eds.) IFCN: International farm comparision network, Gloabl GpR. Vol. Final RepoDruckhaus Sigert, Braunschweig
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005). International Farm Comparison Network Dairy Report 2005. (pp. 1 - 113).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Kelly, TC., & Holmes, CW. (2005). Organic dairy farming: Cost of production and profitability. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australina Farm Business Management Network Conference. Orange, NSW
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Butcher, NR., Harrington, KC., Holmes, CW., Horne, DJ., Kemp, PD., . . . Thatcher, AR. (2005). Organic-conventional dairy systems trial in New Zealand: Four years' results. In U. Kopke, U. Niggli, D. Neuhoff, P. Cornish, W. Lockeretz, & H. Willer (Eds.) Researching sustainable systems: Proceedings of the First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research. (pp. 268 - 271). Bonn, Germany
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Holmes, CW., Shadbolt, NM., Kemp, PD., Harrington, KC., Palmer, AS., . . . Mitchell, BD. (2005). Organic-conventional dairy systems trial. Poster session presented at the meeting of Fonterra Organic Fieldays. Bay of Plenty / Manawatu / Waikato / Taranaki
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Butcher, NR., Mitchell, BD., Holmes, CW., Horne, DJ., Shadbolt, NM., . . . Quinn, AK. (2005). Organics: Lessons from outside the square - results from Massey's organic-convetional systems trial. In IMB. Ed (Ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd Dairy3 Conference: Dairy3: Triple the know-how. Vol. 3 (pp. 117 - 124). Palmerston North, NZ: 3rd Dairy3 Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Silva, KE., Quinn, AK., Morel, P., Holmes, CW., Thatcher, A., Shadbolt, N., . . . Kelly, TC. (2005). A study of mastitis in two small experimental dairy herds managed either organically or conventionally, during one year. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 65 (pp. 148 - 152). New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Morel, P., Shadbolt, N.
Peluffo, M., Shadbolt, NM., & Holmes, CW. (2005, August). Adopting New Zealand dairy farm principles and practices in Argentina. Presented at 15th International Farm Management Conference. Royal Palm Plaza Resort, Campinas, Sau Paulo, Brazil.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2004, June). New Zealand - Dairy sector profile 1981-2001. Presented at International Farm Comparison Network. Braunschweig, Germany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2004). International Farm Comparison Network Dairy Report 2004. (pp. 1 - 92).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2004). Financial measures of business success. New Zealand Large Herds 35th Conference: Taking Care of Business. (pp. 64 - 70). Te Puke, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Kelly, TC., & Holmes, CW. (2004, December). Organic dairy farming: Cost of production and profitability. Presented at 2004 AFBM Network Conference. Civic Theatre & University of Sydney, Orange, NSW.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Kelly, TC., & Holmes, CW. (2004). Organic dairy farming: Cost of production and profitability. In Proceedings and Abstracts of the 2004 AFBM Network Conference(pp. 36 - 36). , 2004 AFBM Network Conference Orange, NSW: Orange University of Sydney
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2004, March). Financial measures of business success. Presented at New Zealand Large Herd Association 35th Annual Conference. Napier,NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Donoso, I., Shadbolt, NM., & Bailey, BC. (2004, July). The internationalisation of agricultural co-operatives - a source of conflict?. Presented at 14th Annual World Food and Agribusiness Forum, Symposium and Case Conference. Montreux, Switzerland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Donoso, I., Shadbolt, NM., & Bailey, BC. (2004). The internationalisation of agricultural co-operatives- a source of conflict?. 14th Annual World Food and Agribusiness Forum, Symposium and Case Conference Proceedings. (pp. unpaged). Montreux, Switzerland
