
Contact details +6469519291

Dr Jim Chen BEng, PhD

Associate Professor in Food Process Engineering

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences



  • Bachelor of Engineering - Tsinghua University (1999)
  • Doctor of Engineering - Tsinghua University (2005)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, 麻豆视频

Research Outputs


Yang, M., Chen, Y., Wang, Y., Yang, L., Cui, W., Liu, Y., . . . Chen, Q. (2023). Investigation on in-situ deoxygenation performance of bio-oil model compound guaiacol over Ce-Fe/Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> catalyst. Green Energy and Resources. 1(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Taylor, JJ., Carson, JK., Hoang, DK., Walmsley, TG., Chen, Q., & Cleland, DJ. (2022). Use of Refrigerant Blends to Improve Thermal Efficiency of Heat Pump Cycles. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 94, 1189-1194
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q., Cleland, D.
Adamson, KM., Walmsley, TG., Carson, JK., Chen, Q., Schlosser, F., Kong, L., . . . Cleland, DJ. (2022). High-temperature and transcritical heat pump cycles and advancements: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 167
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q., Cleland, D.
Chen, Q., Cleland, DJ., Carson, JK., & Walmsley, TG. (2022). Integration of desiccant wheels and high-temperature heat pumps with milk spray dryers. Applied Thermal Engineering. 216
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q., Cleland, D.
Seraj, M., Chen, Q., & Jones, JR. (2022). Food smoke generation by frictional heating. Wood Science and Technology. 56(1), 241-257
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Jones, JR., Chen, Q., & Ripberger, GD. (2020). Secondary Reactions and the Heat of Pyrolysis of Wood. Energy Technology. 8(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., Jones, JR., & Archer, RH. (2019). A dehumidification process with cascading desiccant wheels to produce air with dew point below 0鈥°C. Applied Thermal Engineering. 148, 78-86
[Journal article]Authored by: Archer, R., Chen, Q.
Yue, Y., Lin, Q., Irfan, M., Chen, Q., Zhao, X., & Li, G. (2018). Slow Pyrolysis as a Promising Approach for Producing Biochar from Sunflower Straw. BioResources. 13(4), 7455-7469
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Yue, Y., Lin, Q., Irfan, M., Chen, Q., Zhao, X., & Li, G. (2017). Characteristics and potential values of bio-products derived from switchgrass grown in a saline soil using a fixed-bed slow pyrolysis system. BioResources. 12(3), 6529-6544
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Wang, SJ., Chen, Q., Li, Y., Zhuo, YQ., & Xu, LZ. (2017). Research on saline-alkali soil amelioration with FGD gypsum. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 121, 82-92
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Liu, X., Chen, Q., Xi, Y., & You, C. (2016). Segregation of multi-sized biomass particles in a horizontal stirred bed. Powder Technology. 303, 130-137
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Yue, Y., Lin, Q., Irfan, M., Chen, Q., & Zhao, X. (2016). Characteristics and potential values of bio-oil, syngas and biochar derived from Salsola collina Pall. in a fixed bed slow pyrolysis system. Bioresource Technology. 220, 378-383
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Fan, Y., Zhuo, Y., Zhu, Z., Li, L., Chen, Q., & Lou, Y. (2016). Density functional theory study on Hg removal mechanisms of Cu-impregnated activated carbon prepared by simplified method. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering. 33(10), 2869-2877
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Wang, H., Xie, D., Chen, Q., & You, C. (2016). Kinetic modeling for the deactivation of TiO<inf>2</inf> during the photocatalytic removal of low concentration SO<inf>2</inf>. Chemical Engineering Journal. 303, 425-432
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Li, X., Li, G., Li, J., Yu, Y., Feng, Y., Chen, Q., . . . Wang, Y. (2016). Producing petrochemicals from catalytic fast pyrolysis of corn fermentation residual by-products generated from citric acid production. Renewable Energy. 89, 331-338
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Zhang, J., Chen, Q., & You, C. (2016). Biochar Effect on Water Evaporation and Hydraulic Conductivity in Sandy Soil. Pedosphere. 26(2), 265-272
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Zhang, J., Chen, Q., & You, C. (2016). Property of biomass char and its vapor adsorption ability. Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica. 37(2), 500-504
