
Ms Juliet Cayzer staff profile picture

Contact details +6469519151

Juliet Cayzer BVSc, DVCS

Research Support Veterinarian

Graduate Research School and Ethics

Juliet graduated from Massey in 1987. Following a residency in small animal medicine at Massey and completing a post graduate diploma, she worked in small animal practice. From 2003 to 2017 she worked for a contract research organisation as a Research Officer/Study Director, undertaking research projects using a range of animal species. Research standards included Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). She also chaired the animal ethics committee maintained by the organisation. From 2004 to 2017 she was employed part-time as Massey’s Animal Welfare Officer, prior to this becoming a full-time position.


Contact details

  • Ph: 9519151
    Location: 2.11, Collinson Village
    Campus: Turitea


  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science - 麻豆视频 (1987)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Science (with distinction) - 麻豆视频 (1990)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, VCNZ, Veterinary Council of New Zealand

Research Expertise


Animal Welfare

Animal Ethics

Research Outputs


Cayzer, J., Buckle, KN., Munday, JS., Ledgard, SF., Heiser, A., & Thatcher, A. (2018). Systemic granulomatous disease in dairy cattle during a dicyandiamide feeding trial. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 66(2), 108-113
[Journal article]Authored by: Cayzer, J., Munday, J.
Cayzer, J., & Jones, BR. (1993). Canine hyperadrenocorticism. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 41(2), 53-68
[Journal article]Authored by: Cayzer, J.
Jones, BR., Cayzer, J., Dillon, EA., & Smid, KP. (1991). Radio-iodine treatment of hyperthyroid cats. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 39(2), 71-74
[Journal article]Authored by: Cayzer, J.


May, BC., Irvine, SM., Cayzer, J., Todd, E., Negron, L., Floden, EW., . . . Ward, BR. (2011). A functional extracellular matrix biomaterial derived from ovine forestomach. In Wound Repair and Regeneration Vol. 19 (pp. A38 - A38). , The Wound Healing Society 21st Annual Meeting United States of America: Wiley-Blackwell
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Cayzer, J.