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2004, March). Agri-environmental indicators put into perspective-their fit relationship and with other relevant farm business indicators. Presented at OECD Expert Meeting on Farm Management Indicators and the Environment. Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2004). Agri-Environmental indicators put into perspective- their fit and relationship with other relevant farm business indicators. (pp. 32 - 32). , Farm Management Indicators and the Environment: Proceedings of an OECD Expert Meeting Palmerston North, NZ: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Kelly, TC., & Holmes, CW. (2004). Organic dairy farming: Cost of production and profitability. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2004 AFBM Network Conference. Orange, NSW
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., Butcher, NR., Horne, DJ., Palmer, AS., . . . Thatcher, AR. (2004). Practical implications of the early lessons from the Massey organic-conventional dairy systems study: Report on the two-year conversion period and the first season of organic milk production. 2nd Dairy3 Conference with 麻豆视频 Dairyfarming and Dexcel's Ruakura Dairyfarmers'. Vol. 2 (pp. 63 - 72). 麻豆视频, Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., Butcher, NR., Horne, DJ., Palmer, AS., . . . Thatcher, AR. (2004). Practical implications of the early lessons from the Massey organic-conventional dairy systems study: Report on the two-year conversion period and the first season of organic milk production. In IMB. Ed (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd Dairy3 Conference. Vol. 2 (pp. 63 - 72). Palmerston North, NZ: Second Dairy3 Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2003). International Farm Comparison Network Dairy Report 2003. (pp. 1 - 88).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Beeby, N., Brier, B., & Gardner, JW. (2003, August). A critique of the use of the balanced scorecard in multi-entrerprise family farm businesses. Presented at International farm management congress. Perth, WA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Gardner, JW. (2003, October). Measures of farm business success: liquidity versus profitability. Presented at New Zealand Grasslands Association Conference 2003. Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Salles, PV., Hodgson, J., Matthews, PN., Holmes, CW., & Shadbolt, NM. (2003). Efficiency of pasture and supplement management in high producing diary herds. New Zealand Grassland Association. Vol. 65 (pp. 105 - 110). Palmerston North, NZ: New Zealand Grassland Association Conference 2003
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Salles, PV., Matthews, PN., Holmes, CW., Hodgson, J., & Shadbolt, NM. (2003). Forage intake and feed conversion efficiency in high-producing dairy herds in New Zealand: A case study. In SWP. Ed (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 63 (pp. 96 - 100). Hamilton, NZ: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 63rd Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Lopez Villalobos, N., Scott, AA., Smith, Z., Holmes, CW., Shadbolt, NM., & Harvey, TG. (2003). Frequency of mastitis and variation in somatic cell counts throughout the lactation in cows managed organically or conventionally; Year1. New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 63 (pp. 138 - 139). Hamilton, NZ: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 63th Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2003, May). Organic dairying; a niche product at what cost?. Presented at Diary Industry Association of Australia National Conference 2003. Melbourne, VIC.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2003). Organic dairying: A niche product at what cost. (pp. unpaged). , Dairy Industry Association of Australia: Inaugural National Conference 2003 Melbourne, VIC: Dairy Industry of Association of Australia
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., Butcher, NR., Horne, DJ., Palmer, AS., . . . Thatcher, AR. (2003, April). Practical Implications of early lessons from the Massey organic-conventional dairy systems study: Report on the two year conversion period and the first season of organic milk production. Presented at 2nd Dairy3 Conference. Rotorua, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Shadbolt, NM., Holmes, CW., Butcher, NR., Horne, DJ., Palmer, AS., . . . Thatcher, AR. (2003). Practical Implications of early lessons from the Massey organic-conventional dairy systems study: Report on the two year conversion period and the first season of organic milk production. 2nd Dairy3 Conference. Vol. 56 (pp. 63 - 73). Rotorua, NZ: 2nd Dairy3 Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Gardner, JW. (2003, August). Farm investments: Alternative ownership structures that address the liquidity versus profitability conundrum. Presented at 14th International Farm Management Congress. Perth, WA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Gardner, JW. (2003). Farm investments: Alternative ownerships structures that address the liquidity versus profitability conundrum. 14th International Farm Management Congress. (pp. 1 - 11). Peth, WA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Gardner, JW. (2003). Measures of farm business success: liquidity versus profitability. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grasslands Associations. Vol. 65 (pp. 205 - 209). Dunedin, NZ: New Zealand Grasslands Association Conference 2003