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Irfan, M., Chen, Q., Yue, Y., Pang, R., Lin, Q., Zhao, X., . . . Chen, H. (2016). Co-production of biochar, bio-oil and syngas from halophyte grass (Achnatherum splendens L.) under three different pyrolysis temperatures. Bioresource Technology. 211, 457-463
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Xi, Y., Chen, Q., & You, C. (2015). Flow characteristics of biomass particles in a horizontal stirred bed reactor: Part I. Experimental measurements of residence time distribution. Powder Technology. 269, 577-584
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Xi, Y., Chen, Q., & You, C. (2015). Flow characteristics of biomass particles in a horizontal stirred bed reactor: Part II. Modeling studies on particle residence time distribution and axial mixing. Powder Technology. 269, 585-595
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Yao, W., Li, J., Feng, Y., Wang, W., Zhang, X., Chen, Q., . . . Wang, Y. (2015). Thermally stable phosphorus and nickel modified ZSM-5 zeolites for catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastics. RSC Advances. 5(39), 30485-30494
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Zhang, J., Chen, Q., & You, C. (2015). Numerical simulation of mass and heat transfer between biochar and sandy soil. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 91, 119-126
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., Wang, S., Li, Y., Zhang, N., Zhao, B., Zhuo, Y., . . . Chen, C. (2015). Influence of Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum Amendments on Heavy Metal Distribution in Reclaimed Sodic Soils. Environmental Engineering Science. 32(6), 470-478
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., Yang, R., Zhao, B., Li, Y., Wang, S., Wu, H., . . . Chen, C. (2014). Investigation of heat of biomass pyrolysis and secondary reactions by simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. Fuel. 134, 467-476
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., Pang, RZ., Chen, X., Yang, RM., Zhuo, YQ., & Chen, CH. (2014). Determination of specific heat capacity of biomass char during pyrolysis. Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology. 42(9), 1040-1046
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Swithenbank, J., Finney, KN., Chen, Q., Yang, YB., Nolan, A., & Sharifi, VN. (2013). Waste heat usage. Applied Thermal Engineering. 60(1-2), 430-440
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Finney, KN., Zhou, J., Chen, Q., Zhang, X., Chan, C., Sharifi, VN., . . . Bradford, R. (2012). Modelling and mapping sustainable heating for cities. Applied Thermal Engineering.
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Tan, CCL., Finney, KN., Chen, Q., Russell, NV., Sharifi, VN., & Swithenbank, J. (2013). Experimental investigation of indoor air pollutants in residential buildings. Indoor and Built Environment. 22(3), 471-489
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Wang, C., Hu, Y., Chen, Q., Lv, C., & Jia, S. (2013). Bio-oil upgrading by reactive distillation using p-toluene sulfonic acid catalyst loaded on biomass activated carbon. Biomass and Bioenergy. 56, 405-411
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., Finney, K., Li, H., Zhang, X., Zhou, J., Sharifi, V., . . . Swithenbank, J. (2012). Condensing boiler applications in the process industry. Applied Energy. 89(1), 30-36
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Li, H., Chen, Q., Zhang, X., Finney, KN., Sharifi, VN., & Swithenbank, J. (2012). Evaluation of a biomass drying process using waste heat from process industries: A case study. Applied Thermal Engineering. 35(1), 71-80
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Sim, CY., Brown, T., Chen, Q., Sharifi, V., Swithenbank, J., Dennis, J., . . . Scott, S. (2012). Particle characterisation in chemical looping combustion. Chemical Engineering Science. 69(1), 211-224
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
He, W., Cao, L., He, R., & Chen, Q. (2012). Iso-conversion method to measure specific area changes during char combustion in the chemically controlled regime. Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University. 52(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Finney, KN., Chen, Q., Sharifi, VN., Swithenbank, J., Nolan, A., White, S., . . . Ogden, S. (2012). Developments to an existing city-wide district energy network: Part II - Analysis of environmental and economic impacts. Energy Conversion and Management. 62, 176-184
