
Ms Stephanie Cook staff profile picture

Contact details +6492136469

Stephanie Cook B.A., MLIS

Subject Librarian


I provide research and teaching support to the College of Health and the College of Sciences through reference support, research consultations, online and face-to-face information literacy workshops, library resources for Stream, and collection development. I also provide advice on publication impact, scholarly profiles, open access, and research data management.

Previously I have been a subject librarian for the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at the University of Auckland. I have also worked as a learning support services librarian, collaborating with faculty to integrate information literacy into the curriculum; academic skills advisor, providing online and face to face support for students; and most recently as an online learning designer.

I am one of the Health and Sciences Librarians.

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  • Bachelor of Arts - University of Auckland (1991)
  • Masters of Library and Information Studies - Victoria University (1998)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Cook, S., Nielsen, L., Baker, H., & Stewart, L. (2009, September). . In 10th International Congress on Medical Librarianship.

Cook, S., Reid, S., & Wang, L. (2013, October).  In 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity, Sydney, Australia (pp. 2-4).

McFall-McCaffery, J., & Cook, S. (2014).. In LIANZA Conference 2014-Pou Whakairo: Connect and Thrive.

McFall-McCaffery, J. T., & Cook, S. (2015). . THETA 2015-Create, Connect, Consume-Innovating today for tomorrow.



Research Outputs


Ingvaldsen, S., & Oberg, D. (Eds.) (2016). Media and Information Literacy in Higher Education: Educating the Educators. : Chandos Publishing
[Edited Book]Contributed to by: Cook, S.
Wang, L., & Cook, S. (2017). Staff Development Programs on Teaching Skills and Curriculum Integration of Academic and Information Literacy at the University of Auckland. In Media and Information Literacy in Higher Education: Educating the Educators. (pp. 107 - 118).
[Chapter]Authored by: Cook, S.


Baxter, K., Clarke, U., Mu, C., Cook, S., Smith, E., & McKeagg, S.Sampling Searching for Science – how we shifted from face-to-face to online workshops for postgraduate students during Covid-19 lockdown. . Online
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Baxter, K., Clarke, U., Cook, S., McKeagg, S., Mu, C.
Cook, S., Reid, S., & Wang, L.Speaking their language: A student-centered approach to translating university policies into interactive practice. 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity, Sydney, Australia. (pp. 2 - 4).
[Conference]Authored by: Cook, S.
McFall-McCaffery, J., & Cook, S.Connecting and thriving through integration: a (sP) acific example. LIANZA Conference 2014-Pou Whakairo: Connect and Thrive.
[Conference]Authored by: Cook, S.
Cook, S., Nielsen, L., Baker, H., & Stewart, L.Collaborate, innovate, change: Designing and delivering an information literacy programme to undergraduate nursing students. 10th International Congress on Medical Librarianship.
[Conference]Authored by: Cook, S.


Cook, S., Bingham, P., Reid, S., & Wang, X. (2015). Going’massive’: Learner engagement in a MOOC environment. THETA 2015-Create, Connect, Consume-Innovating today for tomorrow.
[Journal article]Authored by: Cook, S.