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Gardner, JW. (2003). Farm investments: Alternative ownership structures that address the liquidity versus profitabilty conundrum. Journal of International Farm Management. (pp. unpaged). Perth, WA: 14th International Farm Management Congress
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Gardner, JW. (2003). Measures of farm business success: liquidity versus profitability. New Zealand Grassland Association Sixty-fifth Conference. Vol. 65 (pp. 205 - 209). Wellington, NZ: 65th Conference of the New Zealand Grassland Association
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Lopez villalobos, N., Scott, JM., Smith, Z., Holmes, CW., Shadbolt, NM., & Harvey, TG. (2003). Frequency of mastitis and variation in somatic cell counts throughout the lactation in cows managed organically or conventionally; Year 1. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 63 (pp. 138 - 139).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Lopez-Villalobos, N., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Beeby, N., Brier, B., & Gardner, JW. (2003). A critique of the use of the balanced scorecard in multi-enterprise family farm businesses. 14th International Farm Management Congress. (pp. 602 - 609). Perth, WA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Clare, B., Shadbolt, N., & Reid, J.(2002, June). Supply base relationships in the New Zealand red meat industry: A case study. PARADOXES IN FOOD CHAINS AND NETWORKS. (pp. 805 - 816).
[Conference]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Ramirez Restrepo, CA., Barry, TN., Lopez Villalobos, N., Kemp, PD., Pomroy, WB., McNabb, WC., . . . Shadbolt, NM. (2002). Use of Lotus corniculatus to increase sheep production under commercial dryland farming conditions without the use of anthelmintics. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 62 (pp. 177 - 178). Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Society of Animal production 62th Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Salles, PV., Shadbolt, NM., Matthews, PN., Hodgson, J., & Holmes, CW. (2002, November). Cost of production on New Zealand dairy farms; the impact of feed conversion efficiency and milk price. Presented at Australian Agribusiness Forum: Economic Prospects for the Agribusiness Sector. Sydney, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Salles, PV., Shadbolt, NM., Matthews, PN., Hodgson, J., & Holmes, CW. (2002). Cost of production on New Zealand dairy farms; the impact of feed conversion efficiency and milk price. Australian Agribusiness Forum: Economic Prospects for the Agribusiness Sector. (pp. 64 - 72). Sydney, NSW
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Neto, VB., & Shadbolt, NM. (2002, June). Organic sheep and beef cattle farming and its risks and returns relative to conventional farming at high levels of productivity - Case study analysis. Presented at NZIPIM and Rural Valuers Conference 2002. Lincoln University, Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Smith, Z., & Blake, K. (2002, May). 麻豆视频 whole farm comparison of organic and conventional New Zealand dairy farming systems: The market for organics. Presented at 54th Conference of Dairy Farmers. Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., Smith, Z., & Blake, K. (2002). 麻豆视频 whole farm comparison of organic and conventional New Zealand dairy farming systems: The market for organics. Proceedings of the 54th Conference of Dairy Farmers. Vol. 54 (pp. 75 - 78). Palmerston North, NZ: 54th conference of Dairy Farmers