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chung, W., Chen, Q., Osammor, O., Nolan, A., Zhang, X., Sharifi, VN., . . . Swithenbank, J. (2012). Characterisation of particulate matter on the receptor level in a city environment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 184(3), 1471-1486
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Razuan, R., Chen, Q., Finney, KN., Russell, NV., Sharifi, VN., & Swithenbank, J. (2011). Combustion of oil palm stone in a pilot-scale fluidised bed reactor. Fuel Processing Technology. 92(12), 2219-2225
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Swithenbank, J., Chen, Q., Zhang, X., Sharifi, V., & Pourkashanian, M. (2011). Wood would burn. Biomass and Bioenergy. 35(3), 999-1007
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Razuan, R., Finney, KN., Chen, Q., Sharifi, VN., & Swithenbank, J. (2011). Pelletised fuel production from palm kernel cake. Fuel Processing Technology. 92(3), 609-615
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Sakai, Y., Seki, T., Sato, K., Chen, Q., Nagamoto, H., & Sadakata, M. (2010). Development of new desulfurization agent suitable for dry desulfurization process at low temperature in China. Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu. 36(4), 281-287
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., Zhang, X., Bradford, D., Sharifi, V., & Swithenbank, J. (2010). Comparison of emission characteristics of small-scale heating systems using biomass instead of coal. Energy and Fuels. 24(8), 4255-4265
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Zhang, X., Chen, Q., Bradford, R., Sharifi, V., & Swithenbank, J. (2010). Experimental investigation and mathematical modelling of wood combustion in a moving grate boiler. Fuel Processing Technology. 91(11), 1491-1499
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Razuan, R., Chen, Q., Zhang, X., Sharifi, V., & Swithenbank, J. (2010). Pyrolysis and combustion of oil palm stone and palm kernel cake in fixed-bed reactors. Bioresource Technology. 101(12), 4622-4629
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Ryu, C., Yang, YB., Gilbert, P., Chung, W., Phan, AN., Le, AK., . . . Swithenbank, J. (2009). Waste segregation presents thermal treatment opportunities. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste and Resource Management. 162(1), 45-59
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Yamamoto, H., Nagase, M., Chen, Q., & Sadakata, M. (2008). Oxidative decomposition of biomass tars by O- radicals from C12A7. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 41(12), 1143-1148
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Liang, Z., He, R., Chen, Q., Xu, X., & Sato, J. (2007). Fractal generation of char pores through random walk. Combustion Science and Technology. 179(3), 637-661
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., Yoshida, K., Yamamoto, H., Uchida, M., & Sadakata, M. (2007). Investigation on the application of C12A7 in flue gas desulfurization at low-moderate temperature. Energy and Fuels. 21(6), 3264-3269
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., He, R., Liang, Z., Xu, X., & Sato, J. (2007). Numerical simulations of gas diffusion and reaction in fractal pores during char combustion. Combustion Science and Technology. 179(4), 695-722
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., He, R., Liang, ZG., Xu, XC., & Chen, CH. (2005). A model-based phenomenological investigation of char combustion kinetics through thermogravimetry. Chinese Chemical Letters. 16(3), 393-396
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Liang, ZG., He, R., Chen, Q., & Xu, XC. (2005). Numerical simulation of desulfurization process with CaO at high temperature. Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering. 25(19), 71-74
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., He, R., Xu, X., Liang, Z., & Chen, C. (2004). Experimental study on pore structure and apparent kinetic parameters of char combustion in kinetics-controlled regime. Energy and Fuels. 18(5), 1562-1568
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Xu, X., Chen, Q., & Fan, H. (2003). The influence of high-temperature crystallite growth and petrography of pulverized char on combustion characteristics. Fuel. 82(7), 853-858
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.
He, R., Sato, J., Chen, Q., & Chen, C. (2002). Thermogravimetric analysis of char combustion. Combustion Science and Technology. 174(4), 1-18
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, Q.


