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Dr Michelle Lee MS, PhD, PostC

Senior Lecturer

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Psychology

Mostly interested in the big picture of an organization and specializing in multilevel approach, my research interests are in organizational culture, organizational climate, and organizational leadership and their effects on employee work processes and work outcomes. I have conducted studies and relate them with the job demands-resources model and have conducted many studies on work engagement. I am currently the Chair of Research and Development for Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work and will be embarking on a global psychosocial safety climate project 2022. I am currently working on job uncertainty studies and developing a specific learning climate scale. My other interests include retirement transition and work-life integration studies.

Dr Michelle Lee is a senior lecturer and postgraduate coordinator at 麻豆视频, School of Psychology. Graduated from University Malaya, her PhD was on organizational contexts and job resources. Her research interests include organizational climate, organizational leadership, organizational culture, job resources, and work engagement. She has published in several ISI journals such as International Journal Stress Management, Safety Science, Human Resource Development International, and Personnel Review. She is currently the chair of Research and Development, Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work (APAP-FAW) and an associate Editor for Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 

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Contact details

  • Location: 3-20, Level 3, Albany Village
    Campus: Auckland


  • Master of Science - University of Nottingham (2011)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Malaya (2017)
  • Postgraduate Certificate - University of Lancaster (2015)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Co-Supervisor, 麻豆视频
  • Licence, Supervisor, 麻豆视频

Research Expertise

Research Interests

organizational culture

organizational climate

organizational leadership

work engagement

job resources 

job performance


21st Century Citizenship, Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Industrial and Organisational Psychology (170107): Psychology (170100): Psychology And Cognitive Sciences (170000)


organizational culture, hierarchical culture, organizational leadership, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, empowering leadership, toxic leadership, benevolent leadership, paternalistic leadership, organizational climate, team climate, psychosocial safety climate, safety climate, work engagement, job resources, job demands resources, turnover intention, job performance, 

Research Outputs


Lin, MH., Lim, PK., Azalea, A., & Lee, MCC. (2024). Factors affecting career motivation of recent graduates: Career adaptability as a mediator. Career Development Quarterly.
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Zhang, RJ., Liu, JH., Lee, M., Lin, MH., Xie, T., Chen, SX., . . . Choi, SY. (2024). Continuities and discontinuities in the cultural evolution of global consciousness. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 379(1893)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hodgetts, D., Lee, M., Valdes, E.
Lee, MCC., Sim, BYH., & Tuckey, MR. (2024). Comparing effects of toxic leadership and team social support on job insecurity, role ambiguity, work engagement, and job performance: A multilevel mediational perspective. Asia Pacific Management Review. 29(1), 115-126
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Lee, MCC., Lin, MH., Srinivasan, PM., & Carr, SC. (2024). Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: new mediating roles for trustworthiness and trust in team leaders. Current Psychology. 43(11), 9567-9582
[Journal article]Authored by: Carr, S., Lee, M.
Lee, MCC., & Ding, AYL. (2024). The Relationship Between Market Culture, Clan Culture, Benevolent Leadership, Work Engagement, and Job Performance: Leader’s Dark Triad as a Moderator. Psychological Reports. 127(2), 887-911
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Lee, MCC., & Ding, AYL. (2023). Hierarchical Culture as a Cross-Level Moderator of the Relationship between Transformational Leadership, Performance Feedback, and Employee Job Performance. Merits. 3(3), 504-520 Retrieved from https://www.mdpi.com/2673-8104/3/3/30
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Lee, MCC., Kee, YJ., Lau, SSY., & Jan, G. (2023). Investigating aspects of paternalistic leadership within the job demands–resources model. Journal of Management and Organization. Publishe Online First, 1-20 Retrieved from https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-management-and-organization/article/investigating-aspects-of-paternalistic-leadership-within-the-job-demandsresources-model/818E2A7505D5DE870B9C25C0E584C423
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Lee, MCC., & Wo, SW. (2022). Learning from mistakes climate scale: Development and validation. Frontiers in Psychology. 13
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Syed-Yahya, SNN., Noblet, AJ., Idris, MA., & Lee, MCC. (2022). Examining the role of supervisory and co-worker safety support in mediating the relationship between safety climate and safety performance. Safety Science. 155
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Jan, G., Zainal, SRM., & Lee, MCC. (2021). HRM practices and innovative work behavior within the hotel industry in Pakistan: Harmonious passion as a mediator. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. 20(4), 512-541
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Dousin, O., Wei, CX., Balakrishnan, BKPD., & Lee, MCC. (2021). Exploring the mediating role of flexible working hours in the relationship of supervisor support, job and life satisfaction: A study of female nurses in China. Nursing Open. 8(6), 2962-2972
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Lee, MCC., & Ding, AYL. (2020). Comparing empowering, transformational, and transactional leadership on supervisory coaching and job performance: A multilevel perspective. PsyCh Journal. 9(5), 668-681
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Lee, MCC., Idris, MA., & Tuckey, M. (2019). Supervisory coaching and performance feedback as mediators of the relationships between leadership styles, work engagement, and turnover intention. Human Resource Development International. 22(3), 257-282
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Chin Chin Lee, M., & Lunn, J. (2019). Testing the relevance, proximal, and distal effects of psychosocial safety climate and social support on job resources: A context-based approach. Cogent Psychology. 6(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Lee, MCC., Idris, MA., & Delfabbro, PH. (2017). The linkages between hierarchical culture and empowering leadership and their effects on employees' work engagement: Work meaningfulness as a mediator. International Journal of Stress Management. 24(4), 392-415
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Lee, MCC., & Idris, MA. (2017). Psychosocial safety climate versus team climate: The distinctiveness between the two organizational climate constructs. Personnel Review. 46(5), 988-1003
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.
Lee, MCC., & Idris, MA. (2017). Job resources as a mediator between management trust climate and employees’ well-being: A cross-sectional multilevel approach. Asian Academy of Management Journal. 22(2), 27-52
[Journal article]Authored by: Lee, M.


Sim, BYH., Lee, M., Kwan, SSM., & Tuckey, M. (2021). The Relationship between Toxic Leadership, Job Insecurity, Workplace Bullying, and Turnover Intention. In P. D'Cruz, E. Noronha, & A. Mendonca (Eds.) Asian Perspectives on Workplace Bullying and Harassment. : Springer Nature
[Chapter]Authored by: Lee, M.
Lee, MCC., & Idris, MA. (2019). Psychosocial Safety Climate Within the Model of Proactive Motivation. In Psychosocial Safety Climate: A New Work Stress Theory. (pp. 149 - 168).
[Chapter]Authored by: Lee, M.
Lee, M., & Idris, MA. (2019). The presence of psychosocial safety climate in the theory of proactive motivation on employees’ job engagement and personal initiative. In Psychosocial Safety Climate A New Work Stress Theory. : Springer Nature
[Chapter]Authored by: Lee, M.

Consultancy and Languages


  • English
    Last used: Everyday
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • Mandarin
    Last used: Everyday
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • Bahasa Malaysia
    Last used: Everyday
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 3 0

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Mary Kennett - Doctor of Philosophy
    Investigating Trust in Leadership through the Lens of Unconscious Biases - A Physiological Perspective
  • Shuyu Zhang - Doctor of Philosophy
    Emotional Labour - Influence of Culture and Emotion Regulation, Recovery and Association with Work-Family Interface
  • Diff Puengtum - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Relationship between Organisational Shame Culture, Work Processes, and Work Outcomes in Thailand

Media and Links

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