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Morriss, SD. (2002, September). Distance learning opportunities in agricultural degree education: Equivalence imperatives. Presented at 6th European Conference on Higher Agricultural Education. Irakleio, Greece.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Neto, VB., & Shadbolt, NM. (2002). Organic sheep and beef cattle farming and its risks and returns relative to conventional farming at high levels of productivity - case study analysis. NZIPIM and Rural Valuers 2002 Conference. (pp. 117 - 128). Wellington, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Morriss, SD. (2002). Distance learning opportunities in Agricultural degree education: Equivalence imperatives. In I. Stathi, & EK. Eds (Eds.) 6th European Conference on Higher Agricultural Education Conference: Harmonization in European Higher Agricultural Education: Dream or Nightmare?. (pp. 165 - 177). Crete, Greece
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001). International Farm Comparison Network Dairy Report 2001. IFCN Annual Conference. (pp. 1 - 70).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Benson, S., Shadbolt, NM., & Rhodes, T. (2001). Organic meat oppotunities. Poster session presented at the meeting of AMP Banking NZIPM Conference 2001. Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Benson, S., Shadbolt, NM., & Rhodes, T. (2001). Organic meat oppotunities. AMP Banking NZIPM Conference 2001. (pp. 177 - 179). Wellington, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001, March). Weighted average cost of capital. Presented at Dexcel Field Day: The productivity target - how you use it to make more money. Scott Farm, Newstead, Hamilton, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001). Weighted average cost of capital. Dexcel Field Day: The productivity target - how you use it to make more money. (pp. 15 - 19). Hamilton, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001, July). Extracting the most from the market. Presented at Southern North Island Sheep & Beef Cattle Farmers' Conference. Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001). Extracting the most from the market. Southern North Island Sheep & Beef Cattle Farmers' Conference. Vol. 10 (pp. 41 - 48). Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Beeby, N., Shadbolt, NM., & Gardner, JW. (2001, June). Strategic management and the balanced scorecard for multiple enterprise farming businesses. Presented at AMP Banking NZIPIM Conference 2001. 麻豆视频, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Beeby, N., Shadbolt, NM., & Gardner, JW. (2001). Strategic management and the balanced scorecard for multiple enterprise farming businesses. AMP Banking New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management conference. (pp. 174 - 176). Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001). Keypoint/Issues in strategic planning. AMP Banking NZIPIM Conference 2001. (pp. 158 - 168). Palmerston North, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001). Growing a business: Setting and achieving business goals. Proceedings of the 53rd conference of Dairy Farmers. Vol. 53 (pp. 61 - 74). Palmerston Noth, NZ: 53rd Conference of Dairy Farmers
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001, May). Growing a business: Setting and achieving business goals. Presented at 53rd Conference of Dairy Farmers. Wanganui, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001). Performance measurement: How do you know strategy is being executed well?. Presented at South African Large Herds Conference, Positioning for the future: Farm business strategy & technology to 2010. Port Elizabeth.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001, February). Analysing farm business health. Presented at South African Large Herds Conference 2001 - Positioning for the Future: Farm Business Strategy & Technology to 2010. The Tsitsikamma Conference Centre, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001). Analysing farm business health. South African Large Herds Conference 2001: Positioning for the future: Farm business strategy & technology to 2010. (pp. 27 - 42). Port Elizabeth, South Africa
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001). New Zealand Country Report. In T. Hemme, & J. Holzner (Eds.) IFCN: International Farm Comparison Network.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001). Performance measurement: How do you know strategy is being executed well?. South African Large Herds Conference 2001. (pp. 105 - 120). Port Elizabeth, South Africa
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Morriss, SD.(2000, May). Green as just another quality attribute; Delivering to intangible and tangible specifications successfully. CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN AGRIBUSINESS AND THE FOOD INDUSTRY. (pp. 657 - 660).