Hedley, M., Camps-Arbestian, M., McLaren, S., Jones, J., & Chen, Q. (2021). A review of evidence for the potential role of biochar to reduce net GHG emissions from New Zealand agriculture. NZ MPI Submitted 180321. Yet to be officially released as of today (030421).
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Chen, Q., McLaren, S.
Jones, J., McLaren, S., & Chen, Q. (2020). Repurposing Grape Marc in marlborough: The Way Forward - from Assessment of Options to Next Steps. Marlborough District Council.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Chen, Q., McLaren, S.
Jones, JR., McLaren, S., Chen, Q., & Seraj, M. (2020). Research Report - Repurposing Grape Marc. Marlborough District Council.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Chen, Q., McLaren, S.


Mathew, M., Chen, Q., Jones, J., & Archer, R. (2021). On De-bottlenecking the Limiting Drying Rate and Energy Cost of Atmospheric Freeze Drying. Poster session presented at the meeting of NZIFST Conference 2021
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Archer, R., Chen, Q.
Wright, R., Chen, Q., & Jones, J. (2021, September). Energetics of tobacco and wood decomposition in anoxic conditions. Presented at CHEMECA 2021 Advance, Disrupt and Sustain. Virtual.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Jones, J., Chen, Q., Caco, N., Wright, R., Seraj, M., Eyres, G., . . . Yang, R. (2020, July). Project 4: Smoke Generator for Smoking Food. Presented at FIET Colloquium. Online.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., Jones, J., & Archer, R. (2020). A desiccant-dehumidification-driven atmospheric freeze drying process. Chemeca 2020. https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/informit.478550619450803: Chemeca 2020
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Archer, R., Chen, Q.
Jones, J., McLaren, S., Chen, Q., & Seraj, M. (2020). Options for repurposing grape marc in Marlborough, New Zealand. Chemeca 2020. https://search.informit.org/action/doSearch?AllField=Chemeca+2020&startPage=&ContribRaw=Jones%2C%20Jim: Chemeca 2020
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Chen, Q., McLaren, S.
Chen, Q., Jones, J., & Archer, R. (2019). Development of Atmospheric Freeze Drying. , NZIFST Annual Conference 2019
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Archer, R., Chen, Q.
Caco, N., Chen, Q., Jones, J., Ripberger, G., & Eyres, G. (2019). Bridging the Gap Between the Art and Science of Food Smoking. , NZIFST 2019
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Jones, J., Chen, Q., Ripberger, G., Caco, N., & Paterson, A. (2019). How much heat does pyrolysis of wood generate?. , Biochar and Bioenergy 2019
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Jones, J., Campos, ACPD., Caco, N., Bridges, R., Chen, Q., & Ripberger, G. (2019). The carbon footprint of small-scale biochar production. , Biochar and Bioenergy 2019 online
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Raju, R., Heyes, J., Archer, R., & Chen, Q.Drying behaviour of fermented Fijian Theobroma cacao using dehumidified air. AIP Conference Proceedings. 0094-243X.
[Conference]Authored by: Archer, R., Chen, Q.
Seraj, M., Jones, J., Chen, Q., & Ripberger, G. (2018). Frictional smoking of food. , NZIFST 2018 Food Innovation
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Jones, J., Eyres, G., Silcock, P., Archer, R., Chen, Q., Seraj, M., . . . Haris, A. (2018, June). Project 4 Smoke Generator. Presented at FIET Symposium 2018. Palmerston North.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Archer, R., Chen, Q.
Seraj, M., Jones, J., Ripberger, G., & Chen, Q. (2018). Smouldering limit if frictional heating of wood - pilot study. Chemeca Conference eBook : Conference publication : English. https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/INFORMIT.9781911446682: Chemeca 2018
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Ripberger, G., Jones, J., Chen, Q., Caco, N., & Paterson, T. (2018). Heat of primary pyrolysis for wood. Chemeca Conference eBook : Conference publication : English. https://search.informit.org/doi/abs/10.3316/informit.046494968105795: Chemeca 2018
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Caco, N., Jones, J., Chen, Q., Ripbereger, G., & Eyres, G. (2018). Precise determination of specific heat of culinary smoking wood by means of DSC (differential scanning calorimetry). eBook : Conference publication : English. Australia: Chemeca 2018
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., Archer, R., & Jones, J. (2017, July). Process optimisation of atmospheric freeze drying. Presented at NZIFST Conference 2017. Nelson, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Archer, R., Chen, Q.
Chen, Q., Zhang, X., Zhou, J., Sharifi, VN., & Swithenbank, J.Effects of Flue Gas Recirculation on Emissions from a Small Scale Wood Chip Fired Boiler. Energy Procedia. (pp. 65 - 68). 1876-6102.
[Conference]Authored by: Chen, Q.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Co-supervisor 1 2

Current Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Safiya Al Habsi - Doctor of Philosophy
    Prototype Digital Twin for Smart Refrigeration Systems and its Implementation for Blast Freezing and Cold Storage

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Merit Mathew - Doctor of Philosophy
    Rate controlling mechanisms in atmospheric freeze drying
  • 2023 - Rupantri Raju - Doctor of Philosophy
    Improving the quality of dried Theobroma cacao beans using a solar assisted desiccant-based dryer