[Conference]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000). Dairy Report 2000: Status and prospects of typical dairy farms world-wide (IFCN Dairy Conference). IFCN Annual Conference. (pp. unpaged). Braunschweig, Germany
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000, November). What should the margins be for cattle to profitably cover my costs?. Presented at Beef Council Field Day: The Beef Boom: Opportunity or Jeopardy. Ohotu Station, Ohakune, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Rawlings, KM., & Shadbolt, NM. (2000). Goals and indicators of success:lessons learnt from a case study of farm family businesses identifying how 'in balance' they are and the network of indicators that drive or measure success. In GFW. Ed (Ed.) Diaryfarming Annual: Proceedings of the 52nd Meeting of Dairy Farmers. Vol. 52 (pp. 27 - 40). Palmerston North, NZ: 52nd Meeting of Dairy Farmers
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Montes De Oca, O., & Shadbolt, NM. (2000, May). Vertical co-ordination in the New Zealand lamb supply chain; methods by which to better assess risk return profiles. Presented at 4th International Conference on Chain Management in Agribusiness and the Food Industry. University of Wageningen, Netherlands.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
de Oca, OM., & Shadbolt, NM. (2000). Vertical co-ordination in the New Zealand lamb supply chain: Methods by which to better assess risk return profiles. In JH. Trienekens, & PJP. Zuurbier (Eds.) CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN AGRIBUSINESS AND THE FOOD INDUSTRY. (pp. 303 - 312). : 4th International Conference on Chain Management in Agribusiness and the Food Industry
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Morriss, SD. (2000, May). Green as just another quality attribute; Delivering to intangible and tangible specifications successfully. Presented at 4th International Conference on Chain Management in Agribusiness and the Food Industry. University of Wageningen, The Netherlands.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Morriss, SD. (2000). Green as just another quality attribute; Delivering to intangible and tangible specifications successfully. Poster session presented at the meeting of 4th International Conference on Chain Management in Agribusiness and the Food Industry. University of Wageningen, The Netherlands
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000, March). Achieving business growth within a new industry structure. Presented at International Large Herds Conference 2000. Christchurch Convention Centre, Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000). Achieving business growth within a new industry structure. International Large Herds Conference 2000. (pp. 84 - 90). Christchuch, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000, November). Farming communities-impact of social trends. Presented at AWAC/ ANZCCARTJoint Conference. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000). Farming communities-impact of social trends. AWAC/ANZCCART Joint Conference. (pp. 60 - 70). Wellington, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.


Siddique, MI., Tozer, P., & Shadbolt, NM. (2018). Investigating Performance of NZ Pastoral Systems in different regions - Three good and Three Bad Years.
[Working Paper]Authored by: Shadbolt, N., Tozer, P.
Shadbolt, NM. (2014, February). Fonterra & Global Dairying.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2014). Risk Management.
[Other]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2013, December). What are the inherent risks in NZ dairy farm systems and how do farmers manage them?.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2012, July). Farm Resilience.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Terry, K., Horne, D., Thatcher, A., Holmes, C., Shadbolt, N., Kemp, P., . . . Smith, T. (2007). 麻豆视频 Organic-Conventional Dairy Systems Trial.. Presented at Dexcel field day: Improve your Profit.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Horne, D., Minor, M., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005, April). Equity partnerships in New Zealand farming. : Australia / New Zealand Co-operative Leaders.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005). Comparison challanges. (pp. 2 - 2). DairyTeam Office
[Other]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005, June). New Zealand farm management research. : Duchy College.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005, August). KPIs of dairying in New Zealand and challenges for the industry. : Uruguay Farmers and Consultants.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Holmes, CW., Shadbolt, NM., Kemp, PD., Harrington, KC., Palmer, AS., . . . Mitchell, BD. (2005, December). Organic-Conventional dairy system trial. : Fonterra Organic Fieldays.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005, November). Strategic management of New Zealand Ffrms. : Royal Agriculture College.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005, November). The balanced scorecard & strategic management of New Zealand farms. : Danish Research Institute of Food Economics.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kenyon, PR., Burke, JL., & Shadbolt, NM. (2005, December). Research in beef and dairy cattle and sheep; farm business management. : Teagasc, Agriculture Research and Extension.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Burke, J., Kenyon, P., Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2005, August). Principles of milk production in New Zealand. : EMBRAPA Dairy Cattle Research Center.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2004, March). Organic dairy market. : Dairy Industry Association of Australia.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2004, October). What are ya?. : Agri-tech 2000.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Butcher, NR., Holmes, CW., Shadbolt, NM., Kemp, PD., Harrington, KC., . . . Miers, PJ. (2004, June). Some preliminary results from Massey's organic-conventional dairy systems trial. : Waikato Organic Discussion Group.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Holmes, CW., Shadbolt, NM., Kemp, PD., Harrington, KC., Palmer, AS., . . . Miers, PJ. (2004, May). Organic-conventional dairy systems trial. : 麻豆视频, Dairy Cattle Research Unit.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Butcher, NR., Holmes, CW., Shadbolt, NM., Kemp, PD., Harrington, KC., . . . Miers, PJ. (2004). Some preliminary results from Massey's organic-conventional dairy systems trial. Organic Dairy Farm Field Day
[Other]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Kelly, TC., Holmes, CW., Shadbolt, NM., Kemp, PD., Harrington, KC., Palmer, AS., . . . Miers, PJ. (2004). Organic-conventional dairy systems trial. Organic Dairy Farm Field Day
[Other]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2002, February). Strategic planning in farm business. : South American Students.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2002, July). Land ownership opportunities. : Beef Council.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2002, September). New Zealand agricultural economic research. : National Dairy Research Institute.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2002, June). Financial and risk analysis tools and approaches. : New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2002, May). The internal audit: Standardisation of KPIs in sheep and beef. : 麻豆视频, Sheep Council.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001, March). The proactive manager. : 麻豆视频 - Agricultural Services.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001, March). Financial performance of New Zealand dairyfarmers. : New Zealand Dairy Board.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001, April). Sustainable business growth. : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2001, November). Approaches to economic analysis. : New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000, November). Farm performance appraisal & evaluation techniques and new planning approaches. : New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM., & Hill, J. (2000). Sustainble business growth. (pp. 1 - 6). Ministry of Agriculture
[Other]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000, July). Sustainable business growth - a new approach to farm business analysis. : Universities of Naples and Potenza.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000, November). The beef boom - oppotunity or jeopardy?. : Central districts/ Wairarapa Beef Council.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000, August). Understanding the methods used to evaluate on-farm investments. : Hawke's Bay Monitor Farm Project Team.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.
Shadbolt, NM. (2000, November). Physical and financial performance indicators of New Zealand dairy farmers. : USA Dairy Researchers.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Shadbolt, N.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 0 1
Co-supervisor 1 8

Current Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Alexandra Liu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Examining the Role of Agriculture Cooperatives in Enabling Sustainable Agri-Food Value Chains in China

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Ishara Ganegoda Hewage - Doctor of Philosophy
    Risk Management by Entrepreneurial and Non-Entrepreneurial Micro and Small-Scale Firms in the Agriculture Food-Processing Sector in Sri Lanka: A Mixed-Method Approach

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2022 - Elham Shokri - Doctor of Philosophy
    Perceived adaptive capacity of New Zealand dairy farmers in the face of policy and economic volatility
  • 2022 - Seyedkoohyar Khatami - Doctor of Philosophy
    Risk portfolios in New Zealand dairy farming
  • 2021 - Alberthuge Prageeth Sanjaya Fernando - Doctor of Philosophy
    Value Chain Integration for Rural Co-operatives: Comparative Analysis in the Rice Sector in Sri Lanka
  • 2020 - Meka Apparao - Doctor of Philosophy
    Examining Commitment and Heterogeneity within the Membership Base of Agricultural Co-operatives: An Empirical Study of a Large New Zealand Dairy Co-operative
  • 2020 - Federico Duranovich - Doctor of Philosophy
    Unveiling the potential of proximal hyperspectral sensing for measuring herbage nutritive value in a pasture-based dairy farm system
  • 2018 - Heather Collins - Doctor of Philosophy
    Dairy farmers' responses to water quality interventions: A Case Study in the Manawatu-Wanganui Region of New Zealand
  • 2017 - Brigitte Schwendel - Doctor of Philosophy
    Differentiation between organic and conventionally produced milk in pasture based farming systems
  • 2004 - Carlos Ramirez Restrepo - Doctor of Philosophy
    Nutritional Studies on #Lotus# #Corniculatus# Containing Condensed Tannins to Increase Reproductive Rate and Lamb Growth under Commercial Dryland Farming Conditions.